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Tales of Zodiac: Memories Lost

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Level 86
Deviant Designer
Tales of Zodiac: Memories Lost (Info)

Spoiler for Downloads:
Mirror 1: Mega-Upload 4.7a

Spoiler for Website:
<Website has Screen Shots> - Requires Registration.
-Sorry, but if you are interested in the game, then it won't hurt to register to a forum/website. No email is required for confirming and all.


Spoiler for Updates:
-Please report all bugs or glitches
If you wish, we will take a snapshot of a glitch or error, and show details of the glitch we will reward those who
do. If you join our forum, also we could use more members.

-4.5a Final patch update, this was a map update/bug/typo all that junk. This was a huge improvement in dialog/maps.
Smoother game play, more buggy things were removed.

-4.4b Another patch, people who annoyed of constant update I am sorry, but there is some major problems when I released this, and I will try to avoid this for now on.
-2 Map Bugs fixed.
-Added Library file to game, so it won't error when you open the game. (Fixed)
-Fixed movement after intro.
-Changed a few more things up. (This should be the final patch)

-4.4a Sorry for another update if you have anything below this update and move your save file this will error. Moved some scripts around to make the game work Snake101 on neoseeker, and again fixed up 2 maps, Outskirts looks way awesome now, and
forest plains looks better. Some grammar and minor bugs from maps were fixed too.
This is the FINAL update 100% this time, until 5.0. ;)

-New to Update patch to 4.3 retyped intro, and fixed up 4 maps. (Mostly intro)
Final update until 5.0, that will be problay 2-4 weeks away or more. (V.4.3b)

-New to 4.3 retyped credits, and removed a few scripts,
and added some of the old ones that worked fine for snake, and everyone else. This should work perfect now,
sorry for those who waited and got disappointed.

New to 4.2a removed 3 scripts that caused problems.
Moved some around to fix some things up, and
fixed some typing in intro, and changed a few more things up
this is the final patch I will be doing Fragment of Chaos will be doing it for the next week.

NOTE: I tested through the game almost 3 times, though
I added fixes and such throughout the time I tested, it may not be perfect.
<>What I did from last release which was 3.2 was redid dialog completely again, should be much better, animations to talking.

V.5.0. Preview
<>Over 20 new maps.
<>New Story over 800-2000 more words of dialog and story.
<>New Skills/Animations.
<>New Icons/Armor/Weapons/Items!
<>Introducing Mining, Smelting Crafting! (Prexus Craft)
<>New Menu
<>New Report script for battling based off of Lufia II.
<>Fixed over 10 maps, made them look nicer...
<>Upgraded a few scripts to newer versions.
<>New Status/Equip Script
<>Multi-Slot Script, and Shop Add-On!
<>This was the basic add-ons I may of left some things out,
but this is the biggest release, ever...
<>Much, much more to come!
<>Next release will do the following...
-Redo more maps.
-New Town.
-New characters.
-Bug fixes.
-Mining Skill, and Crafting Skill will be in the game, hopefully soon...

Spoiler for Document Log File:
Chapter I: Memories Lost (Current Story)
Chapter II: Heart of Darkness Before/After Story I - Next
Chapter III: The Dark Demise Before Story I - Next after
Chapter IV: The Creation Before Story I/II/III - Last

Current People Working on the project.

-Fragment of Chaos
Resources/Story Writer/Graphics

Lead Mapper/Graphics

Graphics/Story Writer/Resources


Nothing at the moment.

Nothing at the moment.

-New Requested member soon to join.

Looking for more recruits:

1. Put: First/Last name
2. Put: Reason for applying.
3. Put: Type of job your applying for.
4. Put: Skills, and some sample work you have.
5. Put: Any extra info you have.

Paste you recruit forum on this, make it look unique we will be giving best positions to best looking recruit forums, and examples of your work, the more the better if their decent work.

-Currently we're looking for someone who can script actual code, for custom scripts, and well we wouldn't mind someone with Artistic talents, Musician/Song Designer/.
If you send me a file of something that you do and it's quality work we will let you join us, and might use it. You will get most likely get the game right away since your well working on it, but if your just doing it to get the game then don't JOIN! I don't want a quitter, if you want to work, then work for at-least awhile. Don't quit the 2nd day, and thanks for the support of those who do read what I am typing... :D

Details of the Game: Tales of Zodiac: Memories Lost

We will have 4 tales of the story they each will explain another side of the story before, after, and in between the sequence of the first.

