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The New Generation

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Level 91
Sexual Deviant
I have a 13 year old sister. She disrespects authority (including mine, but Im her brother and that doesn't count).

I always catch an "edge" in her voice, but nothing is done about it.

Anyway, I wanna turn this topic on its head, didn't adults say that about our generation? And didn't our grandparents say that about their kids? It is an endless cycle, and if humanity doesn't get a grip, my grandkids will be able to buy porno mags at the age of 10. (Please note, I am 16 and unmarried. I will not have kids or grandkids for a long time)

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Lulz, I was trying to buy porn mags at ten! You're a generation behind on that taboo!

Level 89
Lulz, I was trying to buy porn mags at ten! You're a generation behind on that taboo!
Did you ever succeed?

Not every kid is smart enough to have friends who are age appropriate to buy porn for you. Haven't done it yet but i could do that no problem. Besides the point, Kids these day are mainly bad mouth brats because places such as the united states allowed the government to make rules that prevent disciplinary action.

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Yes because that store was known for selling porn to anyone.

Resident Cloud
Level 91
Keep on topic

its all the hormones/additives/other rubbish in food.

my picking up and dumping in a bin of lower years rate has increased :(

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
I work in a residential treatment facility for kids that come from physical/sexual abuse. These kids also have a laundry list of mental/emotional/behavioral problems. This makes me biased on the issue, but I'll try to give you a glimpse of what I see everyday.

- A 13yo kid drawing quietly for 10 minutes, handing me the paper and saying "I drew this for you." Upon opening it, I see that it is a picture of nearly every drug in existence, and things like "4:20" and "Vikodan" (sic) written across it.

- Someone stashing a butter knife in the cottage, getting pissed one day, taking it out and threatening to stab people, all because he had to go to bed at 7:30.

- Constant, near-hourly fighting between kids, simply because one of them said something inappropriate about another, and they don't have the capability to let things go.

There are plenty of others, but if I were to single out every bad thing I see, I would start to lose hope in what I do. There are a number of amazing things I see too, but this number is far overshadowed by the other. The thing I tell myself all the time is that I take no blame for the way these kids are, and I take no credit for their successes.

I think the reason that the next generation is so fucked up to us is because we're fucked up. We're fucked up because our parents before us were. It's basically a trickle-down effect on our mental and behavioral capacities. In other words, lines are being crossed everyday, and in crossing, we draw a new one closer to the edge.

I'm not a pessimist, by any means. I see hope in nearly every situation. I'm also a realist, however, and the fact remains that sooner or later, we're all screwed.

Resident Cloud
Level 91
intresting information about holkeye there. :D

theres also the problem that dumb people breed more. for an extrapolation of this see Idiocracy

Full Metal Mod - He will pillage your women!
Level 93
The RGSS Dude
I agree with Holkeye (as I said the same thing, just different words).

This is definitely something that we've allowed ourselves to come to.
"The wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are wonderful things
Their tops are made out of rubber
Their bottoms are made out of springs

They’re bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is I’m the only one, I’m the only one."

Level 88
If preteens throw around swear words to defy authority and seem old, I doubt we have any problems. Children have been having fits of excess and inappropriateness since the beginning of time; tasting a little of the bitterness of every extreme is part of the learning process. As long as this is simply a new expression of an old idea, I think they'll do okay.

I accept, however, that if this is really meant and not in jest (if children don't simply toy with sexual ideas but actually do them) we have problems. Perhaps a certain amount of punishment is necessary.

You zetta sons of digits.
Level 91
If preteens throw around swear words to defy authority and seem old, I doubt we have any problems. Children have been having fits of excess and inappropriateness since the beginning of time; tasting a little of the bitterness of every extreme is part of the learning process. As long as this is simply a new expression of an old idea, I think they'll do okay.

I accept, however, that if this is really meant and not in jest (if children don't simply toy with sexual ideas but actually do them) we have problems. Perhaps a certain amount of punishment is necessary.

<_< I dont think they had knife/gun gangs made up of 10yr olds + killing and stabbing people.

Or young people getting pregnant, well, TOO young an 8yr old girl got knocked up recently i mean 8 what the hell =/

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
I work in a residential treatment facility for kids that come from physical/sexual abuse. These kids also have a laundry list of mental/emotional/behavioral problems. This makes me biased on the issue, but I'll try to give you a glimpse of what I see everyday.

