Minor Updates:
The game now has four screenshots.
The game enemies have now been added to the screen as you walk around. [Fixing the bugs I found with them]
The game is actually 75% done.
Incase I haven't mentioned this before, The game is short and the story is what I really want to get out, also there might not be any fighting at the last bit of the game and instead puzzles.
Notes on the Demo: It's a rushed version, and it's kinda big. I making the new one small and hopefully much much better. (Er, the full game)
The game has more surprises in it(I hope).
Full game, is hopefully sometime around June, If I can find the battle system I want. The current one is well, the RTP Battle system, and it's not much to enjoy, and if I can't find a battle system besides the RTP battle system, I will make the rest of the game puzzles and easy boss fights.