-Limit Break DurVVulfman 2.4. (Working...)
-Limit Break Gauge Bar (Working...)
-Real Time Active Battle (Working...)
-RTAB Add-Ons (Completed...)
-Title screen Image (Completed...)
-Title Menu Script (Completed...)
-Game over Image (Completed...)
-Custom Menu CMS (FF7) (Working...)
-Minkoff Animated Battlers V.10.3 (Working...)
-Custom Battle Damage Display V.1.0.5a (Working...)
-Custom Battle Report <Lufia II> (Working...)
-Skill Casting Time Counter V.1.00a (Working...)
-HP/MP/ATB Add-On Script (Working...)
-PrexCraft Script (Working...)
-Mining Common Event System (Working...)
-CM Item Script for RTAB (Working...)
-Stretch Removal V.1.1 (Working...)
-RTAB Configuration System (Working...)
-RMXP SDK 2.3 (Completed...)
-MACL 1.5 Library (Working...)
-Caterpillar Script (Working...)
-New Menu System (Working...)
-Steal System/Setup/Patch (Working...)
-End Game Credits (Completed...)
-Ccoa's UMS Script (Working...)
-Add-on Scripts (Working...)
-Steal Script 6.3. patch update (Working...)
-Steal patch scripts for RTAB (Working...)
-Status Script Add-On/Equip (Working...)
-Multi-Slot Script, and Store Patch Working (Working...)

Progress of Game :
-Graphics (90%)
-Music (75%)
-Maps (25%)
-Scripts (100%)
-Game Script Code (23%)
-End Credits (100%)
-Storyline (90%)

<>Game has over 100-120 maps, and it's only a demo.
hope you enjoy playing this game, and please give
feedback no matter how good or bad it may be.

Spoiler for Story:
The Tales of Zodiac is about Seven Ancient Powers that were unimaginable with great devastating powers of their own type. The Ancients from a place called Armageddon, formed these Ancient Powers. Each of these representing an Element and name. The Elements they used were Fire, Water, Light, Darkness, Earth, Wind, and Thunder. Before anyone could steal these powers they locked them away into Seven Temples where they were sealed until the one of Great Evil who would one day take these. This story is about a boy named Zeffir who was born in Radia. This was his Home Town, but it was destroyed by someone of great evil when he was only at the Age of eleven. Zeffir wonders the coasts of Zangard looking for his purpose in life, what he doesn't realize is that the Ancients send him to stop Zamachar, the Ultimate Weapon of Destruction. Who takes hold of the World, with the help of the Powers of the Zodiac. These Powers are in a Ancient Blood Line, the same as Zamachars. Which imbues them into one being, making him unstoppable. Zeffir finds out slowly about his past events, from flash backs, and other random things that happen to him. Though he tries to ignore them at first, but little does he know that they are persistent and they will never quit coming until he stops the Dark Presence. This Story is long story, and broken down into four parts, The first story is called "Memories Lost", which is about Zeffir destroying Zamachar, and saving the world from Darkness. The Second story is called, "Heart of Darkness" it is about a girl named Amy one of Zeffir childhood friends that lived with him in Radia. This explains everything that happens in the past events of his flash backs, and the events of Zeffir's Childhood as well. The Third story is called "The Dark Demise", which is Zamachar's Life story from his Childhood all the way until he dies at the end, which is hidden from all the hear. Lastly the last one is about the Creation of the Zodiac, called "The Creation". This is where you play as one of the Creators being attacked while trying to store the powers into seven temples. Beasts try to kill you, because they can sense the great power, and this becomes very tough throughout the game.

Spoiler for Characters:


Profile: Born in the country of Radia, Zeffir was orphaned when he was five, his family killed in a raid by the enemy nation of Sylia. With no one else to turn to he was taken in by a soldier-turned-blacksmith named Vance and taught how to fend for himself, learning both domestic and fighting skills. On his eleventh birthday, just over a year after the war had ended, Vance left to pick up a package but failed to return. A few days later, his body was found on the outskirts of town.

Personality: Mean and Rude to people that he doesn't know. Though the time with his friends he can be very nice and caring towards them. As the story goes on he becomes more and more consumed and starts to become more like Zamachar. Though he is the main character in this game, he has many problems, which his friends help him get through.

Age: 17


Profile: Born in the prestige land of Zangard, Cypher leads a ordinary life in a country side town, One of the few towns that wasn't effected by Zamachars plague. He usually hangs out with his little brother. Cypher taught himself how to fight to defend himself and his brother from Zamachars reign. His attitude is always serious and he always cuts to the chase. He is the protection of the village, but he leaves to go with Zeffir. Which leaving his brother in charge now to protect the village.

