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Idea's on how to slow climate change ?

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Resource Maker
Level 91
Here... for the last time (I hope)

1. You agree Global warming isn't happening due to us, but the ice caps are melting, so climate change is happening.

2. The Government are trying (Or supposedly trying) to slow it, by tackling the human contribution, they go on about our carbon foot prints... But what have they done ? (Nothing)

3. I am trying to show without much effort the government could slow the human impact (The factious one they have created) if they so wished.

Understand now ? (Sorry, for being not very understandable, if I was)

Global warming is happening, but I don't think we are to blame, but that aside as the governments do think Global warming is happening and we are to blame.

Here I extend the above does that help...?

Here is another Idea:-

The Government could send a pack of 8 energy saving bulbs to every family on the electoral roll.  Replacing almost every house's lights with more energy efficient ones.

If Global warming meant so much to the powers that be then they could make some very quick changes... But their not...!!!
« Last Edit: August 01, 2007, 12:54:29 PM by landofshadows »

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Level 96
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Level 91





The human impact on global warming, as you believe, is minimal, I think you said what, that we are adding something like 2% to the problem?

If you changed that 2%, IF you changed it, IT WOULD MAKE CLOSE TO NO DIFFERENCE. IT WOULD BE POINTLESS.

It would be like throwing a pebble into a lake. So why the fuck would they put that much effort, into a fucking pebble? 

**I step away from the thread, to get back from the idiotism.

Resource Maker
Level 91
So why are the Government trying to push Global Warming as being some thing we are causing ?...

You see It is stupid... The Government is stupid... That's one of the points of this thread, but not the whole point.

It's great that even if Global warming was down to us we would have so many options to choose from, to help slow it.

The Theory I have

Right now Billion's are being spent arming pretty much every Arab state apart from Iran, that money would have been better spent, if they think Global warming will be the end of Man one day, than trying to defend a few Arab states from a Nuke threat from their own neighbouring state, that we have no proof has Nukes...LOL

(You say what's the point in spending money on some thing we don't have proof on, your government already is)

15 Billion could have funded about 3 or four of the projects I have mentioned... But they would rather spend the 15 Billion arming Arabs for the next ten years...

The Media Reports on Global Warming alone cost a couple of Billion a year, and that's not to mention all the money the Government give to scientists to prove Global Warming is down to man.

The point of this topic was to show how easy it would be for the Government to make changes.


The Government has us as it wants us, in fear... Global Warming is one of the top ten listed things to end man kind, and the media and Jews (As you mentioned before) are the ones keeping this threat very much alive and in the forefront of our minds.

It was like the floods here in England, the News Reporter was ranting on about what we could have done to help stop global change, rather than who removed the flood defences...?

The only Fuel source the Government are interested in is Oil as it keeps many people in Jobs and it keeps the rich, rich and the poor, poor.... They can't shift to a resource so abundant as Hydrogen, there would be no or very little money in it.

So they create Global Warming tell us all to cut back on our consumption, not for a better tomorrow, but for a richer today for them !!!

Any way back to topic...

idiotic idea's of slowing Global Warming that isn't happening...LOL

Humm I have run a little low right now...

How About more wind farms...
« Last Edit: August 01, 2007, 01:36:50 PM by landofshadows »

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Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
So why are the Government trying to push Global Warming as being some thing we are causing ?...

You see It is stupid... The Government is stupid... That's one of the points of this thread, but not the whole point.

It's great that even if Global warming was down to us we would have so many options to choose from, to help slow it.


The Theory I have

Right now Billion's are being spent arming pretty much every Arab state apart from Iran, that money would have been better spent, if they think Global warming will be the end of Man one day, than trying to defend a few Arab states from a Nuke threat from their own neighbouring state, that we have no proof has Nukes...LOL

     Its not about nukes, friend. Saddam, for better or worse, is gone. Now, you have all of these rival warlords, big players varying from region to region, trying to fill that power vacuum, either for themselves, or, for "the people" as they define that term. Lurk decent news moar. Not only do I read anti-war articles, I also watch the military channel. Bush hating is popular now, so you have to take both extremes to get a decent opinion set up. If you could see the people over there, and how much good we really have done, you would feel differently.

