This script was requested by Erk, and so I decided just to take a crack at it. It is a script that allows accessories to give elemental attacks. Pretty straightforward, and because of the way it works, screenshots are kind of out of the question. The instructions are in the header of the script, so enjoy.
Spoiler for "Script" :
#=============================================================================== # Elemental Attack Accessories v. 1.0 # by Leon_Westbrooke #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Allows accessories to give elemental attack(s). # # Instruction: # -Place above main, but below any scripts that alter the method 'element_set'. # -In the method, where it says Elemental_Acc, below that, follow the example # in the comments. # # Notes: # -Allows a crossover for Guillaume777's Multislot script. To use it, set # Multislot_Script equal to true. # # Compatability: # -It is compatible with any script that does NOT alter the method element_set # for the Game_Actor class. #=============================================================================== module EAtk_Acc #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Elemental_Acc = { # accessory_id1 => [element_id, element_id], # accessory_id2 => [element_id], etc #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elemental_Acc = { 25 => [4, 7], 26 => [5] } Multislot_Script = false end class Game_Actor def element_set ea = EAtk_Acc new_element_set = [] if ea::Multislot_Script == false weapon = $data_weapons[@weapon_id] if weapon != nil new_element_set = weapon.element_set end if @armor4_id != nil if ea::Elemental_Acc.keys.include?(@armor4_id) for i in 0...ea::Elemental_Acc[@armor4_id].size unless new_element_set.include?(ea::Elemental_Acc[@armor4_id][i]) new_element_set.push(ea::Elemental_Acc[@armor4_id][i]) end end end end else weapon = self.get_weapon_data if weapon != nil new_element_set = weapon.element_set end for h in 0...armor_ids[3] if @armor_ids[3][h] != nil if ea::Elemental_Acc.keys.include?(@armor_ids[3][h]) for i in 0...ea::Elemental_Acc[@armor_ids[3][h]].size unless new_element_set.include?(ea::Elemental_Acc[@armor_ids[3][h]][i]) new_element_set.push(ea::Elemental_Acc[@armor_ids[3][h]][i]) end end end end end end return new_element_set end end