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Final Fantasy: Skies of Chaos (The 'Obligitory' Fanboy Remake)


Should FF Be Dropped From The Name?

Nah. Go ahead, make another fangame.
Yeah. It doesn't really add or take away from the game.
Um... Take your pick.

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Level 84
Not to be predictable, but...
Final Fantasy: Skies Of Chaos

   This is my first VX game, even though I’ve been using RPG Makers since 2000 came out. I never ever thought of making one to publish to a community until I joined RMRK not too long ago. After that, I started thinking: What would be a game that I could commit to, that people would try?
   An original idea was almost out of the question, since I’m not very well known, or known at all, I needed people to see what I could do first. So I asked what game I could make with the VX RTP?
   The obvious answer was a fan game. But remaking, or making a sequel to an old RPG may have been tough, because I would have had to gather all of the resources.
   Then, I thought of the games that were always in the same series, but never had any strong ties together, save for their name.
   Final Fantasy!
   Making this game did two things for me:
   One, is that it gave me a solid base of people who would try it. Any Square fan will try a fan game, especially while they’re waiting for the next in the series. (Will FF XIII ever come out?) Even if they only played it to tell it me it didn’t stack up, at least they could see my work.
   Second, is that it did almost all of my spells for me. FF games have a very strict spell base, for the most part, especially the older ones, and these spells have been modelled by many professional commercial RPGs, so mine wouldn’t be too different.
   So here you go, some background info on Final Fantasy: Skies of Chaos:

Spoiler for:
When the great nation of Arpathia gained the power of flight from a mystical jewel set atop a dangerous tower, their greatest craftsman began building structures to harness this power.
   The result: Airships, what would become known to nearby nations as the ‘Great Beasts of the Sky.’
   With these airships, Arpathia travelled to lands that the rough seas would not allow, and the result was that in a few short years, the country of Arpathia was rich with foreign food, money, and influences.
   But there was one secret: All knew that if the jewel atop the tower was ever removed, the airships would lose their power, and plummet to the ground.
   Nevertheless, they weren’t ready when the jewel was stolen.

   75 Years after this tragedy, in the small town of Zamyra, on the eastern continent of Denora, an entire ocean away from the once magnificent land of Arpathia, a young man, Tallen, was beginning his slow ascension through his schooling. One day, a mysterious man entered the school, and revealed secrets that warped Tallen’s view on his life. Threatened with death, Tallen must flee his quiet home and embark on a quest to restore his bloodline’s respect, and find a long missing father...

Spoiler for:
I have been focusing mainly on the maps. Thus far, the characters are as follows:
   Tallen: A young man living a boring life in Zamyra. When a mysterious stranger visits his home and tells him secrets of his family’s past, and threatens him with death, Tallen must embark on a quest to restore lost honour to his family, and go in search of a father he has never known.

   Adrik: Tallen’s best friend in Zamyra. He is almost an exact copy of Tallen: adventurous, bold, witty, and inattentive in class. He and his family are forced to flee Zamyra after the stranger threatens Tallen, and though he has been longing for the day he leaves his boring life, Adrik is loathe to say goodbye to the
only life he has ever known.

Spoiler for:
As I mentioned earlier, because this is my first game, I decided to use only the RTP, to see what I could do with it. There are some slight (somewhat poor) editing jobs done, but aside from that, I have not imported any new graphics.

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Hoping to find somewhere where I can get authentic FF music. The RTP just won’t cut it for this. The music is horrendous.

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Here are some early shots of the game! Things are going really smoothly, so the demo should be along pretty soon.                                                                                     

Spoiler for:
Nearly done. Looking for some people to do preliminary tests before it is released to the masses.

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An FF Styled CMS
An FF Styled CBS
In-depth story (hopefully), with many unexpected plot twists.
Side-quests with a length, depth and amount that is totally FF.
Enough hours of game play to be considered worthy to the FF name.

