OK, so this is how it will work.
Post here stating what job(s) you want. (Mapping, Writing, Scripting, Sprites, etc.) Also post if you want to be considered for the position of a guild leader. There can only be 2 leaders. A poll will be created to vote for leaders if necessary.
GUILD LEADER: In order to be a Guild Leader you need to be
ORGANIZED. You are essentially the hub of your team; all work on the game will be sent to you and you need to be able to keep track of it, as well as what needs to be done next. Unless worked out within your guild, the guild leader will likely be the one to work on the database. Guild leaders will also choose members to be in the guild.
SCRIPTER: Creates custom scripts. Gathers scripts.
MAPPER: Makes the maps. Will probably handle most of the event work unless worked out within your guild otherwise.
WRITER: Writes the story. Creates ideas for side-quests, etc. Important that you can come up with a story quickly, as most of the work cannot be done until there is a story.
ARTIST: Creates custom graphics. Gathers resources.
COMPOSER: Writes custom music. Gathers other music.
EVENTER: Works on events. Some will most likely be fairly complicated, so be sure you have a decent knowledge of eventing.
Of course, keep in mind you are welcome to do more than one job. Just make sure you are capable of handling all your tasks. Also remember that while it would be great to have all custom sprites, and a custom battle system would be cool, that you are under a time limit. There's nothing wrong with using RTP or other resources.
Hmm... I think that's everything. Let me know if I forgot something.
Nouman (Guild Leader/Possible Mapper)
Falcon (Guild Leader)
Raskii (Writer/Artist: Sprites)
Zylos (Writer)
Forcystus (Writer)
Starfyre (Writer/Eventer)
Nightwolf (Composer)
Malson (Composer)
1namkcorI (Artist: Face Sets, Battlers/Possible Scripter)
Redwym (Artist: Sprites)
GilgameshRO (Artist: Sprites/Eventer/Mapper)
Zeriab (Eventer)
AlienSoldier (Eventer)
mastermoo420 (Eventer - DOESN'T HAVE A WORKING PROGRAM)
Irockman1 (Mapper)
shadowdude (Mapper)
Deidara no Dana (Mapper)
Levent (Mapper/Eventer)
Rune (Scripter)
ahref (Scripter/Eventer/Mapper)
modern algebra (Scripter/Eventer/Mapper/Story Editor)
Tsunokiette (Sex Slave a.k.a. All of the Above)