(You say what's the point in spending money on some thing we don't have proof on, your government already is)

15 Billion could have funded about 3 or four of the projects I have mentioned... But they would rather spend the 15 Billion arming Arabs for the next ten years...

The Media Reports on Global Warming alone cost a couple of Billion a year, and that's not to mention all the money the Government give to scientists to prove Global Warming is down to man.

The point of this topic was to show how easy it would be for the Government to make changes.

The Government has us as it wants us, in fear... Global Warming is one of the top ten listed things to end man kind, and the media and Jews (As you mentioned before) are the ones keeping this threat very much alive and in the forefront of our minds.

And now you have the nerve to throw anti-semitic SLANDER around?

It was like the floods here in England, the News Reporter was ranting on about what we could have done to help stop global change, rather than who removed the flood defences...?

The only Fuel source the Government are interested in is Oil as it keeps many people in Jobs and it keeps the rich, rich and the poor, poor.... They can't shift to a resource so abundant as Hydrogen, there would be no or very little money in it.

So they create Global Warming tell us all to cut back on our consumption, not for a better tomorrow, but for a richer today for them !!!

I'm sorry, but this post earned you a lock. Not even you know what you are talking about now. Sorry LOS.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
(Topic unlocked. ;8)

Resource Maker
Level 91
Thanks... Arrow.

Let me start over... Here I will lay every thing out for you as I see it:-

Why I think Global warming isn't happening:-

The Government has stated Global Warming is down to Man... They have used members of the ICCP and other means to prove this... They go on about our Carbon Foot prints and even used John Travolter to go on air and say about cutting back our Carbon foot prints, yet he has two jets in his own back yard... That's a big Contradiction.

The Government claims we are to blame but, sea water specialists state for the temperature of the sea to change takes 100's of years, and the government are saying it's the way we have lived from the start of the 1900's... There is no way the sea's temperature has risen that much according to marine specialists.

One Volcano produces more carbon emissions in one year than every car on earth running it's engine for a none stop for 6 months (Or some thing like that)... Ex-members of the ICCP have calculated we use contribute 2% of the carbon emissions, they also state if Global warming was due to these gases the temperature change would occur in the upper atmostpher the zopiastrope (Or some thing similar sounding), but its no warmer, infact it's dropped in the last ten years.

Why I think the Government would like to make us think it is:-

1. Resources that we burn to create these gases are becoming low.
2. Reducing the gases keeps the public focused on some thing they can feel part of (Distraction)
3. It keeps many people in jobs, we have reporters who's jobs are all based on Climate.
4. Keeping the amount of resources we are using to a low, gives the Government more time to source more.

Why I am coming up with idea's to slow climate change:-

To show how easy it will be to make a difference if the Government needed to. (As they say they do)

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Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
Let me try again:

If you believe global warming is a natural event why are you asking us to come up with ideas on how to fix it? All the magic cars in the world won't help if this process is natural.

im in ur interwebs, pointin out ur stupids
Level 87
This thread is made of so much lol, it's hilarious.

I think the lot of you who propose alternative fuels (such as sea water, methane, ethanol, or hydrogen) fail to understand the resource costs of them and their actual efficiency. See, oil is not just not a fuel source. It's a source for tens of thousands of thousands of products we use everyday: Nearly everything you own, even the computer you're sitting on when you respond to this conversation, is a product of oil, whether directly or indirectly. The gathering methods and the refining methods and it being manufactured into other products is not good for environment.

Hydrogen is a common element, but not as much as you'd think on earth. To gather it, it requires a lot of resources. To produce enough hydrogen that matches a single gallon of petrol fuel used in an engine, you need to put three times that amount of oil into it getting it. Not exactly efficient, is it? They're calling for another 40 years before it's actually feasible. I wonder how much oil goes into producing a car that runs on salt-water, because I bet it's not as feasible either.

Secondly, if you believe that we have a minimal impact on global warming, then we should do what we have to reduce our part. We have a responsibility to keep our environment clean. Now that the humans who practice mass production and totalitarian agriculture exist on a global scale, our environment is the world. If our impact is 0%, then we are to blame for nothing. Even if we do only 2%, we're still doing too much.

