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Screenshot Thread

Started by :), March 09, 2007, 03:49:58 AM

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Long time since I made a map, but there's a contest going on on the Dutch forums so I thought I'd give it a try again! Also, the tileset that was just posted in this thread gave me a little push, I think it is beautiful and I really wanted to work with it. What do you think?

Quite big, so it can be found here:

I made the screenshot using the Map Image Maker so it could turn out a bit flat/it's possible there are certain priority flaws in the screenshot.


D'aww ... your screenie is the exact reason why I always prefer RMXP RTP :< Though those Tana's tree (at least I think they are) seems a bit out of place since it does not go well with the rest of the tileset. And the upper center of the map, the cliffs on top of each other seems rather funny, and there are white pixels of the background visible here and there.
I support \\(>O<)b


Quote from: Aurelia on February 20, 2012, 03:56:41 PM
D'aww ... your screenie is the exact reason why I always prefer RMXP RTP :< Though those Tana's tree (at least I think they are) seems a bit out of place since it does not go well with the rest of the tileset. And the upper center of the map, the cliffs on top of each other seems rather funny, and there are white pixels of the background visible here and there.
Hmm, I thought they mixed pretty well, but I do get your point. :) Yeah I noticed that too! I think something went wrong while stacking all those mountains... and I noticed the white pixels and I forgot to remove them. :) Thanks for your comments!

EDIT: I figured I could easily post this here as a clickable image:



Damn matt, you're giving me quite some competition. The map is even bigger then mine! You should already know what I like and dislike, so the only thing I can say is; Good Luck with the Competition! (I'm going to win, ghehe ::))


I'm new here and this is my first post. Sorry for my bad english.
@Japur: Great map. I like the houses.

Here are three new maps from my project.

A desert village.

A fire cave.

And a earthcave.


Those are really nice looking :3


Japur: I like that tileset, but did you realize you're using an outhouse (bathroom) door on most of your buildings?

MasterHen: First off I wanted to say that I love all the action and details in your maps. NPCs don't just loiter around, they're all doing physically something. That's awesome. That said I did notice a few issues you may want to address.

Quote from: MasterHen on February 21, 2012, 09:44:33 AMA desert village.
Shadows. They look nice on the NPCs. But you need to commit to either having everything cast a shadow, or nothing at all. Your buildings are shadowless, and the shadows you do have are going in different directions. Pick a single light source, also that plank's shadow (which is going the wrong direction) is also not connecting to the ground, it needs to veer off at an angle as soon as the ground and building meet.

Puddles? In a desert? I know it has to rain sometime but unless this is explained in your story I'd lose them.

Quote from: MasterHen on February 21, 2012, 09:44:33 AMA fire cave.
I love that your cave appears hot, it mostly has to do with your use of a warm palette, that said you should tint those white crystals with a warmer color like yellow, because right now visually they're giving off a cool light which doesn't fit a fire cave.

Quote from: MasterHen on February 21, 2012, 09:44:33 AMAnd a earthcave.
I like this cave, nothing here bothers me. (:


As for myself, I've been getting back into drawing cartoons as of late, and I combined with my preferred cartoon-drawing style with RPG Maker XP and this is what I came out with, keep in mind that this isn't a real game (yet), no storyline or characters have been developed, maybe soon.

And yes that is motion blur.

More map items definitely need to be added, but I've only been working on this for about a day or so. I've been thinking of doing a game in this style working on it throughout the year with a Halloween day release date, due to the theme.


That's awsome^^ That looks great!

Do you think, I should delet this shadow script?
Quotethat said you should tint those white crystals with a warmer color like yellow, because right now visually they're giving off a cool light which doesn't fit a fire cave.
Ok, thank you for your good feedback.

Here's a part of a desert. It's a "stone-desert". I should make "normal deserts" but I can't make so maps^^

Here's a video of the eartcave, but the cave in the video is old. The particle system isn't actually. I hope you like it.


