Japur: I like that tileset, but did you realize you're using an outhouse (bathroom) door on most of your buildings?
MasterHen: First off I wanted to say that I love all the action and details in your maps. NPCs don't just loiter around, they're all doing physically something. That's awesome. That said I did notice a few issues you may want to address.
A desert village.
Shadows. They look nice on the NPCs. But you need to commit to either having everything cast a shadow, or nothing at all. Your buildings are shadowless, and the shadows you do have are going in different directions. Pick a single light source, also that plank's shadow (which is going the wrong direction) is also not connecting to the ground, it needs to veer off at an angle as soon as the ground and building meet.
Puddles? In a desert? I know it has to rain sometime but unless this is explained in your story I'd lose them.
A fire cave.
I love that your cave appears hot, it mostly has to do with your use of a warm palette, that said you should tint those white crystals with a warmer color like yellow, because right now visually they're giving off a cool light which doesn't fit a fire cave.
And a earthcave.
I like this cave, nothing here bothers me. (: