Well I just finished figured out how to turn gold into a in-game variable (0007 in my case), I had to edit the shop aswell. but what you want (I'm guessing) is to have a brand NEW shop which would accept only tickets, whilst keeping the old shop. So the only way I can think of to do that is to copy all the shop scripts and rename it to something (i.e. Scene_Tshop) and change the words in the script to refer to Tshop instead of shop, and then make a secondary currancy as of which I did. If you reply (im not sure if this is a populated forum or not but ill find out) then I can try and make a script for you.
btw I cant speak the language, only understand it, but this weekend Im going to learn it as well as I can.
EDIT* just fyi, I made all windows think a variable instead of gold so that I could make an event-made bank using conditional branches + variables, works fantastically. I still dont know how to script a closing window, I want it so that when you're in the bank itll pop up and show you what you have in your account like so:
http://reddawg.freepgs.com/Bank.JPGbut it won't update when a transaction is made and when you go to update it it overlaps the previous window, making it fugly. anyone know the script command to close a window? a window probably called something among the lines of @window_gold = window_bank.new do I have to type something like close.window_bank or something?
EDIT** ah sweet, I figured it out, it was @gold_window.dispose =p, now the window will be fully update-to-date with transaction changes