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My first work in rpg maker 2k3 : Limit

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Level 85

I've never been free. Truly free. They told me I was an experiment. Why I was created I don't know at all. I was up in space, in that laboratory for as long as I care to remember. I dreamed of coming to Earth. Now I am on Earth. It is my worst nightmare. Everywhere I go, someone tries to capture me and sell me for profit. To send me back to those people, those who made me. They themselves call me a criminal. They told me to die, and I ran for my life. But now I'm done running away. I'm going to fight back even if the world is trying to destroy me.

Spoiler for:
8 playable characters
each with there own special abilities and skills

Custom Menu System
Self Explanatory. Allows you to check money save the game. Configure various game options. Mess around with items and etc. The Journal option lets recall all the the events up to your current one and list your current objective. While the extras menu allows you to access certain cheats, extras, and special options. You can even change the color of the menu via Configuration option.

State System
All 8 characters each have their own unique state. In which they gain special abilities and strength that they can use to turn the tables on there enemies.

Custom battle system
Different then the time based battle system of most rpg2k3 games this one features an action based battle system. Characters have their own array of weapons and are able to unleash devastating combos among enemies.

List of Weapons
Dual Swords:Gai Gu, Spin Pinoy, Wind Needles
Swords:Breaker, Illumine, Mugen
Heavy Blades:Broad Chains, Broad Fan, Broad Wings
Others: ???, Smrti Ruke, Krvavo Noge, Lanca Palice, Shuriken, Reaper, Kris, Kannon, Wind Cannon


Looking for help
I'm now looking for any mapping experts...

Spoiler for:

Alice Age:16 Birthday:07/07/2007

Alice is the result of a supersoldier experiment developed by NUN. Many painful and dangerous experiments were performed on her body over her childhood. Then when things seemed like they couldn't get worse, she was sentenced to execution. Determined to change her future, Alice fights for her life.

Jaden Age 18 Birthday:05/04/2005

Jaden Mesos is a Special officer in NUN. Only the district officer and Lord Zelkova rank over him.  His younger sister disappeared in a accident at her organization and he has been searching for her ever since. He has a strong sense of loyalty and an even stronger sense of justice.

Emily Age 15 Birthday:08/09/2008

Emily Stratos is the only daughter of Rhode Stratos, The world master of the Morte fighting style. She has vauge memories of her father and doesn't remember ever leaving her hometown of VitaVila. She has a strong will and determination and is used to never giving up.

Ally Age 17 Birthday:12/20/2006

Ally Cross is the daughter of Barry Cross and lives in Haven City. She is a medical prodigy who graduated from medical school at the age of 15. She was immediately recruited by NUN and became a Special officer. She was then apprenticed under Becky (graduated at age 16), the NUN Medical District Officer. However, for reasons unknown, she left NUN and has been rumored to have opened a private clinic in Haven city.

Kat Age 21 Birthday:03/13/2002 (Friday 13th)

Kat is the daughter of late Maximilian Hilt, a Multimillionaire, rumored to have mafia connections. He died from an alcohol related incident. Kat also drinks a lot, often binge drinking at parties. She is also Known to be very manipulative and persuasive. Even when  heavily drunk, she still gets what she wants.

Imal Age 20 Birthday:02/01/2003

Imal is in training to be a Digali Monk. He was raised their when his mom disappeared. Even though he wants to be a Digali monk he still goes to Digal and Diaga regularly, even though Digali Monks are supposed to live solitary life. Imal is a happy go lucky guy , who is a very helpful person.

Scripts:90%(Most vital scripts are complete, however do to the sheer size of these scripts I'm having a slow time debugging things, things left to be completed: Skill system, State system(transformation), and Minimap(might be taken out))
 Menu set:95%
 Item set:30% (All recovery items are complete, working on status enhancers, synthesis items, and general items.
 Projected Date for demo TBA
MY HARD DRIVE HAS FAILED AND I DO NOT HAVE A BACK UP :mad: :mad: :mad: HOPEFUlly i can get it salveged, but work on this project is postponed.... :mad: However LimitII will appear in a few months and it will be for RPG XP.

The following pictures are what the cut scenes might look like ...

Level 87
Wow, the menu and battle system are impressive for 2k3.

Level 85

For anyone who thinks my mapping is bad that's because i have not started mapping just yet i only have about 30% of the mapsets I need. And until all of my vital systems are operational I can't start mapping. I have No idea how I'm going to get it out by August 2008 and I might push it back to December. However, its not really that much of a big deal since I posted this topic Mid-July. My systems right now are functional, but sloppy and unstable. Since I won't start mapping till systems are done neither will a demo come out till its done.

Level 85
any comments are appreciated... If any one wants to be a beta tester reply here in this topic.

Walking Billboard
Level 87
this looks pretty good for a work in progress XD. APPROVAL!

Rep: +0/-0Level 84

the game is looks like cool 8)

Walking Billboard
Level 87

Rep: +0/-0Level 84
Oh no !

This isn't game ! :lol:

Level 85
Bags me Beta Tester!

Go here and play my game.