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Weird question for guys...

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Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
Hi, I'm writing a story and I need some help with something... my main character gets kicked HARD in his *cough* "private" parts, and since I'm a girl, I don't really know how it feels like, so if any guy here has ever experienced that in the past, I would appreciate it if you'd share your story... and I'm not joking, so I won't make fun of you, I just need to know what it's like, like how painful it is, how long you felt pain, and whatever other details that might be useful to me. Please.

I think hitting a girls breasts are much the same as they have the same sensitivity. The feeling is kind of sickly sweet and then you get feelings of a shooting pain up the base of your spine. Imagine your eyeball being squeezed really really hard. Try it yourself, you'll get more or less the same feeling.

It is a really sweet pain though...most of the time too sweet which makes many people keel over. I think girls still feel pain while being kicked down there as well, and that is also the same I believe if kicked hard enough.

I hope this is a good description...note I have a very deep imagination on pain.
Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before Finality

Family Motto.

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
i slapped a girl's ass, and i got knee jabbed in the balls. I was lying around for like 30 minutes, and when i got up, it still hurted, and i could barely walk  :-\ I had sit ona  couch with a ice pack on it for a whole day, until it finally stopped.

You zetta sons of digits.
Level 91
i have a weird reaction, ill buckle, cough, then run at the person responsible, it was funny i picked my mate up by his balls, he was balancing so it would hurt less, i let him go and he fell to the ground.

Level 91
Personal Text
Wow what the fuck?
How in hell did u pick him up by the balls with out it hurting?

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
I do not know... Oh, and there's this one guy at my church who's going to become a nurse but he gave a word to the wise: If you get hurt it in the balls so much you're on the floor grabbing them, get medical help IMMEDIATELY. Your thing could grow wrong or something. I forgot, but it's seriously demented.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Ok, you heard about what its like for guys, now spill it. What does it feel like to get kicked in the labia?

Fuck mandarines, I'm the real thing.
Level 88
Hurts, but not enough to pass out.

You zetta sons of digits.
Level 91
Wow what the fuck?
How in hell did u pick him up by the balls with out it hurting?

i didn't say it didn't hurt him, i said he tried not to slip to they would get pulled even more.

Level 90
Go away Hakumen...
Hurts, but not enough to pass out.

Uh, yeah some people do, take it from the guy who got his balls stepped on by his best friend. No wonder you never get preggo......
"Think outside the box, collapse the box, and take a fucking sharp knife to it." - Banksy

Level 88
Ain't been kicked down there... a johnny tap was enough. I will by the end of the year though - the people in my class are crazy. >.>

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Hurts, but not enough to pass out.

Uh, yeah some people do, take it from the guy who got his balls stepped on by his best friend. No wonder you never get preggo......

She was answering my question. It had nothing to do with testicals.

Level 90
Go away Hakumen...
Hurts, but not enough to pass out.

Uh, yeah some people do, take it from the guy who got his balls stepped on by his best friend. No wonder you never get preggo......

She was answering my question. It had nothing to do with testicals.

LOL, I'm an R-Tard.
"Think outside the box, collapse the box, and take a fucking sharp knife to it." - Banksy

Level 87
Is that a pocket dimension? Indeed!
I was hit a few times when I played soccer. Like someone said before, it is a sharp pain that quickly speads up and out all the way up to your throut making you feel like you have to vomit. But I remeber, after the pain there was this cool, almost drug like feeling for a couple of minutes. It could be the body sends down natural painkillers and the cool feeling is whats left over after the pain has subsided.

Also, I must have never been hit hard enough, but I never fell paralized after a nut shot. I could always walk if off for about 3 or 4 minutes.
I apologize in advance for all spelling errors...

Level 89
I'm back again. Again.
Hi, I'm writing a story and I need some help with something... my main character gets kicked HARD in his *cough* "private" parts, and since I'm a girl, I don't really know how it feels like, so if any guy here has ever experienced that in the past, I would appreciate it if you'd share your story... and I'm not joking, so I won't make fun of you, I just need to know what it's like, like how painful it is, how long you felt pain, and whatever other details that might be useful to me. Please.

It hurts alot. When it happened to me, I felt as if my *cough* were in my stomache, I couldn't breath properly and I fell over. I was sick as well.

I'm crying just thinking about it. Then again it depends on how hard your hit, I was kicked really hard...
« Last Edit: April 06, 2007, 08:52:33 AM by nevfx »

Ancient Mummy
Level 90
One guy i know once had his ball in his stomach >.<

Ouch !

Level 89
I'm back again. Again.
Yes, it does hurt! OUCHNESS

Mine are back where they belong now though....thank god...

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
It just hurts. It feels like something is keeping your muscles from moving and all you can do is stay on the floor trying to talk. But not being able to. Sort like that, but not really that bad.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
When I was younger, I was in Scouts. There was this kid who always brought his little brother with him, and would make him do all kinds of fucked up shit. One time he told his little bro to go climb onto the shed. His brother slipped, and fell onto a chainlink fence, with one leg on each side. His sack ripped open, and one of his testicals unraveled. He had to go to the hospital and get it all tucked back in.

Level 88
No.. i think he some sort of Midboss
Hurts, but not enough to pass out.

Uh, yeah some people do, take it from the guy who got his balls stepped on by his best friend. No wonder you never get preggo......

dude... it not my fault blame the person who pushed your friend making him lose his balance and step on your balls...

as for a story... i was playing soccer about 5 years ago and we were bee hiving (bunching up)
so i decided to kick the ball as hard as i could(about 30 mph and im not joking we had someone with a radar gun test it) and my teammate stuck out his knee making is bounce back at me and it hit me in the balls... well i dont remember too much after that besides the crowd went silent and i started to laugh my ass off (not joking my dad and ref were trying to get me to stop) i would say it took around at least 15 mins to get me back to my feet so... ya
"Life is a struggle; technology creates more idiot proof things, and the universe creates better idiots; so far the universe is winning" -Shino_Ryuu

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
When I was younger, I was in Scouts. There was this kid who always brought his little brother with him, and would make him do all kinds of fucked up shit. One time he told his little bro to go climb onto the shed. His brother slipped, and fell onto a chainlink fence, with one leg on each side. His sack ripped open, and one of his testicals unraveled. He had to go to the hospital and get it all tucked back in.

OMG, that's awful, what a jack ass.

That's gotta hurt more than death.

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
When I was younger, I was in Scouts. There was this kid who always brought his little brother with him, and would make him do all kinds of fucked up shit. One time he told his little bro to go climb onto the shed. His brother slipped, and fell onto a chainlink fence, with one leg on each side. His sack ripped open, and one of his testicals unraveled. He had to go to the hospital and get it all tucked back in.
That's sick.... And death doesn't necesarilly hurt, but I agree... DANG! His bro's kind of twisted to make his little brother do dangerous stuff like that. How old was the bro and how old was the poor victim?

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
The kid that fell was probably like 6 at the time.

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
Man... I feel sorry for him. How's life for him now?

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
I'm not sure, actually. I quit scouts soon after, and they both went to a different school than I, so I didn't see them. I'm sure he's fine though.

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
I hope things turned out well for the little kid (by well, I mean he buffed up and took control over his older brother). Wow, that was a weird off-topic thing and I still don't remember what I was going to say a couple hours ago.