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Switching Character Scripts? (newb req.)

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Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Is there a script/event(because I still don't understand what some of them do) so that you can switch characters in your party(ex. you have 4 people in your party and you go to a oh..say a temple and you walk up to a save point/whatever and you select who to swap in your party like switch the first one in your party for another hero)

Srry if somebody already asked for this.
I spent forever creating a partially working/bugged system using the events option that works like:
>Do you want to trade for [person1]?
>>>Trade [person 2] for [person1]?
>>>>Remove [person 2]from party.
>>>>Add [person 1] to party
>>>>Trade [person 3] for [person 1]
And I change person 1/2/3/etc.

Srry if this is in the wrong section.
>Current Project: Time Killer 2<
Description: Random, plotless project designed to kill spare time. No storyline, just a building to explore.

Status: Fascinated by how appalling the default database is balance wise.

Level 91
God of Dicks
I've actually been looking for a script like that myself...

I did see a script the other day that let you have as many people as you want and a 5 person battle party, and you could switch them in and out... That would be pretty useful but isn't quite what I'm looking for...

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Quote from: GilgameshRO
I've actually been looking for a script like that myself...

I did see a script the other day that let you have as many people as you want and a 5 person battle party, and you could switch them in and out... That would be pretty useful but isn't quite what I'm looking for...

Where was that script? Do you remmember? I could use it ^^;

Level 91
God of Dicks
Sorry, I don't remember. X_x There are so many sites with scripts out there... I can never seem to remember them. (Oddly enough I always seem to remember where I found resources... just not scripts. x.x)

Level 91
God of Dicks
I'm not sure thats what hes looking for.... I think he means kind of like in chrono trigger how when you talk to the other characters in the end of time you can switch them with your current party and stuff.

Level 91
:roll: but that will be an idiotic "omg i forgot where the remove/add party member button is" wouldn't it...?
holy shit my sig was big!

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Maybe you should use a builing or such. You will enter the building and event will be triggered on. Everyone will leave party except one.
there are stateua of the charaters you can choose
and when you choose 3 a message appear wich says is this ok.
and when ok you will automaticlly leave the place and then you turn the triggers off. again.

(is it something like that?
Chained by a broken hart, hoping for the key wich shatter my chains: Love

Untold Truth (RPG 2003) demo available!

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Quote from: blueXx
:roll: but that will be an idiotic "omg i forgot where the remove/add party member button is" wouldn't it...?
Yes I know where it is but if the player has more than 4 people, you can't add people to the party. Duh!
So I have to create a complex system where I have to remove one person two(if needed) but that brings three problems.
1. You can have more than one copy of the hero in your party.
2. Takes too long
3. If you have 2 people in your party, you can't get more than two unless I make another event because you have to trade a person to get a person.

Thats why I'm looking for a script.
I will look into the other script. Thx. whoever found it.
>Current Project: Time Killer 2<
Description: Random, plotless project designed to kill spare time. No storyline, just a building to explore.

Status: Fascinated by how appalling the default database is balance wise.

Level 90
What do you mean? I can see what blue means but not what you mean? At first I thought that you wanted more than 4 people in your party (Which I dont think is possible) But then I understood more and it sounds like what you want to do is very easy. I can tell you but first you need to tell me if you know how to use either variables or switches.
If yes, i'll be willing to help
If no, this is far too complicated for you

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Let's say he have 6 hero's.  You enter let's say its called a group building.
once you enter an parralel process will occur (chanche party. remove hero 2 t/m 6)
then if you walk to one of the hero's he will say like: shall i join youre party? yes/ no. when yes you wil let switch A turn on and have add partymemer. you will do that to everyone but make a different switch.

then it would be something like:

switch A hero 2
switch B hero 3
switch C hero 4
Switch D hero 5
Switch E hero 6

then you make other events. when switch A and B are on switch F will be turned on
when switch F and switch C are on you will be teleported out of the Group building and all the switches will be put off.

There will be alot of switches needed but if you finsih it ones you can always copy al this stuff to other area's.

do you guys understand me? or is this as useless as Hulk Hogan selling pop corn?
Chained by a broken hart, hoping for the key wich shatter my chains: Love

Untold Truth (RPG 2003) demo available!

Level 91
a simple inn system..
i am going to save my breath and make a little tut for you

thanky -.-

be ready in an hour or 2 depending on how much will i am going to have -.-

edit: ok done... ok so it got 10 member switching, a really ugly map and err that's it
it shows 2 ways- 1 talking to a npc for it, a simple inn, and the other a parallel process so that you can switch at all times
it's the same really..
use the edit file to check how it's done and start the game to check how it looks like.

questions? ask me.

link 1:

link 2:
holy shit my sig was big!

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
So what happens if you don't want to rely on a building.  What if you wanted to have like a party menu option to switch your party around?

Level 91
then push Q (the L button)  :roll:
i thought i made it clear..
holy shit my sig was big!

Level 89
Quote from: noian
Is there a script/event(because I still don't understand what some of them do) so that you can switch characters in your party(ex. you have 4 people in your party and you go to a oh..say a temple and you walk up to a save point/whatever and you select who to swap in your party like switch the first one in your party for another hero)

Srry if somebody already asked for this.
I spent forever creating a partially working/bugged system using the events option that works like:
>Do you want to trade for [person1]?
>>>Trade [person 2] for [person1]?
>>>>Remove [person 2]from party.
>>>>Add [person 1] to party
>>>>Trade [person 3] for [person 1]
And I change person 1/2/3/etc.

Srry if this is in the wrong section.

scripts,SCRIPTS, wtf is worng with u ppl, scripts arnt everthing, listen to blue, my god, u probaly need a script to scratch ur arse, :twisted:
Badass, and a do'er not a thinker

Level 91
Thanks For Coming
Jesse your the one whose like OMG I NEED A SCRIPT =/

Just put the characters at some important save points and in inns  :roll:

Level 91
God of Dicks
Actually, I do need a script to scratch my arse... can anyone help me find one? Better yet, help me find my arse. Is that even english?