Well, I'd suggest you move this to Script Requests. The request is fairly easy. All that really needs to be done is write a Window and then display it upon battle start and dispose of it at the end of the battle. If you wanted a skeleton for the window, it's be something like this:
class Window_BattlePartyData < Window_Base
def initialize
super (40, 336, 560, 128)
self.contents = Bitmap.new (width - 32, height - 32)
self.opacity = 160
def refresh
for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
draw_actor_name ($game_party.actors[i], 0, i*32)
draw_actor_state ($game_party.actors[i], 125, i*32)
draw_actor_hp ($game_party.actors[i], 250, i*32, 140)
draw_actor_sp ($game_party.actors[i], 390, i*32, 140)
Maybe that would be enough. I just wrote that on the spot, so it probably would need some tweaking. Then yeah, all you would need to do is call the window at the start of the battle, refresh whenever someone on your team gets hit, and disposed at the end of battle.