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Question only a girl can anwser? Ask it here...

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Level 91
God of Dicks
On a related note, I'm pretty much the perfect guy.

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
I got a question. Why do girls so wierd? My friend's younger sister likes to tackle me and then attempt to sit on my head. She's really strange... >.>

Level 91
God of Dicks
She wants to have sex with you.

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
You're real helpful. ::)

Level 91
God of Dicks
Yeah, actually I am. Just ask Zypher.

Level 91
I got a question. Why do girls so wierd? My friend's younger sister likes to tackle me and then attempt to sit on my head. She's really strange... >.>
Younger girls tend to have crushes on older male authority figures, it's normal.

She wants to have sex with you.
Wait, looks like your question has already been answered. Uhhh, if she's only seven then I doubt she understands her feelings past an instinct and wouldn't be thinking of sex. Unless she's been previously molested.

On a related note, I'm pretty much the perfect guy.
K. How's that working for you? Must be a lot of pressure.

Level 91
God of Dicks
It kinda just comes naturally, really.

Level 88
*zombies around*
And see there is where you fail at being perfect. :P It was rather a turnoff to see your posts actually. Dunno why, I'm sure you're just poking fun.  :lol:

Snailer <3

Level 91
God of Dicks
Yeah, I'm just messing around. I am actually very humble! (no I'm not)

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
I am humble as well. *wants to smash Micro$hit one day* ;8
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A man chooses,
Level 92
a slave obeys
Project of the Month winner for April 2008
Need something a bit more serious...what happens when one is in the middle of a Love Triangle...?_?

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
Two girls after you or two boys after the same girl (i'm presuming)

The cowards way out: Run

The Idiots way out: Toss a coin on who wins

Some teenage boy's way out: Take em both! (Just don't let them know)(if you're the centre)If not, have a fight! Whoever wins gets the girl/boy...(although it's usually the guy who loses who gets the girl now)

A mans way out: Marry one have the other as a mistress (as above) or dispose of the opponent

The Sensible way out: Find out which one you like the most and let the other one down gently. Or...try to win the affections. You could also talk with the other person to see what they think.

(Note: I'm a boy who has more oestrogen than most females on the planet)
Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before Finality

Family Motto.

Level 91
Need something a bit more serious...what happens when one is in the middle of a Love Triangle...?_?
I'll answer both options:

Two after you: Just remember that you could really be hurting their feelings by playing them around. Make a dessision and let them both know. If you don't like either, then tell them that too. 

You + 1 after her: It depends on a lot of things, if the other person is your friend then it possibly may be better to not let a girl come between your friendship. If not, tell HER to make up her mind. If she wont then she may want her cake and to eat it as well, dump her. Unless you want to be played I say she either wants you over the other guy or you wouldn't want a romantic scenario to happen, find some one who wants you for who you are.

Fuck mandarines, I'm the real thing.
Level 88
Two girls after you or two boys after the same girl (i'm presuming)

The cowards way out: Run

The Idiots way out: Toss a coin on who wins

Some teenage boy's way out: Take em both! (Just don't let them know)(if you're the centre)If not, have a fight! Whoever wins gets the girl/boy...(although it's usually the guy who loses who gets the girl now)

A mans way out: Marry one have the other as a mistress (as above) or dispose of the opponent

The Sensible way out: Find out which one you like the most and let the other one down gently. Or...try to win the affections. You could also talk with the other person to see what they think.

(Note: I'm a boy who has more oestrogen than most females on the planet)

But you can't even spell estrogen right!
Anyways, he's right. But you're screwed if the chick likes your bff. Cause that's just asking for a BRAWWWLLLL. I should know, it's happened to me twice.
Well, not the fight part.

Level 88
No.. i think he some sort of Midboss
Need something a bit more serious...what happens when one is in the middle of a Love Triangle...?_?

you could always add another person in to make it a love square.

why do girls tease men?
"Life is a struggle; technology creates more idiot proof things, and the universe creates better idiots; so far the universe is winning" -Shino_Ryuu

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
oestrogen is spelt with an O...go check up the dictionary. (Sorry if it was a joke...didn't catch it)

LOL @ Yukimora but I do agree. Could be interesting with a love square.
Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before Finality

Family Motto.

Holier then Jesus.
Level 87
I have a girl I want to ask out but I I can,t do it untill she is 16 what should I do.

Level 91
I'm not sure on the legal status of your country, but even if you don't have sex with the girl you could be charged with an inappropriate relationship with a minor, so I suggest waiting. I'm afraid I replied to that more in the fashion a solicitor then a girl... Lol.

Uhhhh, it really depends, how old are you? If you are 16-17 there shouldn't be a problem. Is it her age, or whether she likes you or not that is the problem??

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
There aren't any laws that I'm aware of that prevent you from asking someone out. Having sex with her is another legal matter though.

Level 89
What will that crazy ape do next?
There aren't any laws that I'm aware of that prevent you from asking someone out. Having sex with her is another legal matter though.

fraternizing with a minor is a lesser offense but still an offense (used to date a minor)
My Project: Dark Empire
Official Site: http://darkempirerpg.tripod.com
Process: Getting back to work.

Always looking for sprites, if your interested, PM.

"But then I realized, why stop things from exploding, when in fact it is in exploding that things reach their perfect form. Of course, they only reach it for a few glorious seconds, but during that short time there is no object in the universe more beautiful." -Kite Rockswell, the Mad-Mad Bomber, from The Final War, my very own novel project.  PM me if you would like to read.

"Oh, sure, blaim the wizards..."

Holier then Jesus.
Level 87
It is mostly her age Oh, by the way I live in America so. Her parents won,t let me date her but when I can ask her out I want to know how to do it because we are great friends

Level 91
It's really quite hard to say, I don't know what type of girl she is, you should just try being honest with her, don't pull any moves or such... Just be straight froward, tell her you like her and you want to be more then friends.

If she likes you in that way and your friends it really doesn't matter how or what you say, if she wants to be with you, she will be happy to know that you do too.

How old are you??

Does she like you as more then a friend?

Holier then Jesus.
Level 87
15, She does these wierd signals like she notices me but she seemes tired whenever she says them like she is weak. The reason why I am cautioning is that her parents are teahcers or actively involved in the school

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
Do girls watch gay porn like guys watch lesbian porn?

My guess is no.


pokeball FBIOfflineMale
Level 87
Yes, actually. It's common for girls to be into gay porn. But it isn't like men where all men love hot lesbian sex.