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Cry of the Fox

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Level 84

Currently working on:
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I'm staying a bit vague for the sake of keeping the story hidden. I will however reveal more later on. If you are impatient check out my blog
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Around 25 years
Jax can only be described as one way, as Jax.That's who he is and no one or nothing will change that.  He sets his own rules and values and doesn't care if it's against the law or not. You are with him or you are against him. Jax never had many friends and the ones he does have are his most precious possession. He would do anything for them even put his life on the line.

Dwane Adriac
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28 years
Although he might seem young, Dwane's life has been eventful and he had to grow up way too soon. He took over his father's role in the family after his death. He, his mother, his grandfather, his sister Kela and Jax, an orphan found by his mother, live together in the slums of Askarin. Although Dwane and Jax both care for their friends, Dwane would rather stay out of trouble.
Kela Adriac
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19 years
This girl has only one dream, to become happy. Her life has been one big mess andher family has done everything to protect her, but she wants to choose her own path. Kela might seem weak and fragile but don't be fooled by her looks, Kela Adriac is one sharp shooter.

Louis Carpenter
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43 years
A scholar turned entertainer, Louis the Magnificent chases fame and glory, singing songs of corruption and deceit. However his notes strike a bad chord with the Topas Officials. And trying to avoid his enemies, Louis moves from town to town. His travels brought him once again to Askarin where he decides to pay an old friend a life changing visit.
Lukas Xaver
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51 years
Lukas Xaver is the Marshal of the Askarin Guard. He has fought many battles, butthis one is really wearing on him. His quest to find a vigilante called Fox has been fruitless. He doesn't sleep, doesn't eat and sees things that no man can explain. However the true question remains if what's happening to him is what it seems to be.
The Fox
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No one really knows who the Fox is, or what he's out to accomplish. A wannabee hero who's armed with speed and the cloak of night, the Fox brings justice to the unabled.However Fox has ruined more lifes than he has saved and with each wrong move the Askarin Guard gains another ally to bring him down for good.
Ector de Loas
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Ector is the Duke of Topas. He has ruledTopas ever since the death of his brother and has done so with a bit controversy. Ector has many supporters and those who areagainst him don't dare to speak out. Above all Ector's quest is to finish his brother's work to clean Topas of all magic.
Minor Cast
(only names)
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Alfred Martilles
Aragne Argaes
Drol Facebasher
Flint Vaal
Jacob Adriac
Minister Manter Alfredo
Orelia Argaes
Paliant Vantar
The Empty One
The Keeper
Veronica Martilles

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I will not reveal too much of the stort instead I will try and give you some information on the setting:

Cry of the Fox is set in the world Averta. Averta has 5 major regions:

The Duchy of Topas
The Principality of Pharion
The Theocratie of Demenor
Ryan Empire
Darmorian Kingdom

Most of the game takes place in Topas, but we will visit the other regions too.
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Currrent Team
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Prof. Meow Meow


Ryan A
Ookie Panda
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I am currently looking for a databaser. Someone who will help me handle the more difficults parts of the database.
I'm looking for someone who:
-Knows his/her way around the database.
-Can think outside the box.
-Has some previous rm experience.
I want you to apply via PM. Send me a PM motivating why you want to help me with this project.
Don't forget to tell me about previous experience and most importantly!
I cannot judge you without a sample of your work.

Spoiler for:
Famitsu Generator
KGC/Mr. Anonymous: Various Scripts
Yanfly: Various Scripts
Mithran: Various Scripts
Title Screen/Duke Ector Sprite: Blake Ezra
Logo: Hanzo Kimura
Windowskin: Aindra
Sprite Recolours:Enelvon/Tatanya
Flag design: Kalez
Topic looks: Kalikya
Proofreading: Solistra
Milano Cat: Battlers
Playtesting demo:
Ookie Panda
The Original Wij

Support this project by adding this to your signature. It is very very much appreciated.

Code: [Select]

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This is the first real demo to my project. It provides around 30 minutes of gameplay and introduces
some gameplay aspects. However I must note that the focus of the demo lies in the plot and the gameplay
is mostly added to introduce the systems I'm going to be using. I plan on releasing a more balanced demo later on.
The database isn't that balanced and therefor the battles can be quite frustrating. I'm going to review the database soon
with someone who actually knows how to do that. In any way I hope you enjoy it and forgive me for any type of frustrations the playthrough of this demo might cause:
« Last Edit: June 10, 2010, 05:53:43 PM by Sander »

Level 84
I just released a small second teaser, enjoy!

Level 91
Queen Princess
2013 Most Missed Member2012 Most Missed Member;o hee hee <3For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki
That's some sweet VX mapping. Can't say the story clicks for me immediately, but it sounds good enough. Good luck~
:taco: :taco: :taco:

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Most Mature Member2010 Favourite Staff Member
Yeah, the mapping is great.

I also think the storyline has a lot of places to go, but it does sound kind of like Gray Fox from Oblivion ~ I would also try to avoid falling too easily into a Robin Hood type scenario and making it a little more complex morally, but I think it is an excellent foundation wherever you go with it. Good luck.

Level 84
Again, the Gray Fox?
Lol.. I've got this comment several times.. Yet up until this moment I didn't play oblivion.
Nor did I hear of the Gray Fox when I wrote this down.

Don't worry I've got the story ready now, I'm not going to focus too much on the Robin Hood type,
he's more of an intro to the world, it'll take a surprising route when it is revealed who Fox is.

Also note the small "Storyline" tag is the real basis, the characters form the story, as it will be a story
with several viewpoints as I try to avoid the "Big Evil Guy" cliché.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2009, 09:50:10 PM by Sander »

Level 84

Well actually a complete overhaul. New maps. New facesets. The only thing kept the same is the plot. And even the plot is rewritten in certain instances. I'm still working in team and I can say that after 1 year of posting in this topic, I can be proud that I still got most of the people I work with.

One year ago this topic was chaotic and what was posted was the beginnings of the project. I have to admit even though development is slowly it is surely.

Other notes are the demo.
It's a demo, this means it's not bugfree and a lot of bugs have been noted and reported. However the game is playable from start to end and by the end of this month I'll have a redone demo released.

Lastly I would like to put out an advert for a Databaser. Someone who's good with using the databasing. And also good with coming up with names for weapons and items and monsters and skills. The person has to be able to think out of the box. Scripting experience is not needed but a plus as The Original Wij has written some scripts for this project and it might be handy to know a few things of scripts yourselves.

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Most Mature Member2010 Favourite Staff Member
Wow, looks very impressive. I will be trying the demo soon for sure!

Level 84
Thank you MA. For moving it first of all. But also for actually taking a look at it and commenting on it. I'm happy that you like the look of the game. I had to do a lot of thinking about the right style. I didn't want to go with grunchy dark, but since the theme of the plot going with a light look would have an even worse effect. So I decided to go for a colourscheme in black and blue. And the game itself are normal maps with added fogs to keep the maps interesting.

Oh and I got some art to show off. My artist (Gyro)Wolf (he goes by both Wolf and Gyrowolf, or in some cases D-Pad) loves to draw the characters. So he decided, and I'm not holding him to it. But he started making a large portrait of the main characters. (Each of them individually).

He has done two by now:
Dwane Adriac:
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The Fox:
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Besides that we are experimenting with a cutscene system unlike other games. Due to the lack of tilesets and the nature of the plot certain scenes seemed to really hard to portray. Especially emotional scenes with no dialogue.

So Gyrowolf drew a fullscreen picture of a cutscene in the game.
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Also I just have to say this. I love the forum's background. It makes my logo look so good.
I know; I'm a random person. But quite frankly, I don't care.