Need Help With (If You Can, Or Know Someone Who Might):
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The CMS (Found a useable one, but would still like one more attuned to this project)
Database (Enemies that resemble something out of a true FF game, weapon names that echo an FF game)

Completed So Far:
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Story: 6%
Mapping: 45%
Eventing: 8%
Database: 12%

Recently Done:
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Added some screenshots to RMRK
Finished Story Up To 3rd Day
Began Tallen's Quest

To Do Next:
Spoiler for:
Work On Database (Add Spells, Items and Weapons)
Add New Characters
Complete Tallen’s Quest Up To Chaorix (Second Town)
Release Demo

The demo, (when its released) will encompass the game’s intro, first three dungeons, and main storyline up until Tallen’s arrival in Chaorix.

I’ll give you guys an update ASAP. I want this game out fast, but I want it to be good as well.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2009, 01:46:01 PM by nighthawk282 »

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

All the greats started out as n00bs. The n00b you trash today may be the n00b you worship tomorrow.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Awesome. Another Final Fantasy fan game that has nothing to do with Final Fantasy.

Level 84
Is a New Zealander
Cut Final Fantasy from the title.

(Also, why is "remake" in the title?)
I'm much too lazy to put an actual signature here.

Resource Artist
Level 94
Project of the Month winner for June 2009
that's just the title of the topic dude.

Level 84
Is a New Zealander
I release that, but remake implies it's been made before.
I'm much too lazy to put an actual signature here.

Resource Artist
Level 94
Project of the Month winner for June 2009
Probably just referring to a FF in general

Level 84
Not to be predictable, but...
sorry, guys, I meant fanboy spinoff. That's all it really is. And just in general, how many FF games actually relate to each other? Its an honest question, because I don't know any stories, (save for X and X-2) that are actually related. Technically, I could take the FF out of the title and just call it Skies Of Chaos, but I felt a spinoff of the series would be the best idea for me at this point in time.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

All the greats started out as n00bs. The n00b you trash today may be the n00b you worship tomorrow.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Having "Final Fantasy" in your game's title isn't going to make it any better. It's kind of counter-productive, actually, because there are so many people who get RM for the first time and their first idea is to make a Final Fantasy game. Do something original and stand out from the crowd.

Level 84
Not to be predictable, but...
Really, it started out as an original project, using the RTP, but because I always have trouble with skill names, I placed Final Fantasy in the title to give it, like I said earlier, a spark of recognition, as well as basically create my entire spell list for me. This would have gone the other way if I had of simply used the spell names, people would have said 'those spell names are a direct life from FF.'

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

All the greats started out as n00bs. The n00b you trash today may be the n00b you worship tomorrow.

pokeball joyOfflineFemale
Level 85
I heard the voice of the salt in the desert
2012 Best RPG Maker User (Mapping)Project of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)2011 Best RPG Maker User (Mapping)2011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)Winner - 2011 Winter Project of the Season2010 Best RPG Maker User (Mapping)2010 Best RPG Maker User (Graphical)2010 Best Artist2014 Best RPG Maker User - Mapping2014 Best RPG Maker User - Graphics2014 Best Artist2013 Best RPG Maker User (Mapping)2013 Best RPG Maker User (Graphical)2010 Most Deserving Of A Promotion2010 Most Attractive Female Member
Does it really matter if the spell names are the same? I mean...fire is fire...Square doesn't own the name fire.

Seriously, I know I can't muster up enough interest in anything that's a spinoff, no matter how good or pretty it may be.

Level 84
Not to be predictable, but...
I have, after thinking about it, removed FF from the title, because this input is totally correct. I knew I joined this for a reason, and your guys input is it. Seriously, thanks guy, you rock.  :blizj:

Edit: Demo is nearing completion. Just looking for a couple of people to do a sort of beta test for it before I release the link. Drop me a line in this thread if you're interested.

Edit2: Due to my inability to find a CMS or CBS to fit this game, it is been put on hold.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2009, 01:48:22 PM by nighthawk282 »

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

All the greats started out as n00bs. The n00b you trash today may be the n00b you worship tomorrow.