Does anone know how to custemiz your Exp?
Not by going to the one they give you becouse it (When you set it on Second or any they will only go up Exp.
then it only goes up every 63 on every level Sad I get set it like
Lv:1 63exp
Lv2: 140exp
Lv3: 232exp
See i don't want to have it every 63 i need to set it so it goes up more then then every level and more!
Can some one help please? Thank you!
Attempting translation
Greetings I was wondering if anyone would be so kind as to share their vast knowledge of how to customize one's way of receiving experience to level up.
I rather disagree with the makers ideal way of leveling up, so I am curious if someone knows of a way to make it possible to make a secondary way of leveling up.
For example
when primary is set to 11
secondary is set to 63
and tertiary is set to 13
My results are as followed
At level 1 you must have 63 experience to level up to level 2
at level 2 you must have 140 experience to level up to level 3
and at level 3 you require 232 experience to gain to level 4
as one can see there is a 63 difference for every level. I am not too please with this.
Thank you in advance,
Sincerely OrgeKings
Dear OrgeKings
First I would like to ask are you a single person or multipliable... anyway
It is possible to set your level ups based on events. Problem is, it means
a lot more work for you and a higher chance for lag. How to go about such
a manner is quiet easy.
Make 2 common events, number 1 to take the hero's experience as a variable.
Number 2 make a long and I do mean long condition branch that checks the experence and then checks the level, if the level is below what it should it will add a level. To match what you want. and do this for as many levels as you see fit.
The problem with this is very simple.
1. This is very very unreliable if you don't check your work.
2. If you have more than 1 hero (which most games do) you would require to make a condition branch for each hero and their own variable.
3. This will cause lots of lag.
Now That is the long and sweat factories method, but we are using a user friendly version of an rpg maker, so the curve is in there for your benefited.
your numbers on the other is false, a fabricated lie if you will
for example to gain up to level 2 you would require 83 not 63.
level 3 would be 237 not 140
and to gain up to level 4 you would require 450 not 232
The only way your numbers would match up is if you use the event way. For you see
even at primary at 1, Secondary at 63, and tertiary at 0
Level 2 will still require 64, and even when secondary is at 62, your level 3 is still greater than 180
As mentioned above you are required to know some basic math.
Primary is your standard number. It is the foundation number of where to begain.
Secondary is the ratio times your level ( or in math terms... secondary(level))
tertiary is just an extra number to chew off of, for you see, it is just a nicer way of explain a formula.
Primary = A
Secondary = B
Level = N
Tertiary = C
A + B(N) + C
That should cover it.
Sincerely Kathis