I don't think this should be too hard but you'll need to know about adding bars into scripts and etc. which i don't.
This is a 3 person battle scene edit by 'DerVVulfman':
# ** Three-Member Battlestatus
# by DerVVulfman
# version 1.0
# 06-12-2007
# SDK 2.2+ Compliant (Rewrote two defs in Window_BattleStatus for design)
# This system replaces the default battlestatus window with a revised system
# that was designed for only three-party systems. As it 'may' work with par-
# ties of four or higher, only the first three battlers will be listed on the
# screen.
# By design, the Actor Command Window which displays all the typical functions
# is now relocated into a 'fixed' position at the bottom left of the screen
# instead of appearing over the stats of the current battler. As such, I had
# created an option to show a pop-up window over the 'actor command window'.
# This pop-up window shows the name of the current battler.
# Also, being me... I set the system up so you can change the opacity levels
# of the battlestatus window and borders. This works best when the battleback
# image is stretched to fill the whole screen instead of the default '640x320'
# size.
# And as a further bonus, this system can work with the default system and the
# RTAB battlesystem. You merely need to edit the 'RTAB_BATTLESTATUS' value to
# true for it to work with the RTAB system
# NOTE: This script was a request by Mastermind to work in tandem with a side
# view battle script.
# ** C O N F I G U R A T I O N S Y S T E M ** #
# Actor Command Window
ACTOR_CMD_OPACITY = 255 # Transparency of the border (0-255)
ACTOR_CMD_BACK_OPACITY = 191 # Transparency of the background (0-255)
# Actor Name Window
ACTOR_NAME_WINDOW = true # If true, the actor name window is visible
ACTOR_NAME_OPACITY = 255 # Transparency of the border
ACTOR_NAME_BACK_OPACITY = 191 # Transparency of the background
# Battlestatus Window
BATTLESTAT_FIXED = true # If true, the b-stat window is full-sized
BATTLESTAT_OPACITY = 255 # Transparency of the border (0-255)
BATTLESTAT_BACK_OPACITY = 191 # Transparency of the background (0-255)
RTAB_BATTLESTATUS = false # Set value to true if using RTAB or CTAB
# C O N F I G U R A T I O N S Y S T E M E N D #
# ** Scene_Battle
# This class performs battle screen processing.
class Scene_Battle
# * Main Processing
alias tmb_main main
def main
# Make other windows
@dummy_command_window = Window_Actor_Command_Dummy.new
@dummy_hero_window = Window_Actor_Command_Hero.new(nil)
