This is my answer:-
Do a little of each of the area's... and balance and sustain a livable world for as long as possible... Like we already are.
The only way the world can fit into those column's is for the whole world to change their views, not just the USA... I mean say just the Western world changes their views and sticks to column A doesn't mean the Eastern world will... So there for giving the same balance as I have pictured above.
We do need to change the way we think and act... Simple things, recycling, Travelling, resource consummation... Simple stuff, not things that will change our way of life massively... Start small now and if we see things still getting worst then increase our efforts....
Change as the world changes is my answer.
If you want me to pick a hole in his theory.... You can't change the world, it's not as simple as two columns and rows... There are too many countries not wanting to change they way they consume resources or pollute the air... For example China.