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Paranthian Warriors - MORPG

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Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
Just recently I found out that yet again, Demon X is starting over using a new program to make the MORPG. He's currently working on it and from what I've heard, it should be ready by Friday. Apparently this game is just going to go *Poof*. I'm going to keep this up for the time being but I'm not too sure exactly what's going on. I haven't had a chance to talk to Demon X yet... >.>

Paranthian Warriors

Table Of Contents
  • Intro
  • Storyline
  • Features
  • Screenshots
  • F.A.Q.
  • Download
  • Instructions

First off, this is not my game. I'm helping working on it but I did not start it. The thread Demon X made in Poster Board is way out of date. I'm doing this as a favor to him as he is never on here and because I am also working on the game. I think that doing things this way would be better then hosting our own MORPG as not many people are already on his game and this way we don't have to worry about my annoying server issues. ;)

Errr... Get strong and hang out?

Errr. I'm not too sure what to all say here either but there's:
- Action battle system
- PvP
- Skills like mining and fishing
- Day/Night system
- Umm... If you can think of something else tell me. xD

Spoiler for Screenshot Set 1 - Out of game:

Spoiler for Screenshot Set 2 - In game:


Library Files - DOWNLOAD FIRST

The Game

:: Keyboard controls ::

Arrow Keys - The basis of moving your character. It's really simple. If you want to move to the right, you hit the right arrow key. Movement in Elysium is limited to tiles and you can only move one tile in one direction at a time.

Enter - Used to pick up items on the ground and to talk (when you have typed text in the speech box). Also used to read signs and notices.

Shift - Holding down shift enables your character to run. As of right now, your stamina is unlimited (you can run forever).

Ctrl - Pressing this key right next to an enemy will cause you to try to attack it. However, if the NPC is friendly, it will open up the speech window if they have something to say.

Insert - You can double click on a spell in the spell casting menu to memorize it. Hitting the insert button will cause you to cast the memorized spell.

F1 - This button brings the admin panel for admins only. This is a great way to list all the commands and you won't need to memorize the commands.

F11 - Hitting this button will take a picture of the whole game screen and save the picture in the client folder.

F12 - This button does the same as F11, but instead of the whole game client, it only takes a picture of the map.

:: Basic descriptions of status::
Normal users are exactly as they sound. They are normal players with no special powers and no way of editing the game.
Spoiler for More Info:
Normal users are the only reason we have these games. They are for people to play, that's the main thing. So, naturally, there will be a bunch of normal users. It's important to know what a user can do and what they can't do.

:: The commands ::
Although normal users don't have any commands to edit the game, they still have many commands needed to play the game properly.

/info (player name) - Gets and displays the information on the person you specified.

/who - Updates the "Who is online" list.

/fps - Calculates the frame-per-second rate. This is basically the speed the game is running at (higher = good)

/inv - Displays your inventory. This is not needed any longer, because you can just click on the button on the menu.

/stats - Updates and displays your stats. Definitely not needed, but kept in just to be safe.

/chat - Accept the chat request. You can request a chat by clicking on the requested player and then clicking on the "Chat" button.

/chatdecline - Decline the chat invitation.

/trade (player name) - Asks the player if they want to trade with you. You need to be next to the player to do so.

/accept - Accept the trade request.

/decline - Decline the trade request.

/party (player name) - Create a party (if not already created) and invite the player to join you. People in parties split the exp gained.

/join - Join the party you have been invited to.

/leave - Leave the party you are in.

/killpet - Get rid of your pet.

/refresh - Reload the map. Use this if you are stuck or the map is messed up.

Monitors are VIP users with more responsibility. They are the police of every game. Things that monitors can do include kicking and changing the weather.
Spoiler for More Info:
Monitors are just VIP users. They come in a lot of use when making a game because they still play the game while looking out for trouble makers. As for specific powers, they don't have many, but an abuse of power can still be disastrous. Don't give monitor access to just anyone, as they might just harass everybody. Also, monitors only have reason to exist when the game is publicly released, so don't make the decision to add some and then bore them to death.

:: The commands ::

/daynight - Changes the game time. If it was night, it is now day and the other way around.

/weather (type) - You can specify the type as "none", "rain", "snow", "thunder". This changes the weather globally.

/kick (player name) - Forces the player to quit the game. They can log back on right away, but this is a good way to warn somebody that a ban may be coming soon.

Mappers are the first real position as game makers. They are the ones responsible for creating maps only! However, you get some extra bonuses like being able to ban users and warp.
Spoiler for More Info:
Without mappers, there would be no reason to play the game. They organize the tiles into attractive maps. That is not such an easy task, so the number of mappers needs to be greater than any other access. You MUST visit the "Map Editor" part of this guide to understand how to map.