Whether or not global warming is real or created by governments based on a ass-backwards, half-witted assertion of interpretations of fallacious facts and skewed news blips, while ignoring more real and more concrete scientific statements, is irrelevant. The matter shouldn't be about a boogey man, however real he may be. We still have an irrevocable effect on the environment. This is a fact that has been proven by the looking at the aftermath of the industrial revolution. There are few places in Europe and Americas where you can drink water from a stream and not get sick. There are lakes that were once teaming with fish, but our dumping waste into the water has killed a lot of them off. The coral reefs are dying because our disposal. Hell, didn't one of the Great Lakes go up in flames because of how polluted it was?

Consider the improper disposal of batteries, computers, cell phones, and other high-tech gadgets. A massive amount of computer equipment (once abandoned is called e-waste) is sold to China a year for disposal, and there they use extraction methods to remove the gold from the board, acids and other chemicals which do nothing for the environment. Or the some rare-earth metal oxidizes and poisons water sources and fields. Batteries do just the same job.

When our action have an impact on the health of creatures around us, including other humans, we're doing something wrong. The smog cover in Los Angeles is a prime example. Or acid rain. Or forcing life to form new ways to adapt to our destructive behavior. When our presence hurts other people or animals or plants, we have fucked up. Not to say that nothing positive comes out of it, and that nature doesn't find ways to survive. In 1975, a bacteria was found to have generated an enzyme a priori to digest nylon (which is also a product of oil, btw). Other places in the world could only be so lucky to have such natural innovations.

We also have the problem with the economic ramifications of oil in the world. It is the crux, to be exact. So many products which we take for granted (medication, clothing, refrigeration, &c.) that when extracting and producing oil becomes too expensive to be feasible, every first world nation will come to a screeching halt.

So stop dodging the issue by hiding behind bullshit statements like, "humans have no impact on global warming," or "we only contribute 2% to a natural phenomenon." Enjoying 1st world benefits, such as the internet, such as cell phones, such as easily priced and available clothing, such as cold food is a contribution to some ecological problem on some level. Sitting around and rhetorically chasing frogs through a swamp may make you look like you know something, but you're not really doing ANYONE and ANYTHING any good anywhere.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2007, 08:50:47 PM by voice of reason »

Resource Maker
Level 91
VOR... Welcome... Your Post is lengthy and hard to break down and comment on, but I will try.

I think the lot of you who propose alternative fuels (such as sea water, methane, ethanol, or hydrogen) fail to understand the resource costs of them and their actual efficiency. See, oil is not just not a fuel source. It's a source for tens of thousands of thousands of products we use everyday: Nearly everything you own, even the computer you're sitting on when you respond to this conversation, is a product of oil, whether directly or indirectly. The gathering methods and the refining methods and it being manufactured into other products is not good for environment.

True, but if we used Sea Water to power refining stations and manufacturing plants of these goods that's a large cut back in the resources used in the process of production.  May be if we was to use Sea Water for powering all large complexes that are high on burning Oil and use Sea water for powering homes, Much like we use Nuclear energy stations.

The Ships we use to gain and pump the Water could also be powered by Sea Water, I know they will be made from oil just like the cars and most other plastic goods, or we could use scrap metal cars and use Sea Water driven factories to do the melting of them.

It's less oil than we use now.

Now We use Oil to gain oil, I am suggesting we use Sea Water to gain Oil, and use Oil to help develop new Sea Water driven devices, I had a digital watch that ran on water when I was a kid...

Click Image for more Info:-

And see the Video on my first Post, it tells you that the powerstaion built into the cars frame could power half a street on a tank of Water and the out put of using water will be water !!!

Hydrogen is a common element, but not as much as you'd think on earth. To gather it, it requires a lot of resources. To produce enough hydrogen that matches a single gallon of petrol fuel used in an engine, you need to put three times that amount of oil into it getting it. Not exactly efficient, is it? They're calling for another 40 years before it's actually feasible. I wonder how much oil goes into producing a car that runs on salt-water, because I bet it's not as feasible either.

