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Screenshot Thread

Started by :), March 09, 2007, 03:49:58 AM

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Wow, it's been forever since I put anything up in here. Well, as of today I'm working on a quick game for another BlizzABS contest, so I decided to go bring back Garrett MacIntrye once again and make a quick "non-canon" Midnight game using the new system I've been working on and the BlizzABS (obviously). Today has been mostly fixing up the gameplay to be quick, efficient, and rather fun, so I only have one test room set up.

I'm keeping the familiar picture HUD, but with a little graphical improvement to it and your ammo count. Sorry, no more infinite ammo! This time you have to keep an eye out for spare ammo. You tap A to draw, S to fire (or to use a knife if you do not have your handgun drawn), and D to reload if you have enough bullets left in your inventory. Additionally, it'll be literally a much darker game, using the same light effect as in Shadows. I have a flashlight system itself set up so that you can only see the enemies right in front of you, but I need to adjust the size of it first.

The room is very dark as you can see from the first picture, but the flare from firing your gun will give you a second of light. It will be useful for finding enemies in the darkness, if you have a few bullets to spare. Unlike the original Midnight, the health is not three-hits-and-gameover. It plays more like Resident Evil in as much as it'll take a few hits to drop your health percentage. Additionally, the HUD graphic changes more than just back color. The face will groan in pain when hit and become noticably weaker as his health grows closer to zero. The flashing HUD and the pace of his beating heart will warn you about his health level.

The game itself does not place in a mansion on Devil's Island, if you haven't already noticed. It takes place in a modern underground prison. The very feel of everything will be much more serious, much darker, and less corny (if I can help it). If you run out of bullets and still have the undead in your way, you are not completely screwed yet. This time around, you come equiped with a small combat knife, so even if you can not use your gun you are not completely defenseless. However, to use the knife, you'll have to get in close to them and risk them ripping your neck out.


Heh, I thought the number was your health, before I read the ammo part.

I just get annoyed by the use of RTP zombies, makes it dull in my eyes.


Supposed to be for Nam's VX challenge but I didn't make it on time so I decided to go full blow with it.


Quote from: DeathLockBM on April 04, 2009, 08:34:54 AM
Heh, I thought the number was your health, before I read the ammo part.

I just get annoyed by the use of RTP zombies, makes it dull in my eyes.

They're temporary this time while I work to turn all of the human RTP into zombies. I'm not a spriter, and I only touched up on a few of them in the original, so it'll take a little time.

Anyway, the walls of the first picture seem a bit too high, but I like all of the maps otherwise. :3

Karo Rushe

D: The Map could use a bit of more 'obstacles' if you know what I mean :3 I like the dark feeling of it Zylos, nice work.

modern algebra

@Zylos - looks great for the most part. I don't like the thinness of the status font in the HUD though. Also, the solid colour HP bar is a bit too wide for the solid colour to not be a little boring. I love that the background colour of the face and the face graphic changes. This makes the HP bar a little redundant though. It's not a big deal, but I would probably either:
A) eliminate the status part of the bar and place the ammo somewhere on the face graphic.
B) Make the status bar decrease in size with HP loss so that it serves a function the changing face graphic doesn't
C) Just make it a little prettier, maybe by making it a gradient bar but not one that decreases, just have some gradation in colour in terms of height.

I've attached examples of what I mean below.

The maps look nice though!

@Ness - yeah, I agree with Zylos. I normally wouldn't go over 2 tiles high for an inside house, mostly because there's not enough things to put on the wall that won't make it look like a lot of empty space. Also, it looks bad because there is an imbalance in the wall that juts out. It's only two tiles high while the rest are three. Otherwise, they are nice. I love the facesets - very stylish.

@Caro - Beautiful map. I'm not crazy about the extra border for the water on the rightside, but I can see how it would look weird if it were absent, so I guess it's OK.

Karo Rushe

Quote from: Modern Algebra on April 05, 2009, 07:51:47 AM
@Caro - Beautiful map. I'm not crazy about the extra border for the water on the rightside, but I can see how it would look weird if it were absent, so I guess it's OK.
I just realize, that's Actually an Error of mines D: Ugh ~ Must Fix, my mapping is giving too much errors lately!

What lies at the end of the Tunnel . . . To get out, A 'El Vegigante' awaits you at the End.


Well, I think you nailed this one, Caro. I like the light the torches give off, it makes 'El Vegigante' look pretty menacing  ;8

Karo Rushe

D: That map gave me Nostalgia, regarding both Zelda & Mario 64.

Looks pretty decent :x

Karo Rushe

D:< It Cannot Die!!!!

<sigh> I want those sunlight Pictures Effects.