:: The commands ::
There are many commands for mappers, but these are really basic admin commands and don’t make the mapper very special.

/loc - Returns the map, x position, and y position of where you are standing. The map editor has a much better system (just hover over the tile and it displays the coordinates) but you can still use this.

/warp (map number OR player name) - Warps your character to the specified map or the specified player.

/warptome (player name) - warps the specified player to your location.

/mapeditor - Starts up the map editor enabling you to edit the current map. Please check out the "Map Editor" part of this guide.

/mapreport - A very useful tool! This opens up a window that lists all of the maps with their name. You can find blank maps and used maps with this tool.

/setsprite (sprite number) - Changes your sprite. The number matches the number of rows (starting at 0 for the first one) until the wanted character is reached.

/setplayersprite (player name) (sprite number) - Sets somebody else's sprite.

/respawn - Reloads all the NPCs and map items. Use if a NPC is stuck or something.

/motd (new motd text) - The motd is the message displayed (unless you choose not to) when a player logs in. all admins (excluding Monitors) can change the motd to suit their purpose. It is usually a welcome note or a short explanation of new events.

/banlist - Displays the list of the users that are banned.

/ban (player name) - Prevents the specified player from logging into your game. This is done based on IP and player name.

Developers are the big boys. The list of things available for devs to do is incredibly large, and they are a lot more powerful than the mapper. Powers include editing everything game related.
Spoiler for More Info:
Developers are in charge of creating the game play part of the game. Mappers do the graphics, developers do the content. As I said in the overall description, these guys are REALLY powerful and there is not much difference between a creator. More than any other times, make sure you pick a person you know as a developer. You could find yourself with nothing left if you don't.

:: The commands ::
Note, in all of the below commands, you can switch "/editthing" to "/thingeditor" and it will work just as well. Almost all of the things below have extra explaining in another part of this guide.

/edititem - Opens up the item editor for creating/editing items that can be used by players.

/editarrow - Opens up the arrow editor for creating arrows for bows.

/editemoticon - Opens up the emoticon editor.

/editnpc - Opens up the NPC editor so you can create computer controlled "players".

/editshop - Opens up the shop editor for creation of a shop.

/editspell - Opens up the spell editor for creating spells that players can use.

/editspeech - Opens up the speech editor for creating NPC speech.

Creators are the owners of the game. The only extra feature for a creator is the ability to change people's access and clear the ban list.
Spoiler for More Info:
"Look at me, I'm the owner!" That's all the creator status does. There are a few bonus commands, but nothing too amazing. Your access can be from 4 to 15 with no difference except for the color of the name. I still don't know why the colors change (as it isn't coded in) but it looks cool anyway.

:: The commands ::

/setaccess (player name) (access number) - Changes the access level of the specified player. There are some restrictions, including changing your access, changing the access of somebody with higher access, and changing somebody else's access higher than yours.

/nullbanlist - Destroys the ban list and unbans everybody.

/debug - Loads up the debug window so you can analyze packets the client receives.

/editmain - Opens up the main.txt editor. You can code in SadScript changes with this feature.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2007, 02:40:57 AM by Lominisio »

Ancient Mummy
Level 90

EDIT :  ROFL it instantly crashes ! it misses a file called RICHTX32.OCX
« Last Edit: March 04, 2007, 12:17:50 AM by Snailer »

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
Forgot to mention the Library Files. They're uploaded in this post.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2007, 12:34:53 AM by Lominisio »

Ancient Mummy
Level 90
Sorry only thing i get is the PWInstaller  :-\

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
Strange. I'll take a look. Gimme a sec. :)

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
Sorry I took so long. :(

Here's the Library Files

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
Snailer got in. :)

Level 96
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Hard Mode)2013 Biggest Drama Whore2013 Zero to HeroParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.
when is the game gonna be up?

Ancient Mummy
Level 90
YAY !!
I got ingame its great really it is !!
Some mappings suck and it laggs a bit but its really cool !

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
Some of the maps were made by Demon X. He's not that great of a mapper. >.> The rest were made by me and Maia. And some of the newer ones which aren't available to you yet are made by some other guy who's name I forgot. :P

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
Here's a nice instruction manual for everyone. ;8

:: Keyboard controls ::

Arrow Keys - The basis of moving your character. It's really simple. If you want to move to the right, you hit the right arrow key. Movement in Elysium is limited to tiles and you can only move one tile in one direction at a time.

Enter - Used to pick up items on the ground and to talk (when you have typed text in the speech box). Also used to read signs and notices.

Shift - Holding down shift enables your character to run. As of right now, your stamina is unlimited (you can run forever).

Ctrl - Pressing this key right next to an enemy will cause you to try to attack it. However, if the NPC is friendly, it will open up the speech window if they have something to say.

Insert - You can double click on a spell in the spell casting menu to memorize it. Hitting the insert button will cause you to cast the memorized spell.

F1 - This button brings the admin panel for admins only. This is a great way to list all the commands and you won't need to memorize the commands.

F11 - Hitting this button will take a picture of the whole game screen and save the picture in the client folder.

F12 - This button does the same as F11, but instead of the whole game client, it only takes a picture of the map.

:: Basic descriptions of status::
Normal users are exactly as they sound. They are normal players with no special powers and no way of editing the game.
Spoiler for More Info:
Normal users are the only reason we have these games. They are for people to play, that's the main thing. So, naturally, there will be a bunch of normal users. It's important to know what a user can do and what they can't do.

:: The commands ::
Although normal users don't have any commands to edit the game, they still have many commands needed to play the game properly.

/info (player name) - Gets and displays the information on the person you specified.

/who - Updates the "Who is online" list.

/fps - Calculates the frame-per-second rate. This is basically the speed the game is running at (higher = good)

/inv - Displays your inventory. This is not needed any longer, because you can just click on the button on the menu.

/stats - Updates and displays your stats. Definitely not needed, but kept in just to be safe.

/chat - Accept the chat request. You can request a chat by clicking on the requested player and then clicking on the "Chat" button.

/chatdecline - Decline the chat invitation.

/trade (player name) - Asks the player if they want to trade with you. You need to be next to the player to do so.

/accept - Accept the trade request.

/decline - Decline the trade request.

/party (player name) - Create a party (if not already created) and invite the player to join you. People in parties split the exp gained.

/join - Join the party you have been invited to.

/leave - Leave the party you are in.

/killpet - Get rid of your pet.

/refresh - Reload the map. Use this if you are stuck or the map is messed up.

Monitors are VIP users with more responsibility. They are the police of every game. Things that monitors can do include kicking and changing the weather.
Spoiler for More Info:
Monitors are just VIP users. They come in a lot of use when making a game because they still play the game while looking out for trouble makers. As for specific powers, they don't have many, but an abuse of power can still be disastrous. Don't give monitor access to just anyone, as they might just harass everybody. Also, monitors only have reason to exist when the game is publicly released, so don't make the decision to add some and then bore them to death.

:: The commands ::

/daynight - Changes the game time. If it was night, it is now day and the other way around.

/weather (type) - You can specify the type as "none", "rain", "snow", "thunder". This changes the weather globally.

/kick (player name) - Forces the player to quit the game. They can log back on right away, but this is a good way to warn somebody that a ban may be coming soon.

Mappers are the first real position as game makers. They are the ones responsible for creating maps only! However, you get some extra bonuses like being able to ban users and warp.
Spoiler for More Info:
Without mappers, there would be no reason to play the game. They organize the tiles into attractive maps. That is not such an easy task, so the number of mappers needs to be greater than any other access. You MUST visit the "Map Editor" part of this guide to understand how to map.

:: The commands ::
There are many commands for mappers, but these are really basic admin commands and don’t make the mapper very special.

/loc - Returns the map, x position, and y position of where you are standing. The map editor has a much better system (just hover over the tile and it displays the coordinates) but you can still use this.

/warp (map number OR player name) - Warps your character to the specified map or the specified player.

/warptome (player name) - warps the specified player to your location.

/mapeditor - Starts up the map editor enabling you to edit the current map. Please check out the "Map Editor" part of this guide.

/mapreport - A very useful tool! This opens up a window that lists all of the maps with their name. You can find blank maps and used maps with this tool.

/setsprite (sprite number) - Changes your sprite. The number matches the number of rows (starting at 0 for the first one) until the wanted character is reached.

/setplayersprite (player name) (sprite number) - Sets somebody else's sprite.

/respawn - Reloads all the NPCs and map items. Use if a NPC is stuck or something.

/motd (new motd text) - The motd is the message displayed (unless you choose not to) when a player logs in. all admins (excluding Monitors) can change the motd to suit their purpose. It is usually a welcome note or a short explanation of new events.

/banlist - Displays the list of the users that are banned.

/ban (player name) - Prevents the specified player from logging into your game. This is done based on IP and player name.

