@cobragamer- You really haven't the slightest clue on what your talking about. Darwinism doesn't say we came from "apes", it says that we share common ancestry. When I come to intelligent debate I don't expect to be forced to teach, I come here to debate people who have an understanding on both sides of the situation. You do not.
It the same as you saying that I want to build a robot that is so perfect that it could match me in every thing I do or even be better.
If we didn't make robots better then ourselves then we would have no use for them. GTFO please.
@Tsunokiette- Evolution is the change of a species. If you are attacking Darwinism, then say "Darwinism", if you are attacking macro-evolution then say "macro-evolution". Evolution its self does not have an answer to how it happens, it just says it does. The mechanics ( not the same as the theory of evolution ) or explanation theories try to explain the fine tuning.
Prove that there were no mammals that long ago. In fact, prove that it WAS that long ago. Most creatures of myth came about (such as the Cyclops) due to people finding large bones, and piecing them together incorrectly. I'm not saying dinosaurs didn't exist, the Bible mentions them (or do I need to bring it up again?) but the flood killed them all. And a theory is a theory, I said bring me proof - not a quote.
Alrighty, prove that you exist. That same question is as stupid as yours, I'm sure you have overwhelming evidence that you exist, but a theory is just a theory.
(which you all contradict yourselves by saying God must of been created although the energy for the Big Bang - it makes PERFECT sense that it already existed -_- )
Of course the energy pre-existed to create the bigbang, matter can not come from nothing. If you knew anything about the bigbang you would know it isn't a final explanation. A theory doesn't have to explain its existence or come-abouts to be true, just like evolution.
Also, just because it may seem that the earth is that old, it's not.
Perhaps you would like to show me some proof of this..?
the earth had to be created as an aged earth, not a young earth. If it were a young earth no sustenence would have formed and no organism could have survived.
We can think up ways to terraform mars, A.K.A. bring life to a dead planet, your saying your god couldn't?
Also, where did all of the plants come from? Where did vegetation come from? I don't see evolution explaining that?
Yeah, it kinda does =). Plants are lifeforms too, just simple ones...
And just as a side note : If we were all perfect we would all be Gods, why would God created His own adversaries?
So did he make us weak out of fear??
Oh and the bible contradicts its self in many places, I really couldn't be bothered posting them as I've done so on many occasions... It all ends with either "THAT'S FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT, HOW DARE YOU" or "The bible your quoting from is incorrectly translated!!".