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Animal Rights

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Level 90
Returned from the dead.
What are people's views on the matter?

In my own opinion, animals should not be treated the way they are. Experiments carried out involving household cleaners or similar products are unnecessary, as the reaction may be different to humans from what effects they have on animals. I've seen some rather frightening images of animals in states like this, and would just like to ask, if this was you in their state, how would you feel?

Secondly, meat. Yes, I am a meat eater, though I'm nowhere near proud of it. The thought of eating something that was once a living creature sickens me. I refuse to eat meat off my own back, but if it's there on my plate, then I will eat it. When I move out, I plan to become a Vegetarian, no matter what anyone else tells me.

I have many other points, but I want to hear other people's opinions on the matter.
Your conscience.

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
I love animals, but if we dont test on animals, we could distribute a potentially harmful product throughout the country.

As for the meat eating thing, we are on top of the food chain. We should eat meat, its a natural law. If humans stopped eating meat, nature would be overpopulated with cows and chickens and such.

Shadow Knight
Level 91
Ruin that brick wall!
Project of the Month winner for October 2008
I believe that animals should be respected and protected more than it is now. Why?
Because we are the only species on earth that can take care of ourselves and protect all the other species on earth. Us.

Most of the time, the bond between man and beast is far stronger and more intimate than a man to man relationship, even though we are bridged by the gap of language. They can't talk but they still communicate through body language and we understand the message their sending to us, like a dog tilting their head or a chimpanzee covering their face with their hands. They're living beings like us and they deserve the same.

We're "superior" creatures but is it right to misuse our advantages? I don't think so.

On the meat eating part - even though I eat more veggies than meat - it cannot be altered. The food chain is stable as it is, and since million of years ago creatures have eaten each other to survive. There is no getting around that. It's the circe of life. (lol I feel like watching Lion King now)
Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Level 88
Unoriginal text here.
Animals eating animals is natural. It's been that way for millions of years. Animals are supposed to eat other animals.

We have an organ (I can't remember which one) that was used to break down and digest cold hard meat. This means that humans used to eat other animals merely by biting off pieces from dead carcasses.

Now look at your teeth. Notice you have two pointy teeth on the upper half of your mouth, one on either side. Don't worry, you're not a vampire, although you might have looked something like a werewolf in the early ages. Those sharp teeth in your mouth are called "K-9 teeth". They were designed to tear through meat, especially cold hard meat. More evidence that we used to eat the meat off of dead carcasses, before we evolved enough to invent cooking.

Our body was built to digest cold hard meat. Now that we have cooking, those parts of our body are disappearing. We don't need that one organ anymore, and we don't need sharp K-9 teeth to chew with. They were probably a lot longer and sharper before someone invented cooking.

But just because we have better technology, doesn't mean we should just throw away old habits. We're supposed to eat meat because our body eats nutrients. Vegetarians and vegans often don't get all the nutrients they need. Some of them look pale and malnourished. But those who do keep healthy, often have to spend all kinds of time researching fancy foreign vegetables that nobody has heard of, or they have to take supplement pills. Protein for example, is very hard to get from vegetables. But beef has lots of it.

We are meant to eat meat for the nutrients. Don't get me wrong, we're meant to eat vegetables and fruits, but we're supposed to have meat as well. It's perfectly natural to eat meat.

But I will admit, it's not natural to keep a bunch of animals cooped up in some cage and then kill them in mass quantities and process them etc... etc... etc. If you ask me, they need some kind of way that humans can still eat animals, but the animals can still have a fair chance to live and grow. They need to be raised on open fields, and they need to be killed off at a much older age, so they can live longer lives.

A man chooses,
Level 92
a slave obeys
Project of the Month winner for April 2008
It's Natural for us to Eat Meat . . . pretty much, either we become the Hunter, or we become the Hunted. & I asure a dog won't think twice to try & eat you if it's hungry. If we stop eati Meat, & Start living from Pills & such, soon these will loose effect, ot to mention, then, You cannot Eat Vegetables, I mean, It's a Plant, it's also a living thing? Now that Makes you even worse than eating meat, because not only are you rejecting to eat meat for Veggies, but your eating something that's alive & althopu it cannot cry or so, it has emotions, & your eating it, same cr*p, except it isn't made of meat :0

The only way to live as you say, would be from livig out of Pills & Water, & that will stop been effective & tiring =/

& About animal experiments, Oh! Let us sell this To the Public without testing it . . . =__=
We can't experiment on ourselves, becomes it's wrong, So it's wrong on animals, but, then, what's the point if we can't test it they can get sued, they rather pay up for doing Innhumanly things to Animals than to be sued by the Entire Nation.

