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Map Composition Feedback

Started by Farplane Dragon, February 09, 2009, 02:49:28 PM

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Farplane Dragon

So, I haven't really had time to plan out any actual games, so I figured I'd just mess around a bit making some random maps, and I'm having some trouble. Before I continue I should say, yes, I realize I haven't added any NPC's yet, but that's not really my issue. I guess I'll just post shots of what I've done so far.


First map I ever did, honestly, I thought it sucked, especially the building, so I decided to redo it. It just felt too empty and bland to me.


2nd version of that map, I think it's better, though it still seems kind of empty to me.


That's supposed to be the inside of the building from that map. Honestly, I just don't like it, it's seems too symetrical and empty, even though it's supposed to be kind of run down.


I had a few months go by before I tried this one. It's just supposed to be a little town or something, It's......okay. The building in the bottom left looks weird, and all in all, it just seems kind of bland and empty.


That was something I threw together in 10 minutes real fast last night while I was waiting for a phone call. Given the short amount of time I spent, I guess I can't complain too much, but I don't know.

I guess where I need help, is looking back at what I've done so far, it seems like my maps are only half-done. I guess my issue is that aside from adding some NPC's, I really have no idea how to finish off a map. Yeah, I know, get the main areas mapped out, then go back and start adding all the small details. I have no idea what kind of things to add though, especially since I haven't had a chance to find and download any map packs or anything for VX and am just stuck with the default set at the moment. 

So, what I'm basically looking for, is some comments good or bad about what I've managed to do so far, mistakes I've made, etc, and how I can add some of the finishing touches to maps like these.


they seem a bit empty, I suppose, though I really can't say too much as far as VX maps go, since I'm an RMXP user.

I can, however, point you to a good mapping tut :)

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modern algebra

Making attractive maps in VX is hard, but one tip I can give for outdoors areas is use the tall grass generous - it fills up space well and usually feels natural. Don't make them all the same of course, and you can put things like flowers in the middle of them to make them more unique. Anyway, I think you're off to a good start. This thread probably could've been posted in the screenshot thread.