Sorry to reply so late, but this kinda interested me, cause I just figured out a non-script way.
You can do this as follows
Show Choices: Paladin, Thief, Mage, More
: When [Paladin]
@>Change Actor Graphic [Bob] 'Male Classes 0, 1'
@>Change Actor Class: [Bob], [Paladin]
@>Exit Event Processing
: When [Thief]
@>Change Actor Graphic [Bob] 'Male Classes 0, 2'
@>Change Actor Class: [Bob], [Thief]
@>Exit Event Processing
: When [Mage]
@>Change Actor Graphic [Bob] 'Male Classes 0, 3'
@>Change Actor Class: [Bob], [Mage]
@>Exit Event Processing
: When [More]
@>Show Choices: Ninja, Samurai, Gunner, Cancel
: When [Ninja]
@>Change Actor Graphic [Bob] 'Male Classes 0, 4'
@>Change Actor Class: [Bob], [Ninja]
@>Exit Event Processing
: When [Samurai]
@>Change Actor Graphic [Bob] 'Male Classes 1, 1'
@>Change Actor Class: [Bob], [Samurai]
@>Exit Event Processing
: When [Gunner]
@>Change Actor Graphic [Bob] 'Male Classes 1, 2'
@>Change Actor Class: [Bob], [Gunner]
@>Exit Event Processing
: When [Cancel]
@>Exit Event Processing
You can use conditional branches to set it up for each character, and it's really a neat concept.
Again, sorry for posting is a kinda dead thread, but I figured I may as well share what doesn't actually need a script, just some branches.
EDIT: Forgot to add the class change