I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right spot, but I need help with Byond dream maker.
I have my sprites all created, I have movement down, turf, etc.
The only thing I have a problem with is...
~What to put in the Command List
~How to enable character creation (so there is more than just the red biker avatar)
~How to make a main menu (new game, continue, etc.)
~How to make people get on/off their bikes
~How to work cash in the game (which you earn by winning races)
~How to make the items and bikes they purchase stay with them, and improve
~How to get the basic sprite to walk around. When I set the animation I did for it, I tested it, and it ran in place. I can't get it to stand still until I move it.
If someone could help me out, it would be very appreciated.