- A 13yo kid drawing quietly for 10 minutes, handing me the paper and saying "I drew this for you." Upon opening it, I see that it is a picture of nearly every drug in existence, and things like "4:20" and "Vikodan" (sic) written across it.

- Someone stashing a butter knife in the cottage, getting pissed one day, taking it out and threatening to stab people, all because he had to go to bed at 7:30.

- Constant, near-hourly fighting between kids, simply because one of them said something inappropriate about another, and they don't have the capability to let things go.

There are plenty of others, but if I were to single out every bad thing I see, I would start to lose hope in what I do. There are a number of amazing things I see too, but this number is far overshadowed by the other. The thing I tell myself all the time is that I take no blame for the way these kids are, and I take no credit for their successes.

I think the reason that the next generation is so fucked up to us is because we're fucked up. We're fucked up because our parents before us were. It's basically a trickle-down effect on our mental and behavioral capacities. In other words, lines are being crossed everyday, and in crossing, we draw a new one closer to the edge.

I'm not a pessimist, by any means. I see hope in nearly every situation. I'm also a realist, however, and the fact remains that sooner or later, we're all screwed.

I wish I got to live there.  Sounds interesting, if nothing else.  Good fuel to make you change the world, rather than sitting in a normal placid white community.

Level 88
Unoriginal text here.
Lately, I've been more annoyed by the new generation of people. I think they are getting worse everyday. I mean, just yesterday, I heard an 8 year old screaming "Stupid whore kid" to another youngster in the middle of the townsquare in the local town, and a 5 year old saying fuck off to his mother.

What is the reasons for this to happen? Is it the new generation of parents that can't raise their children?( Im not trying to offend any of the new generation parents on this site). Is it the media, or is it anything else? Discuss.
It's mainly the parents. There's a rise in abuse. But there's also parents who aren't necessarily abusive, but they let their kids do whatever they want and watch whatever they want and listen to whatever they want.

The media is getting worse, but parents are caring less.

And thus, middle schoolers who call each other "fag" are born. Or worse.

Now don't get me wrong, I love rap and violent TV and sexual video games and cursing, but I don't think that somebody as young as 8, or even as young as 13, should be exposed to all of that. When I become a parent, my child is going to have some strict guidance towards the path of good.

A lot of current generation parents just suck. They smoke a lot around their kids (I cite my friend Brian. A lot of his stuff smells like cigarette smoke) they feed their kids too much (I cite the Maury show) and they abuse and yell at their kids for no reason (I cite my friend Jonathan, who's now an alcoholic pothead because he doesn't care, and he doesn't care because he feels that his parents don't care about him, and that's probably because they yell at him so much, often without any reason at all).

But even abusive parents can raise a good kid, if they are at least TRYING to be nice. I cite my friend Mike. He and his brother and his parents... the four of them have a decent family who all like the same kinda things and they are nice to each other. But they get into fights about trivial things, and when I went over there, I saw a hole in the wall. But Mike is a very nice guy, and I think that's because he's able to find ways to be happy with his parents when they aren't fighting.

I think another contributor to the problem is other kids. I first learned "fuck" and "bastard" from one bad kid at school. Back then it was the 90's though, and he was the ONLY bad kid there. Some of us would get into occasional mischief, but if we swore, the reaction was the same as if one of us just shot somebody in plain sight, and the punishment was always HUGE.

And the final contributor is teachers. There's a lot of bad ones, but there's also good ones who don't know that they are only adding to the problem. You see, when a kid curses in class, they don't get punished anymore. The teacher just says "don't do it again" or "watch your language". A lot of good teachers don't realize, that they need to actually PUNISH the kids who curse and act like jackasses. They don't do that in high school, and I suspect that they aren't doing that very much in elementary school either. And then there are teachers who profile. The ones who just ASSUME that this kid or that kid is going to be bad, because of the way they look. I cite Mr. Mayo. Everybody loves him, but he's not perfect. When somebody was pointing a lazer pointer at the projecting screen, he thought it was this one guy, but I saw it was this girl. And she didn't confess or anything, she just let him take the fall, and "hid" the lazer pointer in her purse. If I hadn't told on that bitch, that young man would have been in detention all day for something he didn't even do.