You know what annoys me? (Everything?) When lyric sites can't get it right. You have any idea how hard it is to find accurate lyrics for Sean Paul songs? So few people know what he's actually saying.
Not just Sean Paul though. I have this problem with all kinds of lyrics. Like just now, I was looking up "Hash Pipe" by Weezer, and there's ONE line that websites just can't make up their minds on.
Oh, come on and kick me.
Oh, come on and kick me.
(Oh.) Come on and kick me.
(Oh.) You’ve got your problems;
(Oh.) I’ve got my ass wipe
(Oh.) You’ve got your big G's;
I’ve got my hash pipe.
Oh, come on and kick me
Oh, come on and kick me
Come on and kick me
Youve got your problems
Ive got my ass wipe
Youve got your big cheese
Ive got my hash pipe
Oh, come on and kick me
Oh, come on and kick me
Come on and kick me
You've got your problems
I've got my ass wide
You've got your big jeans
I've got my hash pipe
The bolded line: Which is it, dammit!?
Lyrics websites are just too commercialized. They don't care about accuracy, they just want to bring in random internet browsers so they can get more spam websites to buy ad-space from them. Is there a lyrics forum site out there? Some place that exists for the sole purpose of bringing in accurate song lyrics? I'm already a member at too many forum sites, but if there's one for lyrics, I'll frickin' join it.
Also, which bolded line is correct? Anybody familiar with this song?