"Stop crying, you big baby. It's just a little blood from an exploding zombie head."

Alternately... "Dirty mouth? Clean it up with Orbit Gum!"

"Ah, the sweet serenity of a save room. Nothing going to eat me in here... or... or maybe there is... maybe there's a zombie behind those boxes, or... or under that desk, or under the tiles, or... or... in my pants... or..."

"I'm sorry sir, I've been drinking all night, so I'm fresh out of brains for you to eat. Sorry."

The Shadow

In program:

In game, with weather and fog effect:

Karo Rushe

Quote from: Zylos on April 12, 2009, 09:30:22 PM

"Stop crying, you big baby. It's just a little blood from an exploding zombie head."

Alternately... "Dirty mouth? Clean it up with Orbit Gum!"

"Ah, the sweet serenity of a save room. Nothing going to eat me in here... or... or maybe there is... maybe there's a zombie behind those boxes, or... or under that desk, or under the tiles, or... or... in my pants... or..."

"I'm sorry sir, I've been drinking all night, so I'm fresh out of brains for you to eat. Sorry."
Zylos, I like the Irony putten in here. And the Screenies, with such spot, it does make it look like a horror game, thou, A Smaller spot would be lovely to make it even more scarier.

And your truly evil as to keep those Zombies as little eye-catching surprise.

I just, feel like the last screenshot, was too big and empty, at least a few boxes or something on the sides would make it less 'absent' it just looks like the place is recently new.


Quote from: The Shadow on April 12, 2009, 10:08:14 PM
In program:

In game, with weather and fog effect:

Shadow, as of now . . . . I Envy your photoshop skills. D: That Ground . . . is just breath-taking for me.

Beneath the Wastes, on the Sanctums, lies the Tomb of the Kings, to which a weird spell has been re-animating the long-dead back, and seemingly, the cause of it seems to come from said pendant?
[spoiler=The Tomb of the King][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Underground Ruin City][/spoiler]
Someone got the idea to use 'Fullmetal Alchemist' like criteria, a City buried Underground, using it's entire civilization as sacrifice to seal . . . something. And it's Golems won't let anyone near the Epitaphs

The Shadow

QuoteShadow, as of now . . . . I Envy your photoshop skills. D: That Ground . . . is just breath-taking for me.

I didn't make it :/. I got the tileset from here:


Hah, Zylos, your last map reminded me of that one Team Rocket dungeon in Pokemon red/blue ;D I don't know why, it just does...

[spoiler=This is a little too big to just post straight up]

I'm still messing with this tileset, it's hard to fill up space with only 1 type of tree, some rocks and one flower. Oh well, I'll keep doctoring it till it looks better.[/spoiler]

Karo Rushe

[spoiler=OMG~ CARO YOU COPYCAT YOU!!!][/spoiler]

Zombies are not final, I'm thinking of probably going using enemies with a similar story (Even make Cannon) of said anime.

Really, not final, and decided on the Enemies:

[spoiler=Are they . . .human or . . .?][/spoiler]

;3 Suited Man? Android? Or . . .

(BTW, the player can be one of 3 (haven't decided yet) characters to play as. :0 with a different storyline yet happening at the same time of events. (Replay Value <3)


"Hold still, dammit! This isn't the original game, I don't have friggin' unlimited ammo!"

"Shhhhh... be vewy vewy quiet, I'm hunting zombies."

*meep* "Dear God I'm gonna die."


A pic from the intro scene of a project I'm working right now. The Black Knight attacks the Castle from the Kingdom and slices in two a soldier after killing another 8 soldiers before. I'm not a really good spriter, and the blood effects doesn't look really well, but as the scene plays quick you haven't much time for seeing the details :)


Karo Rushe

.___. MS Paint + Bad looking blood needs more 'shape', never use Blur tools, it makes it looks . . . well, yuck. & The Castle, needs working, it just stands out horribly.


I will try making shaper blood, thanks for the advice Dark Seraph.
However that was made with Paint Shop Pro, not MS Paint. It seems I am really bad at spriting, as it looks from MS Paint... Well, I just need more practice at this.

The Shadow

vgvgf@ The map looks a bit striahgt for my taste. Also, the blood dosen't look that great.

Possible Message System:


@vgvgf: Here's a tutorial teaching you about shading blood: Link.

Thanks to legacyblade for this. <3


FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
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Quote from: The Shadow on April 20, 2009, 11:11:32 AM
vgvgf@ The map looks a bit striahgt for my taste. Also, the blood dosen't look that great.

Possible Message System:

Where do you people always find these wonderful character pictures? If the map wasn't beautiful enough as is, that message system just really catches my eye in coloring.