Developers are the big boys. The list of things available for devs to do is incredibly large, and they are a lot more powerful than the mapper. Powers include editing everything game related.
Spoiler for More Info:
Developers are in charge of creating the game play part of the game. Mappers do the graphics, developers do the content. As I said in the overall description, these guys are REALLY powerful and there is not much difference between a creator. More than any other times, make sure you pick a person you know as a developer. You could find yourself with nothing left if you don't.

:: The commands ::
Note, in all of the below commands, you can switch "/editthing" to "/thingeditor" and it will work just as well. Almost all of the things below have extra explaining in another part of this guide.

/edititem - Opens up the item editor for creating/editing items that can be used by players.

/editarrow - Opens up the arrow editor for creating arrows for bows.

/editemoticon - Opens up the emoticon editor.

/editnpc - Opens up the NPC editor so you can create computer controlled "players".

/editshop - Opens up the shop editor for creation of a shop.

/editspell - Opens up the spell editor for creating spells that players can use.

/editspeech - Opens up the speech editor for creating NPC speech.

Creators are the owners of the game. The only extra feature for a creator is the ability to change people's access and clear the ban list.
Spoiler for More Info:
"Look at me, I'm the owner!" That's all the creator status does. There are a few bonus commands, but nothing too amazing. Your access can be from 4 to 15 with no difference except for the color of the name. I still don't know why the colors change (as it isn't coded in) but it looks cool anyway.

:: The commands ::

/setaccess (player name) (access number) - Changes the access level of the specified player. There are some restrictions, including changing your access, changing the access of somebody with higher access, and changing somebody else's access higher than yours.

/nullbanlist - Destroys the ban list and unbans everybody.

/debug - Loads up the debug window so you can analyze packets the client receives.

/editmain - Opens up the main.txt editor. You can code in SadScript changes with this feature.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2007, 02:17:08 AM by Lominisio »

I am epic, you are not.
Level 93
Defender of Justice
DAMN! This game looks pretty good, Ill have to free up my hard drive for it.

Ancient Mummy
Level 90
I think u will stop playing after a short while  ::)

But still it could turn out pretty big

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
It doesn;t take up too much space. The instalation file is only about 16MB I think. And I play it because it's fun to talk to people on it. Sortof like RMRK's chat only this way you can walk around and do stuff. :P

Ancient Mummy
Level 90
And he can even be Yoshi and Mario :'(

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
Lol. I can change my sprite as I have admin privalages. It's rather funny to do when new people join. I change my sprite to Yoshie and then walk over to them. :P

I am epic, you are not.
Level 93
Defender of Justice
whats the battle system like?

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
It's action battle system. I'm not too sure how to elaborate on that.

Just recently I found out that yet again, Demon X is starting over using a new program to make the MORPG. He's currently working on it and from what I've heard, it should be ready by Friday. Apparently this game is just going to go *Poof*. I'm going to keep this up for the time being but I'm not too sure exactly what's going on. I haven't had a chance to talk to Demon X yet... >.>

I am epic, you are not.
Level 93
Defender of Justice
oh, alright. are there animations or is it like...bump fighting?

Level 102
2014 Biggest Narcissist Award2014 Biggest Forum Potato2014 Best Non-RM Creator2013 Best IRC Chatterbox2013 Best Game Creator (Non-RM)Participant - GIAW 112012 Most Successful Troll2012 Funniest Member2012 Best Use Of Avatar and Signature space2012 Best IRC ChatterboxSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for November 2009For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki2010 Most Successful Troll2010 Biggest Forum Couch Potato2010 Best IRC Chatterbox
If you want I'd be happy to help with some of the mapping. It's fun for me and I want to see my maps go to use. ;D
I can make you an example map.

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
I guess similar to zelda. You have an HP bar instead of hearts though.

As of right now this game is about to go poof. Perhaps when the next one starts up.

Level 102
2014 Biggest Narcissist Award2014 Biggest Forum Potato2014 Best Non-RM Creator2013 Best IRC Chatterbox2013 Best Game Creator (Non-RM)Participant - GIAW 112012 Most Successful Troll2012 Funniest Member2012 Best Use Of Avatar and Signature space2012 Best IRC ChatterboxSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for November 2009For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki2010 Most Successful Troll2010 Biggest Forum Couch Potato2010 Best IRC Chatterbox
I guess similar to zelda. You have an HP bar instead of hearts though.

As of right now this game is about to go poof. Perhaps when the next one starts up.
Aww, okay. The game was pretty fun.

Rep: +0/-0Level 87
ya the game i played it once i think a while ago. It was fun for a while. i was going to make a 2d morpg but i dont like the engine. did you use elysium right or eclispe.