Battle Result WindowVersion 1.0
by Woratana
Release Date: 05/08/2008
IntroductionI discussed about battle result window for VX with my friend for a while.
The problem is that there is no built-in battle result window in VX.
(The result will show in message box instead)
So I try to script this to see if it's possible to make one.
I put the same information as the battle result window in XP.
ScreenshotsScriptPlace it above main
# ? [VX] ? Battle Result Window ? ?
# ? by Woratana []
# ? Thaiware RPG Maker Community
# ? Released on: 03/08/2008
# ? Version: 1.0
class Window_Battle_Result < Window_Base
def initialize(result_data)
super(0, 0, 516, 32 + (WLH * ($game_party.members.size + 2)) )
self.z = 10001
contents.font.color = normal_color
contents.draw_text(0, 0, contents.width, WLH, result_data[0])
contents.draw_text(0, WLH, contents.width, WLH, result_data[1])
$game_party.members.each_index do |i|
actor = $game_party.members[i]
ty = WLH * (i + 2)
draw_actor_name(actor, 0, ty)
draw_actor_hp(actor, 140, ty)
contents.font.color = system_color
text = sprintf(Vocab::ExpNext, Vocab::level)
tw = contents.text_size(text).width
contents.draw_text(292, ty, contents.width, WLH, text)
contents.font.color = normal_color
contents.draw_text(292 + tw + 16, ty, contents.width, WLH, actor.next_exp_s)
class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base
alias wora_batreswin_scebat_batend battle_end
alias wora_batreswin_scebat_disexpgold display_exp_and_gold
def battle_end(result)
@result_window.dispose if result == 0
def display_exp_and_gold
result_data = [sprintf(Vocab::ObtainExp, $game_troop.exp_total),
sprintf(Vocab::ObtainGold, $game_troop.gold_total, Vocab::gold)]
@result_window =
InstructionJust place script above main
Author's NotesFree for use in your work if credit is included.
Bug Report?Please give me these informations:
- What is it says in error window?
- When is it get error? (Right after run game, when you choose something, etc.)
- Do you have any other scripts running in your game that may crash with this script?