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Help with Minkoff battlers?

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Rep: +0/-0Level 85
As of yesterday I began using the minkoff side battle system, and have battlers compatible with it. When using animated battlers, am I supposed to use the animated battler's sprite sheet as the Battle Graphic? When I test battle, all that shows is the sprite sheet, so obviously I have no clue what I'm doing in this respect.
I suppose my question would be, how do I use animated battlers? :(

Level 85
A RMRK newby/nub cake
I know, it does that for me too, it's pretty gay, i even configured it to work and it didn't
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"http://www.justfuckinggoogleit.com/ you tard!"

My pokemon brings all the geeks to the yard...
Yeah...it's stuck in my head too...

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