This is a (mega-short and mega-simple) tutorial on how to use the Caterpillar script by Trickster and that other guy, Dupstier or something.
Here's how to turn it ON/OFF: If Switch 2 (default, just change Catterpillar = 2 in the script to whatever switch you wish to use) is ON then Catterpillar is OFF. And vice versa.
The actual tutorial: Make two events. On both have a conditional branch, one that asks if you press the Y button, the other the Z button (That's S and D). Under the first make Switch 2 = OFF and under the conditional branch in the second event make Switch 2 = ON. I believe that's how I made it work (I tried all the other possibilites, though I might've forgotten one in my hurry.).
It's not necroposting if you post here
Link to script topic!Don't post here - That'd be necroposting
Another link to another script topic!