NOTE: This question is in the context of XP/VX, and sorry if its in the wrong place.
I have a trap system in my game that allows the player to set traps anywhere on the field that the character can walk on. While most traps are represented by simple pictures, 1 trap in particular posses a problem. This trap is very customisable in its placement, and per single instance of this trap 16 tiles are required. Now the problem here is how to visually represent each tile of this trap. Since this trap is very customisable in its shape, there would have to be hundreds, if not thousands of pictures to accomodate each possible set up.
Since making so many different pictures would be very ridiculous, I was thinking of using a picture per tile. With a maximum of 10 traps being set up at once, worst case scenario would necessitate me 160 pictures just for the traps (aside from a generous 20 I set aside for hud/other). With a 50 picture limit (and apparently VX has a 20 pic limit, unless thats just a limit in the trial version), thats surely a problem.
What I need help with is coming up a reasonable method to represent the part of the trap on each tile, no matter that specific traps shape, for 10 traps (worst case scenario). I heard that more pictures could be shown with scripts, but that that also will have massive lag (any way to get around it?).
Another way I was thinking was having an event represent each tile for the picture, but layering every walkable tile with events to cover every possibility of the potential set ups also causes major lag, as well as being a ridiculous workload for each and every map in the game. Is there any way to simply teleport an event from a map that is premade to contain these events for such occurances (without having to swap it with another event)?
Or I was thinking of simply swapping a certain tile with the same tile, but with the image of the trap already drawn on it. Although this would require probably a few hundred tiles in order to make sure I got every different looking tiles double, it would be better then using pictures. Or, since XP has many layers, maybe I could just make an invisible tile on, say, the 3rd layer and then swap it for a tile with the image of the trap when needed. That way I wouldn't have to have premade 200+ different tiles. Since I haven't noticed XP or VX having tile substitutions like in 2k3, I wonder if this is even possible.
All I need out of this is to visually represent on the map that there is a trap there in any way possible, and for it to be able to handle up to 160 tiles. All the coding will be taken care of elsewhere. Help me make any of the mentioned methods work, or if they are impossible, please provide me with other methods that could work.