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Would you like me to release my first game?

Don't post it
0 (0%)
Go for it
4 (57.1%)
I don't really care
2 (28.6%)
1 (14.3%)

Total Members Voted: 7

Voting closed: April 27, 2009, 11:29:44 PM

0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.

Level 83
OK, I am fairly new to RPG Maker XP, but I surprisingly understand it. I have learned from experience that noobs, if you will, cannot make a serious game worth a crap. Therefore I am making a joke game. I have differed somewhat from the database. I have created some of my own enemies, and recreated the weapons section/classes section (Thanks Icon Shop ;)). It is based off of the price of eggs in China. Literally. Also, I have it set up perfectly for a sequel (A unique conversion system. Bring your old save file to the sequel for extra benefits). But I have one problem: Do you even care? Please vote. I will finish my game hopefully by the 27th. If you want to see it, then vote for it. If not, vote against it. There's even an option if you don't care. Please vote. Opinion needed. If it is a tie, I will post it. Thank you for your time. I would post the demo, but I was stupid enough to upload it wrong, and I deleted it.

Level 84
Is a New Zealander
OSI's new album is coming out on the 27th. This could be two peices of great news - provided your game is good.

Only one way to tell.

Release it, otherwise it's useless. Finish it and get some crit. I'm normally all for a humour game in any case.
I'm much too lazy to put an actual signature here.

Level 83
I guess i'll post it. Don't even know why I made this poll >.<

Level 84
Not to be predictable, but...
i agree, posting a poll was a...
different idea...
however, joke games are always fun (as long as the jokes are good) so i would have to say go for it.
i'm looking forward to seeing this one done, so good luck with it.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

All the greats started out as n00bs. The n00b you trash today may be the n00b you worship tomorrow.

Level 83
I extended it to...whenever. The database took longer to make than I expected, the music also took long because i'm going solo this time. But rest assured, when it is done, a side quest will involve killing Rick Astley.