no bb don go simpl n clen is da way u r mkin me fel tonit
I was just kidding Irock ;_; don't gooooo!!!!!!!
[spoiler=Courtesy of DrMC]([/spoiler]
it's irock's fault.
Quote from: Legate_Sword on March 29, 2012, 04:24:48 AM
no bb don go simpl n clen is da way u r mkin me fel tonit
This is surprisingly listenable.
Irock speaks the truth
Here's a better song named Boyfriend [yt][/yt]
o donno wots hopponong on dos throd bot i dont loke ot
er thernk yeryerberb sherd merve ert ter yer berd grercer.
glee's version is so much better
Everything ever > glee.
is he actually leaving or whut
I sure hope so :V
Dr House, holp os. Orock os lovong ond nobody know whot to do ond most of os dont know why hos lovong.
Quote from: Pacman on March 29, 2012, 10:50:14 AM
er thernk yeryerberb sherd merve ert ter yer berd grercer.
It was moved to the Sewers briefly, but it got moved back :o (I sent her an Adrien gift-box thread in the recent past, though, as well as an AbsoluteIce rep-thread flower arrangement. 8))
I think we should give Irock a little more love. ;9
I love you, Irock... ;9
He aint going anywhere.
I don't understand why yuyubabe is so worried.
Is he back on chat yet? ;9 I haven't seen him. ;9 Yet, I probably won't get on until later on today, because I have to work on GIAW and homework. ;9
;9 ;9 ;9 ;9 ;9 ;9 ;9 ;9 ;9 ;9 ;9 ;9 ;9 ;9
He's not back yet, but he's probably just stencyling.
He'll be back though. :mad:
How long has it been since Irock was on? ;9
What day is today? I think Wednesday night but I don't remember. The night before last I think... or something.
It was Wednesday ;9
;9 ;9 ;9 ;9 ;9 ;9
I miss Irock ;9
I sent him a message:
Quote from: MeCome back to IRC :mad:
He said:
Quote from: Irockno :mad:
That means he'll be back soon.
Maybe just give him some time...
Maybe He'll come back?...
He is really totally definitely not leaving. I will only say this 23 more times.
Where else is he going to go?
He's just talking up a storm in #stencyl instead
Why is this thread not in the sewers?
Quote from: Pacman on April 05, 2012, 03:43:15 PM
Why is this thread not in the sewers?
It was temporarily, but it got moved back :o
I'm going to take that as a hint .
I still miss Irock ;9 ;9 ;9
Quote from: yuyubabe on April 05, 2012, 08:20:16 PM
Quote from: Pacman on April 05, 2012, 03:43:15 PM
Why is this thread not in the sewers?
It was temporarily, but it got moved back :o
I'm going to take that as a hint .
I still miss Irock ;9 ;9 ;9
Irocky all grown up
rip baby irock
hardly knew ye
What happened? What I miss?
Blood came out of Irock's butt.
I hate it when that happens. No wonder he was in such a foul mood.