Hm, I'm surprised noone came up with this idea...
Anyways, the other day, I wanted to make hidden tunnels that the player can't see on the game map, so I started thinking...
Then, I got this
GREAT idea...
First, go into resource manager...
Second, export the "top of the wall" tile pieces.
Third, import those again, except name it
TileEFinally, you go to passage settings and make each ceiling piece have a star across it.
Now after making the map, you should be able to create a hidden passage using TileE.
If you have any question, PM me.
EDIT: I found a little problem with this and I figured it out!
You might not be able to walk past some of the passages.
the reason why is, you probably laid an non-passable tile underneath this hidden passage tile.
If you don't know what I mean by this, PM me.