# Make the hero name window false
@dummy_hero_window.visible = false
# Set the opacities
@dummy_command_window.opacity = ACTOR_CMD_OPACITY
@dummy_command_window.back_opacity = ACTOR_CMD_BACK_OPACITY
@dummy_hero_window.opacity = ACTOR_NAME_OPACITY
@dummy_hero_window.back_opacity = ACTOR_NAME_BACK_OPACITY
# The original call
# Dispose of windows
# * Actor Command Window Setup
alias tmb_p3scw phase3_setup_command_window
def phase3_setup_command_window
# Perform the original call
# Ensure command window position
@actor_command_window.x = 0
@actor_command_window.y = 320
# Set the opacity
@actor_command_window.opacity = ACTOR_CMD_OPACITY
@actor_command_window.back_opacity = ACTOR_CMD_BACK_OPACITY
# Hide the Fake Actor Window
@dummy_command_window.visible = false
# If the Name window option is on
# Show the hero window & use current battler name
@dummy_hero_window.visible = true
# * Go to Command Input for Next Actor
alias tmb_p3na phase3_next_actor
def phase3_next_actor
# if the Name Window option is on
# Hide the hero name window
@dummy_hero_window.visible = false
# Show the Fake Actor Window
@dummy_command_window.visible = true
# Perform the original call
# * Go to Command Input of Previous Actor
alias tmb_p3pa phase3_prior_actor
def phase3_prior_actor
# If the Name Window option is on
# Hide the hero name window
@dummy_hero_window.visible = false
# Show the Fake Actor Window
@dummy_command_window.visible = true
# Perform the original call
# * Frame Update (actor command phase : basic command)
alias tmb_up3bc update_phase3_basic_command
def update_phase3_basic_command
# Show the Fake Actor Window
@dummy_command_window.visible = true
# Perform the original call
# ** Window_Actor_Command_Dummy
# This window is a substitute/placeholder for the Actor Command Window.
class Window_Actor_Command_Dummy < Window_Base
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
super(0, 320, 160, 160)
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
self.opacity = ACTOR_CMD_OPACITY
self.back_opacity = ACTOR_CMD_BACK_OPACITY
# ** Window_Actor_Command_Hero
# This window shows the name of the currently available battler.
class Window_Actor_Command_Hero < Window_Base
# * Object Initialization
def initialize(actor)
super(0, 256, 160, 64)
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
self.contents.font.name = "Arial"
self.contents.font.size = $fontsize
self.opacity = ACTOR_NAME_OPACITY
self.back_opacity = ACTOR_NAME_BACK_OPACITY
# * Dispose
def dispose
# * Refresh
def refresh(actor)
# Only draw name if present
unless actor == nil
draw_actor_name(actor, 4, 0)
# ** Window_BattleStatus
# This window displays the status of all party members on the battle screen.
class Window_BattleStatus < Window_Base
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
# If the battlestatus window is a fixed size
width = 480
# else, the battlestauus window resizes based on party size
width = $game_party.actors.size * 160
super(160, 320, width, 160)
self.back_opacity = BATTLESTAT_BACK_OPACITY
# If using a battlesystem by Cogwheel
@actor_window = []
for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
@actor_window.push(Window_ActorStatus.new(i, 160 + i * 160))
# else, if using the default system
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
@level_up_flags = [false, false, false, false]
# * Refresh
alias tmb_r refresh
def refresh(number = 0)
# Obtain window size based on battlers available
width = $game_party.actors.size * 160
# If the battlestauus window resizes based on party size
self.width = width
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
# If using a battlesystem by Cogwheel
@actor_window = []
for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
@actor_window.push(Window_ActorStatus.new(i, 160 + i * 160))
# Perform the original call (Cogwheel version)
# else, if using the default system
# Perform the original call
# * Frame Renewal
def update
self.back_opacity = BATTLESTAT_BACK_OPACITY
# If using a battlesystem by Cogwheel
for window in @actor_window
and this is how it turns out:
sorry about the bad characters, when i took the shot i was using a side view but with the original sprites andi wasjust testing this out so i just got rid of them in paint.
now, this is how i want it to turn out:
ok, I am using a side view battle system, so my characters will go on the right of the screen and enemies on the left.
an explenation of what i want, could someone re do this three person battlestatus by Dervvulfman so: it has the hp and mp bars, characters names and their atb gauge in the window like shown in the second image. I’d like the health and mp bars to be a bar but with the number in the middle of it like this
///////] MP[
could you please do the mp bar smaller than than the HP bar as the mp will only go up to 999 where the hp will go 9999 or higher (im not sure yet) and the colors of the bars will be green for the health and blue for the mp.
if that is too hard just put the health and mp bars as numbers but keep atb gauge as bar. if possible, don’t put their status, only put the things I’ve written on the image (im going to have a certain animation for each status).
and if its possible, make the windows which contain the names and stuff and the command window a smaller height (so it doesnt take up so much of t middle of the screen).
If anyone CAN help, let me know. if you CAN'T help then also let me know
... just so i don't have to keep bumping and i'll try somewhere else.
If you do decide to help, if you feel like it make it customisable ( colours and stuff) so if anyone else wants to use this they can. but if not then just do it how i asked if thats easier. I hope i explained it in good detail.
The things i am about to list aren't as important as as the thing above because i REALLY want that, but if it's possible could anyone rewrite these windows menus for
3 people and put them evenly in the windows so it looks good for three people and not so there looks like another person could fit in, or put a link to where I can get them:
-main menu (where it says items and equip etc.)
-party switcher
-an in battle switcher like final fantasy 10 (I think I saw a script for this somewhere, if not don’t worry about it
-any other windows that have four people in them that I havn’t listed.
Also, is there a way i can change ONLY the font of the command window in the battle? because i just want to change its font and no other font.
and one more question, sorry
, is there any in-battle anti-lag scripts?
thankyou anyone who can help, pleeease let me know so i dont have to bump.. i hate bumping