Hey, this is my first post and I probably wouldn't have even signed up but there's something I cant figure out at all, and I'm sure its really easy to do.
I just got this program and I'm in the middle of my first map and I'm stuck. Okay, I really dont know how to eplain this easy so I'll do it as informatively as I can.
Now if that worked...
I set some events (yellow circle) to make my character walk up to the blue circled event. I set that event to player touch and I want it to trigger the legal guy to throw an exclaimation mark above his head and to begin talking. But I cant figure out what combination of switches or conditional branches or anything. Everything I try is fruitless and I can't move on without this happening...
I've looked up switch tutorials and youtube tutorials and I get some info but not really related to what I need. I'm sure I'm just doing something easily overlooked but I just need a point in the right direction. Thanks for any help.