It's more like ten years until they can mass produce the car at an affordable price for the end user, at the moment it costs around 5 million pounds, but then match that to cost of space exploration that we spend each year, we could at least think about making buses that run on sea water or cruise ships... Even planes... Large scale vehicles that carry many people large distances... If we moved all funding from Arms, Space & Climate change programs we could afford 1000's of these cars, or at least buy in all the materials needed in Bulk to manufacture them, or build a manufacturing plant that runs off sea water to build the cars...

Secondly, if you believe that we have a minimal impact on global warming, then we should do what we have to reduce our part. We have a responsibility to keep our environment clean. Now that the humans who practice mass production and totalitarian agriculture exist on a global scale, our environment is the world. If our impact is 0%, then we are to blame for nothing. Even if we do only 2%, we're still doing too much.

We are made of Carbon, just us breathing Ad's Carbon to the air... We are never going to emit 0%... 0.5% or around may be, but never a zero... But I agree in part, I mean if we want a CLEANER Future I do think we should be less wasteful !!

Whether or not global warming is real or created by governments based on a ass-backwards, half-witted assertion of interpretations of fallacious facts and skewed news blips, while ignoring more real and more concrete scientific statements, is irrelevant. The matter shouldn't be about a boogey man, however real he may be. We still have an irrevocable effect on the environment.

I suppose that's aimed at me and in some people's opinions my half baked idea's of a mass conspiracy... May be I deserve may be I don't, I guess only time will tell... I am not Ignoring Scientific statements, show me one and I will show you an equally good counter claim, or at least try.  I am fairly confident in the info I have found showing Global warming is a natural event.

This is a fact that has been proven by the looking at the aftermath of the industrial revolution. There are few places in Europe and Americas where you can drink water from a stream and not get sick. There are lakes that were once teaming with fish, but our dumping waste into the water has killed a lot of them off. The coral reefs are dying because our disposal. Hell, didn't one of the Great Lakes go up in flames because of how polluted it was?

I don't know enough on the above to comment... I do know some of the best examples of coral life are on old ship wrecks... May be once we decomission our Petrol driven ships we should strip them of any thing of value and sink them... (Again, it's no doubt a Shite suggestion as I know very little on burning lakes and dieing coral)

Consider the improper disposal of batteries, computers, cell phones, and other high-tech gadgets. A massive amount of computer equipment (once abandoned is called e-waste) is sold to China a year for disposal, and there they use extraction methods to remove the gold from the board, acids and other chemicals which do nothing for the environment. Or the some rare-earth metal oxidizes and poisons water sources and fields. Batteries do just the same job.

We have a program at our work place, we send disused computer and E-Waste to third world countries to be reused in class rooms, or given to the local people in places that are poverty stricken.  Most of our Garbage we recycle in England winds up in China, and is fished through by people paid peanuts, I did watch a documentary on it... That just goes to show how another governments initiative to cut global warming isn't working....

I did however see another documentary about a man who made his own Island off the coast of Mexico using plastic bottles and other common waste...

Click Image for more Info:-

When our action have an impact on the health of creatures around us, including other humans, we're doing something wrong. The smog cover in Los Angeles is a prime example. Or acid rain. Or forcing life to form new ways to adapt to our destructive behavior. When our presence hurts other people or animals or plants, we have fucked up. Not to say that nothing positive comes out of it, and that nature doesn't find ways to survive. In 1975, a bacteria was found to have generated an enzyme a priori to digest nylon (which is also a product of oil, btw). Other places in the world could only be so lucky to have such natural innovations.

Life finds a way Chaos Theory... I agree with you on that, but at the end of the day it's the Human race I am more concerned about.

We also have the problem with the economic ramifications of oil in the world. It is the crux, to be exact. So many products which we take for granted (medication, clothing, refrigeration, &c.) that when extracting and producing oil becomes too expensive to be feasible, every first world nation will come to a screeching halt.

So it makes sense to be researching different fuels for the future, if that energy comes from the Sea, Wind or Sun... More Abundant sources than Oil... And it also makes sense before oil become too expensive that we use what we do have to make these new fuel harbouring machines.

