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[2k/2k3] Tools and Patches MK.II

Started by Nessiah, December 20, 2008, 01:41:05 AM

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Tools that are god sent:

This tool is useful to fit your words in the rpgmaker text box.

Rm2k/3 Font fix
Fixes font problems.

Image Positioner:

This tool allows you to move an image on the screen using your mouse, and then copy and paste the x and y positions into RPG Maker for the Picture to be shown at this position. This tool is not only compatible with RM2k(3), but also with XP and VX.

Mass Importer

This tool can be used to import a whole bunch of files into your RM2k(3) project at once. And not only that, it will try to automatically determine in which category each image belongs by looking at the image size. Can import to PNG or XYZ. Allows you to choose the transparent color. Automatically converts images to 256 colors, using one of a set of predefined dithering filters.

Image Converter 2000

Does convert from PNG to XYZ and the other way round. Simply drag & drop files into the list box.
This is one of the few programs that can set a different compression level for xyz files.

No Row RM2k3 Patch by Cherry:,33005.0.html

Power Mode

- Instructions and Manual inside, this allows you to skip title screen, use square roots, mouse patch, etc.
- Do not use the first 9 variables or the exe will give out an error.
- Variable 1 should be set to 255 to make a player "Load" their save

Rm2k3 Goliath+David Patch by Aten
David (1024x768 Resolution) :
Goliath (1240xSomething) :

This time it allows you to have 120 pictures as well (David only here, not enough bandwith to download goliath, topic is at GW)

[spoiler=The Changes]


* Hero's name can be 30 characters long

* Experience curve can go between 2000 and -2000, which means you can make FF8 type of level up system, no problems!

* Skills, conditions and Attributes fields have been ENLARGED ;)


* nothing changed


* nothing changed


* Monsters names can be 20 characters long

* Max HP can now be 9999999 that's about  ONE BILLION compared to the default 99999 (one hundred thousand)

* Max MP, STR, DEF, INT can now be 9999 instead of 999

* Max AGILITY can now go upto 255, because higher values will make the game ATB bars go REALLY SLOW.

* Monsters can now drop 9999999 EXP and 999999 Money


* Trust me. You'll LOVE this tab  :cool:


* made so that attributes can go up to 2000 and -2000 ON ANY RANK. Yes, this means ANY RANK CAN NOW HEAL INSTEAD OF DAMAGE  :cool:


* nothing changed


* enlarged "effect timing" box

* you can now make animations up to 9999 Frames long!!


* Trust me. You'll LOVE this tab also ;)


* nothing changed at all


* Message box patch done

* Money/EXP remove/add amount set to 999999

* Event editor is now GYNORMOUS

* Item dropdown box in now loooooonger

* BGM TEMPO can now be really FAST or really SLOOOOW

And that's it! Enjoy RPGMAKING!

EVERY ARRAY IN THE MAKER can now go up to 9999.

Yup. 9999 switches, 9999 variables, 9999 heroes whatever you want! Link at the bottom.[/spoiler]


Resources Stuff

RM Tutorials

- A huge compilation of Rm2k/3 Tutorials for Beginners, Advanced and Experts with demos as well.
This is the first place you guys should stop by! Seriously....

Algxel VX
[spoiler=What is it?]

Hi folks, Chartley here! Welcome to Algxel, an excel sheet designed to calculate algorithms in Rpg Maker 2000!

So, what does Algxel calculate?
•   Attack Damage: Both from hero to enemy, and enemy to hero.
•   Skill Damage: Both from hero to enemy, and enemy to hero.

   In earlier versions, I had hit ratios and escape chances calculated in as well, but I found them to be rather useless, and such things as hit ratios are a little hard to test. I wasn't really sure if it was accurate in these departments, so I left them out. However, the formulas are still listed on the last page for your reference..

    I believe that this generator  be used for either 2000 or 2003, but if you choose to use this for 2003, you will need to expand some columns to account for levels greater than 50. If you need help with this, let me know and I'll be glad to help! I am only guessing that it will for 2k3, I am not entirely sure that the algorithms are the same, and you'll have to test it out for yourself.

How does Algxel work?

   Algxel calculates damage and skill damage the same way Rpg Maker does: Algorithms. However, the purpose of this sheet is so that you don't have to worry about these algorithms. You can simply play with the stats until you see desired effects. If you've entered the data for every level of the hero, you will see how much damage they will inflict or succumb from a particular monster for all 50 levels. That's pretty nifty! You can also test out the effects of equipment by entering the total stat changes of that piece of equipment. Awesome.


   When you open the sheet up, you will see a variety of colored cells. The ones you have to worry about are the black ones! Here, I'll summarize all the different colors:

•   Black: These are the input areas. These are the ONLY cells that you should ever input data in. All other cells are only meant to be read!
•   Pink (Ugly): These display the hero names, which referenced from the black cells where you entered the hero names.
•   Blue: These are the column labels. The monster name is another referenced cell.
•   Green: These are the row labels.
•   Yellow (Gold if you will): These cells are your results. These cell values are generated according to a pre entered formula. The values update themselves automatically as you change the values of the black cells.

The sheets

   I'll give a brief run down here on the different sheets in the excel file. Algxel includes four sheets: 'Attack Damage', 'Skill Damage', 'Hero Statistics', and 'Algorithms'.

