Well, you asked for it.
Firstly, your avatar and signature are the same image. Exactly the same. Not in the sense that both represent the same thing, but in the sense that they are from the same image, the avatar's just cropped, which segues nicely into my second point: the avatar is poorly cropped. Avatars are optimally 105x150 here at RMRK. The bars above and below your avatar are ugly against the white background of your avatar and could've been avoided simply by extending the background.
Speaking of ugly things taking up space, the spoiler in your signature is completely unnecessary. The spoiler takes up more space than what it contains - an utterly pointless thing to have in the signature. And, finally, the image in the signature: I believe this is the fault of your rather lengthy name, but there is a slider underneath your avatar box thing, and not the good kind of slider that you find at Whitecastle. This slider bleeds into your signature and it touches your image, which is just... what? This is the first reason your image shouldn't be left-aligned. The second is that right- and center-aligned signature images are, as a general rule, more pleasing to the eye, and, from what I've seen, a bit of a tradition on RMRK. However, fixing the alignment of that image would not salvage it from this: it is simply a boring, annoying, irrelevant image macro that I'm sure nobody has the care to even look at, let alone enjoy. Most of the image is empty background, and even worse, it's unbalanced. The left of the image has less empty space than the right of the image. And, finally, worst of all, the image links to an ImageShack URL "trollsign.jpg". This just further implies that you think that you are, in some way, trolling (an act that, at this point in time, has lost all meaning to so many people of the internet), and finding this funny. To be completely honest, I hate the over-usage and lack of understanding of so many image macros.
All these reasons, in some way or another, contribute to the (10^-18)/10 you get for your avatar and signature.