So stop dodging the issue by hiding behind bullshit statements like, "humans have no impact on global warming," or "we only contribute 2% to a natural phenomenon." Enjoying 1st world benefits, such as the internet, such as cell phones, such as easily priced and available clothing, such as cold food is a contribution to some ecological problem on some level. Sitting around and rhetorically chasing frogs through a swamp may make you look like you know something, but you're not really doing ANYONE and ANYTHING any good anywhere.

Nice metaphors and so fourth, loved the frog bit... I used to catch frogs as a kid I am very good at it !! LOL

And the Bullshit you state I am hiding behind... Watch this video posted by Silver:- http://rmrk.net/index.php?topic=18351.0

Here's parts of it:-

______VOR +REP though, you do know you stuff, its a breath of fresh air debating with you______
« Last Edit: August 01, 2007, 11:47:30 PM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
LoS, you still haven't told me why you think any of this matters if you don't think humans are responsible for global warming.

its a breath of fresh air debating with you

Probably because he's not as tired of and used to your shit like me, gonorrhoea, and DS are.

Level 86
Im R is teh Pwn3g.....me!(>^.^)======0(/#.#)/you
get a buncha Air conditoners
J/king but relly the only way to fix the ozone is Self repair And that can only happen if The
damage stops Or we find a  way to imitate the ozones Gases and Spray them up their
I relly dont know

im in ur interwebs, pointin out ur stupids
Level 87
Landofshadows, I'll have to watch the media in a bit. But there is something very basic I want to bring to your attention, because I apparently did not make myself abundantly clear: Oil is not used just for fuel to power factories that manufacture products, it is also a building material for very essential products, products which are fundamental to any alternative fuel base. Getting enough hydrogen equal to a gallon of gas requires you putting three gallons of gas in.  A lot of this is in plastics itself, which if you didn't know, is a product of oil.

While you tout sea water--which, having not yet seen the videos--it seems like a safe bet for an alternative fuel source, but it possible still requires a lot of oil that exist in other forms than just a fuel to operate. The reason nearly any of these alternative fuels haven't gotten off the ground is because they are less efficient than petrol-based gasoline when the consideration of other oil-based products that are used are brought into the light.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
It's true. Half the reason we can't move away from oil is because we put so much faith into it in the first place, knowing full well that it was a non-renewable resource. :-\ So far I'd say VOR is the smartest guy in this topic.

Resource Maker
Level 91
It's true. Half the reason we can't move away from oil is because we put so much faith into it in the first place, knowing full well that it was a non-renewable resource.  So far I'd say VOR is the smartest guy in this topic.

The other Half of the reason is that's what the powers that be want you to think, that Oil is our only means, it's just most Oil rich countries the USA and others are in debt to, Oil is big money, and most arab states have most of it (But that a-side)... Shell and BP have both been pouring money into new fuel techniques, both have got an array of alternative fuel idea's, don't worry when oil runs out there will be many other fuels... They can make cars run on another kind of petrol distilled from sun flower oil, or rape seed oil... There are many alternatives... The only reason I am backing Sea Water is has no nasty out put waste...

In Japan they have developed a machine that can turn plastic back into oil:- http://www.treehugger.com/files/2007/07/making_oil_out.php

It works on a small scale, but they want funding to make a larger version, but even if they kept it small scale, they could add some thing like that to each house hold, and you use it like your own recycling machine, rather then the bin men collecting your plastic they carry away the oil to be refined and reused.

which, having not yet seen the videos

I read all your info, at least watch the video I have posted below as it's the main body of my post.

Watch the one in the FIRST post... this one:-

myself abundantly clear

You did, did I or did I not give a reply to EVERY statement you made ?

Getting enough hydrogen equal to a gallon of gas requires you putting three gallons of gas in.

I am talking about Sea Water, put a empty Gallon Barrel in the sea, what do you get..? a full barrel of sea water (The Barrel doesn't have to be made from oil, or if it is, I am saying make manufacturing stations, or even oil pumping stations that run on an alternative fuel like sea water, so we are not Burning Oil to pump oil)... Please explain, why do we need to add Gas to sea water ?...

LoS, you still haven't told me why you think any of this matters if you don't think humans are responsible for global warming.

The Government does think man are responsible for global warming... (So despite what I think) I am going to show it's a fairly easy thing to slow or change, the human contribution, if we had the funds the Government does... I have said this plenty of times JH... Hence why I am getting bored now saying it... And you have added nothing to this debate so far.