Personality: Cypher is nice and a hard working person. He tries to become stronger and stronger, and gets excited easy when a tough battle starts. Though when someone messing with him or starts to waste his time, it makes him very angry. Cypher is always in a hurry, and he tries to get as much done as possible. Even though he is such a weird person he is one of the main characters in this game, besides Zeffir.

Age: 19


Profile: A serious man, quick to cut to the chase, Acerebus' goal in life was to be a pirate, exploring the seas in search of treasure. He left his village home for the city of Zangard when he was fifteen, only to end up stealing from none other than Zamachar himself. As punishment, Acerebus was locked away in a card and is forever bound to serve Zamachar.

Personality: Acerebus is like a pirate, he dresses like one and he even acts like one. Stealing from others, whatever you can think of! He is a man that can't be trusted, and he seems to leave the people he knows alone. Acerebus is short tempered, and if you mess with him, it'll start a fight and he'll most likely win. He is very tough and stubborn, sometimes people say that he isn't worth the hassle. He ends up making you end up with less than you started off with.

Age: 27

Spoiler for Screen Shots:
There will be only a few provided you can check out our website for more!
Note if they don't look good, try clicking on full size some of the forums resize
the images to 80% or so.

« Last Edit: December 29, 2007, 01:47:30 AM by Helladen »

Wandering Artist
Level 86
You got a problem? Fix by yourself.
Project of the Month winner for July 2009
It sounds really interesting.

I will try to download it and see if it's really good. I might join you if it turned out well since I can make panorama, battle-back, battlers and face-sets. (Especially battlers and face-sets, only if you don't mind an anime character.)

Level 86
Deviant Designer
Alright the game is still in progress, so if you don't llike the story all the way we can always tweak the game.
Thanks for the support ;D

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Most Mature Member2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Most Mature Member2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Best Veteran2010 Most Mature Member2010 Favourite Staff Member
Well, I will have to check this out later, but for now it fulfills the requirements to be moved into the regular section.

Level 86
Deviant Designer
Alright, sounds cool to me.
This game is like 4-6 hours long, and V.5.0. is going
to be up to 8, it will be out in a month or two.

Wandering Artist
Level 86
You got a problem? Fix by yourself.
Project of the Month winner for July 2009
Okay, I've checked the game a bit.
The battle system is cool, storyline is fine.
I think your mapping could get better...more decoration should do it. oh there's some mistake in grammar here and there.
You know... when you're saying an item name, it can be a or an *item-name*.
Don't just make them a *item-name*.

Here's some error from the game :
Spoiler for:
Other than that, you're doing a great job.
Keep up the good work.

Level 86
Deviant Designer
Thanks for the feedback,
V.4.6d Released.
15+ New maps for expanding areas. More Realistic.
-Bug Fixes, and Grammar Typing Fixes.
-Maps Redone.

Note, bugs reported aren't fixed. There minor, I just fixed them, they will be gone next patch.
Which will be a couple of days to weeks, depends.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2007, 06:24:40 AM by Helladen »

Level 86
Deviant Designer

V.4.7a Released.
-New Main Character sprite.
-Complete run through of games for bug corrections.
-Typing was fixed much. Spent over 8 hours fixing dialog making it sound more professional.
-Remapped some areas, made them look better. Made areas blend more to have it where it looks more realistic.

Level 87
"Dear diary, jack pot"
Seems interesting, downloading now.
Deceased, the memories of time flow ever lasting. Let the passion of the living and the dead touch you, and give you their wisdom.

I'd sooner die than leave your side, I'd sooner rust than let you die.

Level 86
Deviant Designer
This is the final release, this was just a practice project. My first project to go online, I am working with someone on a new game, which should be much funner than this one. :D

Level 87
"Dear diary, jack pot"
Well this one is pretty fun,and i like how the story flows out.

Zamachar is pretty cool too  ;8
Deceased, the memories of time flow ever lasting. Let the passion of the living and the dead touch you, and give you their wisdom.

I'd sooner die than leave your side, I'd sooner rust than let you die.

Level 86
Deviant Designer
Thanks, I am done with this game though sadly. Making a new one, this one is around 2 hours long or more.
Average of 2-4 hours.  ;D

Level 89
I'm back again. Again.
This looks quite good, I'm going to download whats there and play it for a while.  :)