Well, just look at the demo - what's in the event is how you advance quests and such. As for setting the quest to open on key press, I'm certain that I put in an option for that, but you have to choose buttons, and those don't correspond to letter keys. To set that up, you can press F1 and change the mapping, but by default L => Q, R=> W. So, Input::L means you have to press Q to open it.
As for opening it through a call script, I believe it's just $scene = Scene_Quest.new (0), but I'm not totally certain about that since I haven't looked at it for a long long time.
@h3llhound - sorry for not responding earlier. I totally missed your post. I don't really have any plans in the works for this script, and a few of those I wouldn't do anyway. The categories is a good idea however, so I might do that, but probably not for a while.