Hey Guys / Girls,
I have a question, I have made a concentration skill that I have given to specific characters in my lil game thingy.
The skill is called Concentrate (Specilization name) what it does is allow the player to choose a skill tree basically, but his only allowed to choose one and he must develope the skill to progress the abilities there in.
IE I have a Mage class that starts with Concentrate (Flame) and Concentrate(Water) now what happens is in battle only your character can cast either one of these initially and it will set that path for the characters development, in other workds if concentrate (Flame) is used then Concentrate(Water) drops away and there is now a counter in the Flame skill variable. this is then taken as the concentration LVL that will allow the character to learn new skilles based both on the character lvl and the lvl of concentration in that element.
OK this i actually have got working.
What i have a problem in though is this, How can i get it to set the variables etc in battle, what i mean is currently all this happens then only after battle will the effects actually happen, IE concentrate after using it will only remove the other spell the next battle. and the counter is only set to +1 after battle regardless how many times you have used it in battle.
What i would like it to do is basically real time events, so once the skill is used everything that should happen WILL happen right then regardless that your still in battle or not. and not have to wait till battle end.
Please assist if this is possible in RM2K3 if not its not a train smash I have placed a small trainer that players must go through before they ever go into a battle and created events that should both have been used that the player gets Nerfed if that makes sence lol He looses both skills and gives a message "Fire and water never mix, you should never have been that Greedy"
Oh if you like here is the Coding and stuffs to get the skills working that I am currently Using to help me and if anyone wants them...