Thank you MA. For moving it first of all. But also for actually taking a look at it and commenting on it. I'm happy that you like the look of the game. I had to do a lot of thinking about the right style. I didn't want to go with grunchy dark, but since the theme of the plot going with a light look would have an even worse effect. So I decided to go for a colourscheme in black and blue. And the game itself are normal maps with added fogs to keep the maps interesting.
Oh and I got some art to show off. My artist (Gyro)Wolf (he goes by both Wolf and Gyrowolf, or in some cases D-Pad) loves to draw the characters. So he decided, and I'm not holding him to it. But he started making a large portrait of the main characters. (Each of them individually).
He has done two by now:
Dwane Adriac:
The Fox:
Besides that we are experimenting with a cutscene system unlike other games. Due to the lack of tilesets and the nature of the plot certain scenes seemed to really hard to portray. Especially emotional scenes with no dialogue.
So Gyrowolf drew a fullscreen picture of a cutscene in the game.
Also I just have to say this. I love the forum's background. It makes my logo look so good.
I know; I'm a random person. But quite frankly, I don't care.