That looks incredible : O
Altough id probably remove the palm trees and replace them with something else, i feel like they don't really belong in a stone desert, also, rain in a desert?


I have to agree with IAMFORTE. I'm currently working on a desert, which isn't the most simple tileset to work with. It took me two days just to get a right feel of how to use it.
If you create a stone desert, make it a stone desert. I kind of see a lot of life in this "stone-desert', taking that sandy feeling away from me. Don't be afraid to let the player see a lot of ground tiles. Some tilesets require you to do so and this is one of them. The rain.. what IAMFORTE said.

Hope this was helpful,

Guido ;)



I edited the XP cliffs to work with the 3D.  ;8
Pay no mind to that floating tree back there. That's Steve. He has problems. ;9

My first attempt at a whole h-mode 7 tileset.





Quote from: Acolyte on February 24, 2012, 02:10:34 AM

I edited the XP cliffs to work with the 3D.  ;8
Pay no mind to that floating tree back there. That's Steve. He has problems. ;9

My first attempt at a whole h-mode 7 tileset.



Heh, you've managed to recreate Dragon Quest 7.


I'm also participating in the Dutch mapping contest, just like Japur and YellowPepper. This next map is my entry, it'd be great if I could get some respons of you guys! :) (I know the panorama is strange in this screenshot)

I recolored the tileset myself and added some extra stuff to it, like the lighthouse.


Looks great  :)
Though it appears the dock is a little messed up.


The diagonal bricks on the lighthouse aren't at the right angle. It looks like the sides are sunken in or something. Otherwise it looks fairly decent. I like the water color.


That semicircular cliff next to the waterfall is messed up.

Quote from: Acolyte on February 24, 2012, 02:10:34 AM

EYE OF THE TIGER 3D! Is that a different engine entirely or a 3D script for RPG Maker?



Quote from: DoctorTodd on February 28, 2012, 01:14:07 AM
Looks great  :)
Though it appears the dock is a little messed up.
Thanks! I've changed the dock a bit. Now it's more clear it's on water.

Quote from: Acolyte on February 28, 2012, 02:39:45 AM
The diagonal bricks on the lighthouse aren't at the right angle. It looks like the sides are sunken in or something. Otherwise it looks fairly decent. I like the water color.
Yea, you're right. I've changed that too. It should be alright now. :) Thanks for your feedback!

Quote from: Harry Burns on February 28, 2012, 03:45:36 AM
That semicircular cliff next to the waterfall is messed up.
Removed it.

New version of the map:



your sky background doesn't loop properly. and the bricks on that tower are still kinda fucked up. they sould be like


Quote from: Strike_Reyhi on February 28, 2012, 04:46:09 PM
your sky background doesn't loop properly.
Yea, I already said that in my first post. :P "(I know the panorama is strange in this screenshot)" It's acting fine in-game.

Quote from: Strike_Reyhi on February 28, 2012, 04:46:09 PM
and the bricks on that tower are still kinda fucked up. they sould be like
You're right. I might change it again. ;)


Hé! Jij hier? :P

Anyways, do you see that itemshop you've placed? Put your finger on that point upon the screen and follow the finger with your gaze as it goes left. If done correctly, you'll see a small error in the ground hole you've placed.


I think YellowPaper means to the left of the barrel. There's no cliff edge/wall.

The bottom part of the top waterfall isn't on the same frame. Don't know if that's an error or a flaw in the screenshot. Just thought I'd point it out.


I've been trying to figure out exactly how to fix your tile problem on the lighthouse and for the life of me, it wasn't hitting me why those looked so out of place, but now I get it... The bricks are just turned diagonally~!

Sure, that's the angle that the bricks should appear to be, however, they should still have the sides going perfectly vertical, or else you lose the illusion of depth. THAT'S why it still doesn't look right!~

(that took me far too long to figure out... yeesh...)

like this:

Ok, DON'T EXPECT HELP FROM ME~! I will perhaps rant a bit, but don't expect me to do graphics for you, even if I say I will... I won't.