9/10, the whole lot. Some of those are goddamn HUGE.
Some are huge, luckily there are warp points around towns. They are huge, cause towns have to be populated. As for the rest of the huge maps, people always complained about my maps being too straight forward. There are still straight forward maps, but they are not pictured here :-)
So why 9/10 What would bump it up to 10/10?
I love the beach one, just looks awesome, and the fire and earth cave.
Is that beach tileset one of the RTP ones?
The beach is the RTP yes. I love the beach one too. That particular port has no guards, so it is a safe haven for criminals, pirates and sailors. Caves are my faves to do. The fire cave is for the "thrilling oni chase," it is such a great cave, very branching. The Mirro Cave only has one real way, but it looks like there are lots of ways to go. It winds in a big long snake pattern.