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Composite Character Sets / Visual Equipment

Started by modern algebra, July 05, 2008, 10:33:07 PM

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wort wort wort

Sorry... my limited knowledge tells me double posting is bad, but, could you make this compatible also with shopoholic v 2.0 by cmpsr2000 available exclusively at ??? it would be great if you could

modern algebra

I wouldn't have thought they were incompatible, but then I don't know anything about this Shopoholic script. I quickly did a check and found no problems right off the bat. Where is the error coming from, when you do what? What does it say? If you're getting an error, then either send me the project in which you get the error so that I can work from that or, if you are uncomfortable sharing your game project at this stage, recreate the error in a new project and send that to me. Either way is fine.

wort wort wort

Okay, with the window_shop_details it puts up the character's sprite but not the composite sprite like to show details of defense changes and stuff.

modern algebra

At line 210 in Window_Shop_Details, replace:

   bitmap = Cache.character(actor.character_name)


   bitmap = Cache.composite_character(actor.composite_character)

wort wort wort

It's beautiful. You're like... a super genius guy. This has changed my life. Forever. :) Thanks.


*feeling not smart*
I still don't get how to use the change hair sprites,
What do you mean by Index, and how come the example is different than the code?

modern algebra

Well, examples are different because I use actual numbers and files rather than descriptions of what goes there. In any case, if you have 1.2, then that operation is built in as codes that you can write in directly to a script call:

#   remove_graphic_from_actor (actor_id, index)
#   remove_graphic_from_actor (actor_id, graphic_name, graphic_index, graphic_hue)
#   add_graphic_to_actor (actor_id, graphic_name, graphic_index, graphic_hue, index)

There are more details in the Instructions of the script, and an event in the demo does it so you can take a look at that.

And index is the index of the character in the character set. Note that there are eight in character sheets, index identifies which of those characters is to be used. It goes:

0 1 2 3
4 5 6 7


What if I made it so the spritesheet only has one index(using '$' at the beginning of the filename)?
Just leave it blank?
Cause that's what I've been doing and it's worked so far.

I got it to work. :)
I was going to post that I got an error, and then I realized I didn't put apostrophes around the file name.
Thanks, dood.

modern algebra

Yeah, graphic_index is 0 by default, which is what it is for ingle sprite sheets.

Also, I didn't mention this but I thought it might be what you wanted to know. index, in the

remove_graphic_from_actor (actor_id, index)

refers to the index of the graphic in the composite character array. Anyway, I'm glad you got things working.


i have a little question about this script, i'm trying to change actor graphic, but it'll look like this everytime i want to change the actor graphic:

I want to change actor graphic with boat one...but it always look like that...why?

screenshot taken from the demo


wort wort wort

Yay a new problem... this time it's about the side view battle system again. When I use the animated enemy battlers add on theres an error "undefined method 'composite character' for #Game_Enemy:(some stuff) It would be great if you could fix it or something but you don't have to I think I might be able to live without it

modern algebra

I don't intend to make it compatible with animated battlers, sorry. If you wish, I could put in some code so that it doesn't call that error and you could use composite characters when not in battle, but I won't make it so that you can see what you equip on the animated battlers themselves.

wort wort wort

Hmm I think I might have given you the wrong idea. I don't want them to see what you equipped. Theres just an error and I think since the enemy animated battlers are called from the battler folder and character folder your script tries to do something to it... that kind of made sense to me.

modern algebra

OK, well, I'm too lazy to get the sideview battle script again, but where this is in the code:

   # ????????????????
   return unless @anime_flug
     self.bitmap = Cache.composite_character(@battler.composite_character)
     self.bitmap = Cache.composite_character (@battler.composite_character)

Change it to:

      self.bitmap = Cache.composite_character(@battler.composite_character)
      self.bitmap = Cache.character(file_name)

and see if that works

wort wort wort

Hmmm... it was a little hard to figure out but I got it to work. Thanks again Modern! This has also changed my life forever... and my game. :)

modern algebra

Quote from: dnasman on June 18, 2009, 06:01:07 PM
i have a little question about this script, i'm trying to change actor graphic, but it'll look like this everytime i want to change the actor graphic:

I want to change actor graphic with boat one...but it always look like that...why?

screenshot taken from the demo


Sorry, I didn't see this post before. That's because of a patch someone had requsted that changes the "Change Actor Graphic" command to one that adds files to the character, rather than resets it. If you want to change the graphic completely, just put a Script command before it that has:

clear_character_graphic (actor_id)


clear_character_graphic (1) would change Ralph

modern algebra

Added a compatibility patch for the Grid Inventory under Known Compatibility Problems. Before, it would not refresh upon equipping new items - using this patch, it will.


Hello everyone *>*
Ive got a question: Ìs there any oppertunity to show the armor etc. with this script and the Sideview Battle system?

modern algebra


But it won't work if you're using animated spritesheets, only if you are using the regular sprites.


There was a little problem with the edits I provided of the Sideview system


Great script! I'll definitely be using it.

Has anyone already made any sprite sheets for this and is willing to give them to me? Of course I'd be willing to give credit where it's due. If not, that's cool.

Thanks a lot for the script!

modern algebra


can i ask somethin'?

i am using some sprites for wing but the prob is, when the wings is added, it goes above the character not below 'em. which it looks like this . i want it ti look just like this ... see the first pic has a wings in front and the second one is in the back. how can i or can you fix it? thanks :D

modern algebra

I haven't looked at this script for a long time, but if I remember correctly, you can set the graphic up as:

#    \CG[filename, index, hue, priority] # Character Set = Actor2 : index = 3 : hue = 50 : z = 2

If you set the priority to less than 0 it will show up behind the character. Alternatively you could edit the file itself, which you might have to do anyway since you need the priority of the wings to be greater when walking up, so you might have to split the graphic into two files.

Sebastian Cool ^-^


Is there a way to have helmets replace the hair graphic? The hair sticks out the sides of all my helmets. I have tried many different ways but I can't figure it out.

Ps: I know you have no plans to make this compatible with Minkoff animated battlers but I'm wondering if it is at least possible that it could work.