Spoiler for:
Off Topic - VOR was on a REP of 6 last night, he has said nothing wrong to be reduced... I was on 70 last night, now 67....?
« Last Edit: August 02, 2007, 07:27:08 AM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
The Government does think man are responsible for global warming... (So despite what I think) I am going to show it's a fairly easy thing to slow or change, the human contribution, if we had the funds the Government does... I have said this plenty of times JH... Hence why I am getting bored now saying it... And you have added nothing to this debate so far.

This isn't a debate... Unless you want to make the title of this thread "What is the cause of global warming?"?

If it is a natural process then how can it be easy to slow or change? We aren't affecting it now, so why would magic seawater-powered cars or anything else have an effect?

Let me repeat myself: you believe global warming is real but is natural. You also believe that GW can be stopped or slowed by solutions designed for man-made climate change. Can't you see how incompatible these beliefs are?

Off Topic - VOR was on a REP of 6 last night, he has said nothing wrong to be reduced... I was on 70 last night, now 67....?

If it bothers you so much (and it does) go whine and bitch to whoever raised your rep the last time it was at a level you didn't like.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Let me repeat myself: you believe global warming is real but is natural. You also believe that GW can be stopped or slowed by solutions designed for man-made climate change. Can't you see how incompatible these beliefs are?

Yes I know how incompatiable these idea's are... That's what I am showing... The Government think Global warming is happening yet they have backed any intitive that has a chance of making a massive change... That's kind of the whole point, of us raising these idea's and looking at why they haven't backed them.

So if you want to attack the idea's I have put up rather than attacking me, I will be glad to reply.

JH, watch the Video on the Salt Water Car made by GM, funded in America but made in Germany please.

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
Let me repeat myself: you believe global warming is real but is natural. You also believe that GW can be stopped or slowed by solutions designed for man-made climate change. Can't you see how incompatible these beliefs are?

Yes I know how incompatiable these idea's are... That's what I am showing... The Government think Global warming is happening yet they have backed any intitive that has a chance of making a massive change... That's kind of the whole point, of us raising these idea's and looking at why they haven't backed them.

So if you want to attack the idea's I have put up rather than attacking me, I will be glad to reply.

What is the point in speculating on endeavors you believe to be totally futile? I can't discuss this the way you want to because you want us to talk about what next-gen technology and programs we think society will use in the next few years - but according to you all these attempts will have no impact on the environment and are useless. Indeed, you admit to"choosing" "seawater-powered technology" not because you think will be the most widely adopted and effective option available, but because you like an aspect of it (environmentally friendly emissions).

What would I do? Lotsa stuff. Get car manufacturers to tighten fuel efficiency on new cars and make old cars get upgrades. No more 11mpg vehicles spewing smoke in my face. Encourage the use of public transportation and work to develop them in cities that go without. Build more nuclear reactors to replace power plants that run on fossil fuels.

Edit: and, yes, develop alternate fuel sources.

All this is off the top of my head. They're simple and obvious. We can do them right now. What we can't do is dedicate an entire civilization to hydrogen cell technology at the expense of all other scientific research, and the West's militaries.

JH, watch the Video on the Salt Water Car made by GM, funded in America but made in Germany please.

I did when you first posted it. Why do you keep harping on the fact that an American company built it in Germany?
« Last Edit: August 02, 2007, 09:04:28 AM by Jesus Hitler »

Resource Maker
Level 91
keep harping on the fact that an American company built it in Germany?

First time I have... Your American and Hitler was German thought it might help you watch it...LOL

What would I do? Lotsa stuff. Get car manufacturers to tighten fuel efficiency on new cars and make old cars get upgrades. No more 11mpg vehicles spewing smoke in my face. Encourage the use of public transportation and work to develop them in cities that go without. Build more nuclear reactors to replace power plants that run on fossil fuels.

Edit: and, yes, develop alternate fuel sources.

Perfect that's the sort of thing I wanted JH... Tighten Fuel efficency... The Jap's and the French have, the Toyota Purius is a hybrid and can do 700 miles to one tank of fuel...  You see other countries are leading the way on that front, and it's not them Harping on about Global Warming... USA and the UK are, yet we are doing almost nothing ?

