Alright, I uploaded the new version of the script. If anyone doesn't want to redownload, all you need to do is go to the line Lunarea identified in Implementation:
def remove (quest_id)
@data.delete (quest_id)
and replace it with:
def remove (quest_id)
conceal_quest (quest_id)
@data.delete (quest_id)
@Redpants - I'm glad it's working. To change the background image, just read the instructions. Once you do, you'll notice there is an option like this in the configuration section:
BG_PICTURE = "" # The filename of the background picture
All you need to do is put the name of the file you want to use inside those quotation marks.
I don't know what you mean by custom menu of your liking. If you mean how the quest scene itself is arranged there are a lot of options you can utilize to reconfigure it - read all the instructions. However, if you mean the menu where you choose things like items, equipments, quests, etc.. then you need a totally different script. Go to the RMVX Script Index (stickied in the Database) and look under the Menu Systems category. The Quest Journal is supported in some of them natively as long as it is under them. In others you might need to go through their own configurations to add the quest journal to the menu.
Also, this is not the place to keep asking these questions (go to the Tutorials board and make a new topic) but the two arrows indicate the amount of space you have to write (Ie the problem you are having). If using a face graphic, you only have to the first arrow. If not using a face graphic, you have to the second arrow. If you go over those arrows, then your words get cut off. They exist to indicate how much space you have. If you press the Preview button, you will see how it shows up in game.