modern algebra seconded. landofshadows also suggested this in Darklord's leaving topic. It sounds like a pretty good idea to me.
I have added to what I said in that thread... And Have PM'ed
SilverBut here they are for every one:-
Few Suggestions:-1. Add a PayPal button to the bottom of the Forum idex page so members can make a donation... you never know the fourm might pay for it's self, and get you enough Profit for a pint !!!
(I some times have to pay a Bank Charge for using a whole in the wall machine... that's £1.50... I would have very little problem in giving say £12 for the year, or more even, I mean what's that the price or 3 PS2 Mags... I read this forum more than i do them, I think every one here would be whilling to front a bit of pocket money to this forum, as long as it remains healthy)2. A new layout...
When a Member first joins and their REP is Zero all the see is these area's:-
Welcome-Rules & FAQ
-Annoucments & Suggestions
-Goodbyes & Holidays
-New Members debate & Spam
Requests-Help in RPG Maker XP and 2003
-Sprites and Battlers
-Scripts & Events
-Music & Sound Effects
-Titles & Game Overs
-Backgrounds & Tile sets
-Icons & Windowskins
Completed-Help in RPG Maker XP and 2003
-Sprites and Battlers
-Scripts & Events
-Music & Sound Effects
-Titles & Game Overs
-Backgrounds & Tile sets
-Icons & Windowskins
Projects-Team building & Pitching of idea's
-New Projects
-Abandoned Projects
-Completed project (Game downloads)
-Reviews and Play testing
Then once your REP is above 20 you get the following area's appear, aswell as all the above, should your REP fall below 20 your back helping nOOb's LOL:-
RMRK Eaxtra-Tradding
-General Chat & Spam
-World debate (intelligent Debate)
-Fourm Games
-Great Links and Net finds (this could inc an adults only area)
The above idea will add an easy stucture and award those that help and give an incentive to keep a good REP... (Don't let REP go into a minus figure, let it rest at Zero)
This should also help the site grown in resources and reference material... with many people helping each other it may just pump some life back into this forum.
3. Keep on making your PHP changes Silver, they kick butt... Love the REP system... like the buddy adding and comments, all good... Hated the Pink WEB version...
4. Let members add their own Paypal buttons to their profiles so if people want to give them cash for making stuff like music, or graphics... What-ever they can... Mods for Modding well, Tutorial writters for good help... For those extra times +1 REP just aint enough... Like when you
Silver gave me free WEB space...
5. Profile links to MySpace and You Tube.