   Attack Damage - On this page, enter your monster stats, your heroe's equipment statistics, hero names (if you want), and enemy name if you want.
Some stats are on the sheet only for your convenience and are not used in any calculations. These extra stats are: 'Max MP' and 'Agility'. Entering these stats will make no difference in damage results, so you may leave them out of the sheet. By looking at the formulas on the last page, you may see their use in Rpg Maker.

   Skill Damage - There is less information to be entered on this page. Only the three numbers: 'Base Effect', 'Hit Chance', and 'Mind Chance'. These numbers are taken directly from the skill from the skill tab in database of Rpg Maker 2000. The only other thing to remember about Skill Damage is that it borrows the monster stats from the Attack Damage page, so make sure you have that filled in!

   Hero Statistics - On this page, all four hero's statistics may be entered. Again, Max MP and Agility can be left out to save you time typing them in. I just kind of threw them in there anyway, who knows why I did it. Anyway, these statistics are taken directly from the database, on the hero tab. Typing all these stats in may take a long time, so I recommend maybe just typing a couple levels at a time as you work through the creation of the game. If you don't care about seeing the different levels all at once, you can just enter one set of values in level 1. You can use Algxel however you want.  Smiley

Closing Notes

   The sheets are very easy to use, and you'll probably be able to figure it out very easily just by looking at it. If you do need any additional help, you can email me at: and I'd be glad to answer any questions you might have.  Smiley

   I hope that somebody might find some use with this, despite the fact it is for a very outdated program. If enough people like the concept, I might just make an Rpg Maker VX version!

That's all I have to say. Cheers!



The excel file is locked for simplicity. This means the only cells you can edit are the ones you are supposed to! The black cells, specifically. If you do want to modify the excel sheet to fit RM2K3 or whatever, you can use the TOOLS menu, and under protection, unlock the sheet using the password "". You will have to unlock every sheet you wish to edit. Happy Algxel.[/spoiler]



This is amazing.

If I apply the David and Goliath patches, am I taking any risks with my gamefiles and data that I should be aware of?


Outstanding tools ;o;
I wish VX has those lol

Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.


I added Algxel VX which is the same as Algxel 2k/3
Leventhan, you can still use these for VX! set aside the goliath and power mode

Nope not at all, they just make stuff easier for you.
I'm not so sure about the EXP curve, you could try making a backup and check it out, but from what I've seen it didn't affect mine.

Btw, David is just a smaller reso than Goliath, it's 1024x760(?) if that's your resolution.

I recommend power mode too! But too bad if you already used the first 9 variables x.x


These are really useful.

Nice =D
Arlen is hot.


Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.


Quote from: Nessiah on December 20, 2008, 03:23:01 AM
I added Algxel VX which is the same as Algxel 2k/3
Leventhan, you can still use these for VX! set aside the goliath and power mode

Nope not at all, they just make stuff easier for you.
I'm not so sure about the EXP curve, you could try making a backup and check it out, but from what I've seen it didn't affect mine.

Btw, David is just a smaller reso than Goliath, it's 1024x760(?) if that's your resolution.

I recommend power mode too! But too bad if you already used the first 9 variables x.x

The David patch is meant for users who use the 1024x768 monitor resolution. The Goliath patch is meant for 1280 x 960 and higher users. Also, you should be able to open the game up in normal rm2k3 and have no issues with the modified values, but i don't suggest modifying the values in a standard rm2k3, as that (but then again why would you be using that still?)

Also, Even though its mentioned on the dl section of crankeye, you should really give rm recker a chance, since it allows you to change the splash screen (if you kept it), the executable's icon, and the glyph (the text based icons you used $ and either a lowercase or uppercase letter) image. the only catch is that the splash screen and the glyph have to be in xyz format. get it at the downloads page.

modern algebra

These look awesome. Nice finds.


I updated the topic :3
Mostly goliath


Wow, I didn't know David and Goliath patch was put up here too :D


Added the oh so useful rmtext.



Hi! The links for algxel are broken (really the server are in maintenance).

Can anyone upload to diff server or send it to me via PM?

Thanks & cya!


Why anyone reply me?

I really need algxel because I'm having problems with DEF and STR parameters in RPG2K3. The damage done and received is really weird in relation with STR and DEF parameters in hero or enemies.

Can anyone help me or knows a software like a 2k3 damage calculator? I'm going to be crazy.



Sorry for not replying soon, I actually have a life and too busy, I haven't been on the pc for like almost a week, please, one pm is sufficient, I don't need three, it's not like I'm going to ignore a call for help :V

Unfortunately, I don't know any other alternate dl links for algxel, it might be somewhere in my pc but I'm short in time and almost have to go to school. :/

You can try though in rmn though


Sorry about the PM nessiah, it was because when I sent it, I didn't knew the PM have been sent, because those aren't in my outbox messages, but after I went back in the browser and saw a checkbox for it, so... I've just bombed you with PM >_< I'm so sorry.

Don't worry, I know what is be short of time, so you can have all the time you need, I hope somebody with algxel reply with it.

Anyway, if you find it in your pc, post it here and try an alternate upload server (MU, RS, etc).

I appreciate your reply so much.



ok I uploaded it and updated the first post :3


Thanks Nessiah ^_^ This will be very useful, because the parameters in RPG 2k 2k3 are so weird, and I think this xls can be the best way to avoid that problem.

Thank you so much! :)


Mass Importer's a godsend. Thanks Ness!