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Symphony of Alderra: Memoirs of Life

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Level 89
I am yourself!
Actually, this is an old project. After removing the old topic that abandoned and retiring from my absence for some time, I decide to continue it with brand new idea and systems.

"Everything started with understanding and ignorance will end it."
2880 years after earth catastrophe, the world of Alderra, which is a "parallel" world of the old earth that destroyed after thermonuclear wars, face its first global-scale conflict in 2880 A.C. (After Catastrophe) after assassination of Kingdom of Sayate's Emperor. Condition get worse after United People's Republic of Unislav invade Reichland-Al-Mulk borders. Common people think these events are separated, but some others not...

Characters (currently)
Sthrattoff von Shutroheim
A young assassin specialized in using various sniper rifle. Have no relative, he was found on an abandoned incinerator in Reichland. His "Family" picked and raised him, in the ways of Assassins.

Lunilync Frei
Sthrattoff's twin brother, but passed away few moments after his birth. Childish and Egoist. He show himself sometimes in form of a ghost.

About the Project
Now talking about the project. Actually I can't do this alone. I need graphical artist especially for character sprites. From this thread I wish to invite some of my friends here, they are:
  • Blizzard
  • nevfx
  • Tsunokiette
and some others that I think can help:
  • LandOfShadow
  • Zeriab
  • Irock
  • Modern Algebra
but I open this project to everyone that wish to help. I really appreciate and looking forward for your participation on projects.

That is all I can describe for now.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 04:49:21 AM by Sthrattoff »
Symphony of Alderra : Memoirs of Life

Storyline : 200% (Overimaginatives)
Scripting : 100% (At last...)
Eventing  : 100%
Mapping   : 0.125%

Level 84
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Heh, interesting. I know you said that this is all you can describe right now, but I do want to hear more. I'm assuming the game has a certain political flavoring to it?

In anycase, interesting.

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Most Mature Member2010 Favourite Staff Member
Good to see you again Sthrattoff :) This project is intriguing - I hope you have a goo time with it. Also, Blizzard is now almost exclusively at his own site: chaosproject.co.nr

Level 89
I am yourself!
Updated with additional character that "ready" to be published.

@modern algebra: do you mind help me with this project?
Symphony of Alderra : Memoirs of Life

Storyline : 200% (Overimaginatives)
Scripting : 100% (At last...)
Eventing  : 100%
Mapping   : 0.125%

Level 89
Koopa Troopa!
Interesting. You've caught my imagination. I'm hoping you'll post up some more information on the story soon aswell. Good luck with this.

Level 89
I am yourself!

Finished features so far:
  • Victory Points System
  • Bank System with multicurrency

And planned features in progress:
  • Day/Night System with lamp effects
  • Animated map
  • NEW! Tactical Battle System
  • NEW! Ammo System

Any other idea to implement?
« Last Edit: February 21, 2009, 12:32:12 AM by Sthrattoff »
Symphony of Alderra : Memoirs of Life

Storyline : 200% (Overimaginatives)
Scripting : 100% (At last...)
Eventing  : 100%
Mapping   : 0.125%

Level 89
Koopa Troopa!
Care to explain what you mean by 'animated map'?

As for other systems...You've got an ammo system or at least got one planned, right?

Level 89
I am yourself!
What I mean with Animated Map is the entire tileset will be animated, so you will see tree leaves blown by wind, etc.

Yeah, you remind me! Thanks! Ammo system. But I need to find a TBS first, so I can adjust the Ammo system fit with it.
Symphony of Alderra : Memoirs of Life

Storyline : 200% (Overimaginatives)
Scripting : 100% (At last...)
Eventing  : 100%
Mapping   : 0.125%

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Horrible title.

Level 89
Koopa Troopa!
I've got a TBS stashed away somewhere.

*Blows the dust off my script folder.*

I've got two.

- GTBS (Animated and non-animated)

I think they should be your first port of call. If I remember rightly...ZTBS is easier to customise, but I'm not quite sure.

Level 89
I am yourself!
Weird name with unconventional storyline. Don't judge a book by it's cover.

@ShellShocked: Maybe I'll use Nick's TBS. I get used to it and it is very flexible and use no SDK.

I'm developing an othello minigame.
Symphony of Alderra : Memoirs of Life

Storyline : 200% (Overimaginatives)
Scripting : 100% (At last...)
Eventing  : 100%
Mapping   : 0.125%

Level 89
Koopa Troopa!
Alright. Good luck with this project. Been waiting for someone to make a decent TBS game. If you need any help, I'm sure I can lend a hand.

Level 89
I am yourself!
Talking about othello game, do someone know how to make an AI?
Symphony of Alderra : Memoirs of Life

Storyline : 200% (Overimaginatives)
Scripting : 100% (At last...)
Eventing  : 100%
Mapping   : 0.125%

Level 84
Is a New Zealander
Othello = Reversi, yes?

If so; a simple yet effective Reversi strategy is to try and capture the four corners of the board. If you made the AI try to achieve that it should prove a semi-challenge.
I'm much too lazy to put an actual signature here.

Level 96
2013 Best ArtistParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Game Creator (Non-RM Programs)~Bronze - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for December 2009Project of the Month winner for August 20082011 Best Game Creator (Non RM)Gold - GIAW Halloween
Weird name with unconventional storyline. Don't judge a book by it's cover.

@ShellShocked: Maybe I'll use Nick's TBS. I get used to it and it is very flexible and use no SDK.

I've used Nick's TBS, and I have to warn you, there is a huuuuuuuuuuge bug.
Sometimes you'll get a pathfinding error, which is completely unavoidable.

Nick also doesn't support his TBS anymore, so it won't be fixed unless you can find a third party patch.

I switched to ZTBS for my own game, and it works fine, GTBS is also a great option, with a lot more as far as battle mechanics go.  If I ever make another TBS, I'd use Gubid's

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon

Level 89
I am yourself!

Maybe I'll use GTBS, but I think I will heavily modify it. So I can't promise the demo will available soon, but don't worry, I'm working on it (even when I'm doing final exams).

Symphony of Alderra : Memoirs of Life

Storyline : 200% (Overimaginatives)
Scripting : 100% (At last...)
Eventing  : 100%
Mapping   : 0.125%