I find it quite particular, that at least a month of work, one could have a demo of their project =/ but it too depends of the troubles & activities the person does or have in RL.
I already have the demo, just planning to release at that specific day, & hopefully, no errors or delays, as a certain time in december =<
The point would be, that categories would have to be made when there's more RM users. But at the moment, the limited games that we have here & mostly that are Active, are few =/ so, a Category is like, would have to wait for a long time.
(Games cannot be repeatedly Awarded once they were chosen, so, in other words, *Example* Quitenssence was January 2007 game of the month, but it cannot be chosen as the Game of May 2008, unless, that is, the ones behind this whole thing speak for it =<)