Actually, nevermind i got it working! 3rd times definitely the charm.
Edit: oops sorry for double posting, accident
ReEdit: umm you might wanna fix a bug... in the first city, where the guy says this is not a shop, u can get in but u cant get out =P
Double ReEdit: someone should make a guide, like which character in the pub is what class, and what they can become, where to train at what lvl ect.
Maybe that could be my 2nd contribution after my city is done...
Triple ReEdit: My city is taking a while...
1x shop
1x bank
1x huge palace
2x new enemy
1x underground cavern
about 5 or 6x new items
1x shop
3x merchants
1x quest (half done)
1x King A13x
1x watch tower
1x inn
1x river in city
3x gardens
1x scarecrow