Fault the Companies, not us, they will always pay the courts & win for them to keep their products "Human safe".

Level 85
I am for the ethical treatment of animals. I am not opposed to eating meat. I do think that it should be taken in moderation, though. Chicken salad? Yes. 16 oz T-Bone steaks with a side of riblets? no.

I'm what you'd call a "pollovegetarian". I simply refuse to eat red meat anymore. Fish and chickens, I will eat.

As for the meat eating thing, we are on top of the food chain. We should eat meat, its a natural law. If humans stopped eating meat, nature would be overpopulated with cows and chickens and such.

Nature would not over populate with cows and chickens if humans decided to stop eating meat. Humans breed cows and chickens in order to meet their consumption of animal flesh.

I'm not against eating meat, but I think alot of people become rather gluttonous from the idea that meat should be eaten with every meal. It bothers me that we have such a viral anti-smoking campaign in america, but for as long as I can remember, heart disease was the number 1 killer, followed by cancer (and not necessarily lung/throat cancer either... trans fats found in almost all fast foods have been shown to be cancerous).

Again, I'm not opposed to eating meat, but I think that really... self-control in your diet is somewhat of a virtue, methinks.

You zetta sons of digits.
Level 91
Nature would not over populate with cows and chickens if humans decided to stop eating meat. Humans breed cows and chickens in order to meet their consumption of animal flesh.

So what your saying is if humans had no reason for them, they would case to exist because we were not breeding them anymore?

There would be a rise in the population as non are being farmed and killed, so they would breed more times in their life and create more lives.

About animal experiments, Oh! Let us sell this To the Public without testing it . . . =__=
We can't experiment on ourselves, becomes it's wrong, So it's wrong on animals, but, then, what's the point if we can't test it they can get sued, they rather pay up for doing Innhumanly things to Animals than to be sued by the Entire Nation.
Fault the Companies, not us, they will always pay the courts & win for them to keep their products "Human safe".


I never got this, it's Inhumane to test this crap on humans, but, there are people sent to death on death row everyday,, just to wait and be killed, i say get them test on them, if shit goes wrong bullet in the head to stop pain or anything else, may as well put these guys to good use :/

A man chooses,
Level 92
a slave obeys
Project of the Month winner for April 2008
Do it on Pedophilic Rapers & Terrorist, but even those b*stards have "Human Rights" which is . . . actually funny. If We have rights of not been use in horribly Inhumane Experiments, Then Why Can't Animals have?

:= & I go also with the Cows & Chicken overpopulating the Whole planet is a No-no.

They're there for some reason . . . & If we stop eating meat, well, take a good example at India, they're dying of hunger because they can't bother to change a few rules to eat a bit of meat, but can't fault them, Religion, :/ & if I come to speak about that, i'd be going off-topic.

Level 89

I never got this, it's Inhumane to test this crap on humans, but, there are people sent to death on death row everyday,, just to wait and be killed, i say get them test on them, if shit goes wrong bullet in the head to stop pain or anything else, may as well put these guys to good use :/

Human rights stops that from being done, shame really.

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
Yes indeed.

As for the meat eating thing, we are on top of the food chain. We should eat meat, its a natural law. If humans stopped eating meat, nature would be overpopulated with cows and chickens and such.

I'm not against eating meat, but I think alot of people become rather gluttonous from the idea that meat should be eaten with every meal. It bothers me that we have such a viral anti-smoking campaign in america, but for as long as I can remember, heart disease was the number 1 killer, followed by cancer (and not necessarily lung/throat cancer either... trans fats found in almost all fast foods have been shown to be cancerous).

Again, I'm not opposed to eating meat, but I think that really... self-control in your diet is somewhat of a virtue, methinks.

I never told anyone to gorge themselves, but like I said, we are the top.
Grease and sodium is obviously a bad thing, but we are over all animals.
Ever seen a vegetarian lion? Neither have I.