I have used your idea of Tightening Fuel, and shown our Governments aren't doing too much.

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
Perfect that's the sort of thing I wanted JH... Tighten Fuel efficency... The Jap's and the French have, the Toyota Purius is a hybrid and can do 700 miles to one tank of fuel...  You see other countries are leading the way on that front, and it's not them Harping on about Global Warming... USA and the UK are, yet we are doing almost nothing ?

I have used your idea of Tightening Fuel, and shown our Governments aren't doing too much.

I didn't say anything about hybrid cars. Right now hybrid cars still seem new and fancy to new car buyers and they haven't had much time to permeate the used car market. When I said "tighter fuel efficiency" I meant I wanted a lot of cars off the road permanently. Why didn't you even mention any of my other suggestions? Global warming is more than all them cars shooting pollution straight into the ozone layer, you know. What I jotted down in that post are just a few things that we could do right away if GW was really an issue for the people who mattered (hint: not us). Anyway, I had no idea that France and Japan were utterly unconcerned with global warming. You'd think that Japan, being an island nation with most of its population living on the coast, would be especially concerned.

Also: the Toyota Prius does not get 700mpg. If it did everyone in the world would drive one because they wouldn't have to refuel their cars for weeks.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2007, 09:56:36 AM by Jesus Hitler »

Resource Maker
Level 91
Oh, sorry my bad... I meant the Altima Hybrid by Nissan.

700 miles to 20 gallon Fuel tank:- http://www.treehugger.com/files/2006/10/nissan_altima_hybrid2007.php

700 miles to one tank of fuel... 

I didn't say per Gallon, I said per full tank...

I wanted a lot of cars off the road permanently.

Like muscle cars and sports cars...?

I would rather see some sort of conversion, or hybrid super engine developed, rather than see these Wicked looking cars vanish...

Build more nuclear reactors to replace power plants that run on fossil fuels.

Another good idea, one that is being looked at and funded, why are the govenment funding it, it keeps them Urainum rich.

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Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
Japs is not a nice term. That's like saying frenchies, really.

Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
Oh, sorry my bad... I meant the Altima Hybrid by Nissan.

700 miles to 20 gallon Fuel tank:- link

I didn't say per Gallon, I said per full tank...

Whoops. That's not as impressive as 700mpg,

Hybrid cars are part of the problem as long they get their electricity from fossil fuel-burning power plants. Most of them will.

I wanted a lot of cars off the road permanently.

Like muscle cars and sports cars...?

I would rather see some sort of conversion, or hybrid super engine developed, rather than see these Wicked looking cars vanish...

Anything that failed an emissions and efficiency test would be taken off the road until they could get a suitable upgrade. The people who would hurt the most would be the poor who would have problems coming up with funds to upgrade their cars. Still, there would be more public transportation in this dreamworld of mine, and perhaps even government subsidies to lower the price of fares.

Another good idea, one that is being looked at and funded, why are the govenment funding it, it keeps them Urainum rich.

That's stupid.

Level 87
It's always darkest before morning
this may seem a bit unrealistic, but what if we planted trees in empty locations, I mean, here in Miami, it's pretty bare here, some lots only have concrete and have been sitting there vacant for years, so, what if we freed up vacant spaces, cleaned up whatever we may have emptied in some lots, put fertile soil ,plant some trees, etc accross the US, I can safely say it may get a little cooler since, not only do trees provide shade, reflect back some sun rays, but also convert CO2 into breathable oxygen?
I mean, Global warming is due to cars.

Ah speaking of which, I remember watching a Film by Al Gore about 2 years ago, dealing with climate change, there was an uprising in electric cars near the late 90's, but oil and petro companies supposedly made a deal with the government to put electric cars out of the market to ensure their place as a disgusting money making Super Power. I blame oil companies and their infatuation with Money on Climate Change really.

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
Here's the deal, car developers have the technology. It costs more. The lazy arses that run the company don't want to spend more money. So they were like "What did a little water ever do?" and they kept their gas guzzling, carbon dioxide emitting systems. The government might be doing something. Yes they could stop it. But I blame the car manufacturers