Eureka! He lives!!! really?
Two big requests incoming:
Visual Novel GFX supportIn image code.jpg you can see what I have to do in order to archive the Visual Novel effect i.e. a sprite "under" the textbox. My dream is to have Advanced Text System 3.0 support this feature natively by somehow fiddling with the z-element. In a sense ATS 2.0 support this already, but the sprite will
a. mess up the text-formatting in the box
b. z-element is making the sprite always appear OVER the textbox
On image1.jpg you have a perfect example on how a Visual Novel "implementation" shall look like in a basic setting (notice how the sprite is "under" the textbox).
Visual Novel support to hide/show the text-boxIn a visual novel it's important to let the user hide/show the text-box. Why? Well, thats because he/she (mostly he) wants to see the entire image behind the text-box in it's full glory. Look on code.jpg how I solve it, aye, I use one "clean" background image and a sprite or more for the interactiveness. Every character have several expressions, and it's easy to call em in and out and give them different placement. For the "delicate" scenes I (truth be known) use single high quality images (hehe).
Anyways, look on Image2.jpg, and then visualize how you press F8 and the text-window hides, aye, see Image3.jpg on how it looks when its hidden, then press F8 again, or the VX button for continue or cancel and the "text-box" is shown again.
This feature must somehow be implemented into Advanced Text System 3.0
For the full script Jet10985 and Piejamas built around my idea go too: script provided here HACKED by me and NOT working as the original production by Jet10985 and Piejamas. However, this "hack" is best to follow as reference for WHAT it does (not how the code looks, because by the god's it's a mess, but it DOES the job).
So, start up a game with the provided scripts and see for yourself (for REFERENCE only) - this is Visual Novel implementation in VX when it shines...
Main code:
Addon 1
Addon 2
The very best regards