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Potential Game

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Rep: +0/-0Level 84
Alrightt.. i've been planning this story for a long time, and i've got it fully planned and ready to be gamed.. plus 3/4 of the resources i'd need. The thing is.. that you know how this is.. is a big commitment and takes you loads of time and effort.. so i'm hesitating. But if some people would be interested on playing it, i'd might just end up doing it.. So I'm gonna write a brief summary of the plot.. and await for any reply.

Here it goes:

Spoiler for:
in the begining of time, men wielded magic skills and inmortality. Dragons were god's guardians of his world and watched over humans. when a corrupt king tries to sieze god's power protected by dragons he stars a hunting. Dragons go berserk and threat to destroy the world. God is forced to unleash his Archangel army to cleanse the Dragons. the resulting war extinted dragons and men was punished for his sins, and rid of his gifts. 
centuries later, The world is devided into 5 kingdoms and subhumans creatures dwell
the rest of the continent. History has been mistold through the generations, and only a selected few know the real story. In this epoch folk tales and even the cloth tell of a great and noble king from the past who defeated foul beasts aeons ago.

What seemed to be a failed uprise in one of this kingdoms.. will turn out to be a great
threat to all the known world, when the warlock behind the frustrated rebelion discovers that old king's legacy accidentaly, during his imprisoning.. He now plans to reclaim his quest and unleash a terrible slummbering power long forgoten.


Dark warriors from the old age will be awaken and avengefully clash with the outpowered, yet brave, knigths from this age.. who will have to atone for the sins of their ancestors, endure brutal retributions from a past they didn't know even existed, and discover every
hidden truth of their mysterious world unfolded durging this conflict.
A fellowship with the bravest warriors from every kingdom is assembled to try and stop this power from ever being awakened. A rally full of suspense and trickstery will be triggered. The protagonist, Dherk, is one of its members. He is a knight from a minor house with little political nor military influence.. but his keen mentor strongly believes he could be the heir to God's chosen champion, the Man who defeated the dark king in the past age.

Lead this warrior to survive an overwhelming ordeal suddendly imposed uppon him, through a path of blood and sacrifice, of war and alliance, of surprise and discovery
which will break every paradigm and betray every believe they had until now about their god, their linage and their world.
Lead Dherk to claim his glory,to redim mankind.. to Fulfill his destiny.

So that was the story with as little spoilers as possible. If you think is Cliche or generic I GUARANTEE the plot is full of twists and surprises which are eventually revealed. I do promise some hard-work mapping, unique and fresh-looking characters and an interesting aesthetic for the world in which the story unfolds.. Cold-blooded wars and a sorta dark-mood. Also not the standart display of mythology.. Lots of new combinations and even some made up features and races. The character design is where i worked the most, and they won't be just some pixl balls you drag arround, but they'll be as sentient as possible, with deep and different background stories, flaws and dreams.

I also attach an image of the charactes, which i mostly edited myself using the standart, downloaded, VX or even of my own craft charasets.. to give an idea of the resources. They are not necesarily the main characters, but some of the ones i worked on the most. The blonde knight with the brown robe and then in the white and blue armour IS the main character though.

Okay so I plan to use:
-The Strategic and on the map Battle system...
-Around 12 playable characters which will rotate through the story and according to player's decitions..
-8 Dungeons
-A unique weapon system in which the heroes upgrade their weapons instead of just tosing it for a new one.

... So that's pretty much it.. if you think the story is promissing, and you would give a try.. I will start working on it.

Resident 12-Year-Old Idiot
Level 83
I'm not paid to understand any of this.
Interesting idea...

I'd play it.

Spoiler for:
Why do we just toss aside our old weapons like day-old cabbage? It's like in Fable; you never use the stick as a weapon again. But you know it's there. Watching you, waiting...

RMRK's dad
Level 86
You know, I think its all gonna be okay.
For going the distance for a balanced breakfast.Project of the Month winner for June 2009For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki2013 Best WriterSilver Writing ReviewerSecret Santa 2013 Participant
fuzz, please see the following:


Just trying to be helpful. Peace and hair grease.

Level 84
It's amazing how members just fly in and break the rules like, two minutes after they join and after a warning, they just won't learn.

RMRK's dad
Level 86
You know, I think its all gonna be okay.
For going the distance for a balanced breakfast.Project of the Month winner for June 2009For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki2013 Best WriterSilver Writing ReviewerSecret Santa 2013 Participant
He's young, yet. He will learn....

I hope. :-\

Level 84
He's young, yet. He will learn....

I hope. :-\
I'm younger than him.
I learned. :-\

RMRK's dad
Level 86
You know, I think its all gonna be okay.
For going the distance for a balanced breakfast.Project of the Month winner for June 2009For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki2013 Best WriterSilver Writing ReviewerSecret Santa 2013 Participant
Well... you know... some people are just late bloomers. ;)