I have Ccs (custom component system) request.
I need a script that makes it so:
when the a hero attacks a monster:
if the hero id is [I'll fill in this part]:
the attacker's Attack Power - the target's Mag Defense = damage done to target (minimum damage is 0)
the attacker's Attack Power - the target's Phys Defense = damage done to target (minimum damage is 0)
when a monster attacks a hero:
if the monster id is [I'll fill in this part]:
the attacker's Attack Power - the target's Mag Defense = damage done to target
the attacker's Attack Power - the target's Phys Defense = damage done to target
in the "skill" tab, of the Database:
The following stats to a skill, don't do anything:
Attack Power
Evasion (skills always hit)
Accuracy (skills always hit)
Phys Defense
Mag Defense
Stat Effects:
Agility Does not do anything
Dexterity does not do anything except for the following:
(the target's Dexterity x 2.5) - the attacker's Dexterity = % chance that the attacker will miss the target (minimum % chance of missing is 0)
thanks in advance!