RPG Maker 2000, 2003, & XP Discussion
Talk about most anything Rpg Maker releated
Well seeing how rpg maker 2003 would be related to this a lot I suppose here would be the right place for this. A challenge for all you game makers out there. I believe it was
http://crankeye.com/ where I got mine, it has loads of songs, backsets, tilesets and basicly everything else. Here is how the challenge works. You the challenger must use EVERY thing in the Rpt folder AND use the defult ((what you start out with when you create a new project))
There is no Deadline mostly becuase these things will take a lot of time seeing how planning will be involed. Yes you must use every defult thing. Including the heros that are defult. the abilities the items and the monsters. You Are however allowed to play around with the music, Add things that would be suitable for your game, example, you can change the defult music settings, sound effect defults, adding new items abilites, and battles.
You won't be allowed to change the hero's defult name, nor their states. you can make them learn new abilites but it must be event related. (I know I suck
why rpg maker 2003 you ask. Well its simple with rpg maker 2003 its all events and common events no scripts therefore it will be more easier than just trying to find a script to make your game much better, you will be forced to use events showing that you know how to use your sources this will be a good challenge for the new rpg makers and a good review for thoses who are must more adapted to rpg maker XP.
If you are interested to enter this challenge say so, and I will look forward to seeing the results. I WILL make a check list that you can use. It might be easier for you to take notes where you put things seeing how some people might miss them. And thoses who judge ((I will only review the game to see if it meets standard defult chriteria (hero type things) )) might miss your mini game where you might have used a certain background music or a certain graphic.
Additional rules
regards on charset. You are encourage to use all 8 of the sets providing that you can. but you will not be deduted if you do not. you can use only 1 of them and still pass that.
The game that you produce MUST be somewhat understandable. does it need a plot, no. But it must have some sence of direction. ((ie monster hunter for psp, from what I saw you started in a village and just did hunts. but each hunt would get harder and harder no hunt seemed to effect the other.)) you cannot have something like, your in a forest than all of a sudden your in space. -_- unless you have some device that shows how you got to space then it would be acceptable. Ie. you walked up to a teleporter device and you ended up being shot into space.
you must have at least 5 maps -_- I don't think anyone can make a decent game with everything under 5 maps but hey I seen events cheat their way out of this before.
Judges must be volenteers and must not be part of the challenge. I have to particate and check to make sure the database defults weren't touched.
that should cover it.
*edited* after making the list I relaised there is a slight problem with the titles. this will make things VERY difficult to check so what I am going to allow is this. You may use the other 3 titles (the one you don't choose for your opening title background) as a "picture" or as a "Panorama" This should reduce the complication.
Also your starting party can be reorgainze to how you see fit you just have to use every hero at some point in your game.
Point system for this
10 points are to be rewarded for the whole thing
6 points are to given for COMPLEAT criteria used. meaning the whole list is compleate and checked
2 points are for game play ( how easy is it to understand where to go)
1 point is to be given for the way the map looks.
1 point is to be given for how well the game flows. (no this is dfferent from game play for it means the music is correct for the mood intended, sound effects are correct, and everything is stright forward. Easy to understand where to go just means do I need to go ask some npc where to go when nothing directed me to talk to that npc)