I noticed that there wasn't a thread detailing what scripts were what, etc...
I figured that I would make this one to allow people easy searching for the kind of script that they were looking for, by browsing this topic for script(s) whose descriptions sound like what they were looking for.
(I understand there is one in the Script Database, but I don't think that it is descriptive enough)
RPG Maker XP
Custom Menu Systems
There are all sorts of systems out there.
If you don't like the default menu system, then look here for a modification of said menu.
Custom Menu System v1.1 (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,763.0.html)
-- Constance
> This menu system is designed for 2 member parties, it shows most of their stats in a single window, along with their battler images.
1-Person CMS v1.0 (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,6408.0.html)
-- Constance
> This menu systems is obviously designed for 1 member parties, and is a simple modification of his 2 person CMS.
My Edited Status Screen (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,19138.msg240916.html#msg240916)
-- Black Shadow
> a nice simple edit of the Scene_Status
New Scene_Status (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,20447.0.html)
-- Falcon
> upgraded status display screen
Message Systems/Special Windows
These scripts are designed to make your game more interesting to look at during Talking Scenes. They have functions such as Face Sets (i.e. RM'03) and easy expanced colors.
Letter by Letter Message Window (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,7035.0.html)
-- Season In The Abyss
> This message system shows all the talking messages Letter by Letter with variable speeds. Also adds functions like Name Boxes and Faces, etc... To make the game more graphically interesting.
Slipknot Message System (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,256.0.html)
-- Season In The Abyss
> An older message system, it is suggested to use the Letter by Letter Message System, and has many of the same features.
Scrolling Message System (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,17085.0.html)
-- Season In The Abyss
> Another CMS by S.I.T.A. This system has some of the features of the above systems, with the ability to change the Message Box itself.
Slipknot Advance Message System 3.0 (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,1767.0.html)
-- Season In The Abyss
> S.I.T.A. is really good at these I guess ;D
Has facesets, hexidecimal color, etc... Again, to make messages more interesting
Custom Battle Options
These scripts will be sorted by type
ABS (Active Battle System)
Think Legend of Zelda with these scripts, they basically allow you to fight on the map without the battle transition
[spoiler]Mr.Mo's ABS (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,11234.0.html)
-- Mr.Mo
> A really great ABS, allows custom animations and missile attacks among other things.[/spoiler]
ATB (Active Time Battle)
Think Final Fantasy with this one, basically the bars fill up and you attack when your bar is full.
[spoiler]ChaosDrive RTAB Edition (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,14687.0.html)
-- ChaosDrive: Blizzard, RTAB: Cogwheel
> This script allows you to use Blizzard's ChaosDrive with Cogwheel's RTAB (duhr)
A great option for people who want a more 'advanced' sort of Limit Break that does
more than just special attacks.[/spoiler]
Basically anything that modifies battle mechanic/effects that dosen't fit into the above categories
[spoiler]Various Battle Commands (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,88.0.html)
-- Trickster
> Trickster's basically adding new commands to battle, look through the thread as they
aren't all in the first post.
NBDA v1.3b (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,17132.0.html)
> This script can be used to have actors talk before and after battle, to describe both the battle and their own conditions Kinda Valkyrie Profile-ish (NAMKCOR's First Script WOOT!)
Regen, Auto-Life, and more!!! (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,76.0.html)
-- Sir Edeon X
> Adds several new addons to battle that can make the game seem lots more professional
Encounter Range Script (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,17124.0.html)
-- modern algebra
> This script allows the game maker to give monsters levels, and then based on those levels, it determines what enemy troops can be attacked by the player at his current level.
Suikoden Dueling System v0.9 (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,17943.0.html)
-- modern algebra
>basically is a game of advanced rock, paper, scissors for battle. Obviously based on Suikoden
Bullet Reload System 1.0 (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,20016.0.html)
-- Falcon
> allows for ammo use for skills and attacks
Death Watch v1.05 (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,21396.msg268302.html#msg268302)
> creates a timed death status
MA's Additional Skill Effects (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,21356.0.html)
-- Modern Algebra
> creates fun extra skill targeting effects
Power Word: Shield (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,23768.0.html)
-- Falcon
> creates availability for the skill power word shield
Non-Animated Side View Battle System (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,16450.0.html)
-- xilef
> creates a simple sideview system with static battlers
Save Mods
You want your game to save differently than default? Here's where to look
[spoiler]Savepoint (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,17379.0.html)
-- Rune
> This game creates a nice looking save menu for save points.
Memory Card Slots (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,16449.0.html)
-- xilef
> Saves your games almost PSOne esque, also allows you to see other games' saves as long as you have this script in those games as well.
Autosave Script (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,6907.0.html)
-- Falcon
> Want your game to save in certain spots without user's input/interrupting the game?
This script is for you.[/spoiler]
Graphic Mods
You want extra graphic addons to your game? Look at these scripts
[spoiler]Caterpillar (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,9869.0.html)
-- fukuyama
> Think final fantasy 8, the main character will lead the party, and all the rest of
the party members will follow behind him/her in order.
War Fog (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,5825.0.html)
-- Wachunga
> This script makes 'fog of war' similar to Advance Wars and other Tactics Games.
SLOLS (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,7403.0.html)
-- Zeriab
> Basically allows the player to play snake on loading screens, it's a fun little
minigame addon
Bitmap Gradient for Bars (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,6561.0.html)
-- Tsunokiette
> Allows for bars to be drawn during battle and on menus to show how high a stat is,
Status Effects As Icons (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,23798.0.html)
> displays status effects as icons instead of as text
Battle Result (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,24168.0.html)
-- A3D
> creates a custom battle display window
Game System Addons
Scripts that affect the game's out of battle sytems, stuff that changes the way the game works.
[spoiler]Leveling up with points (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,1537.0.html)
-- Drago del fato
> Allows you to change stats by adding points to them to further customize your characters' performance.
Tax Script (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,6905.0.html)
-- Falcon
> This Script allows the user to add a sales tax to items that are sold in a shop.
In addition, the user may use negative taxes, for discount shops.
Move By Clicking (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,6906.0.html)
-- Tsunokiette
> Mouse script that allows you to move your character by clicking on the map where you want them to go. Some ABS games use this kind of system.
Luck Script (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,15237.0.html)
-- Falcon
> This Script allows each actor to have luck, a hidden stat which affect critical hit chance, item gained chance, and gold gained chance.
Modern's Advanced Skills (MAASO) (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,18033.0.html)
-- modern algebra
>this script allows you to specify how much MP to power a skill with, thereby affecting it's potency
Walking Speed based on steps (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,18890.0.html)
-- Kathis
> makes you walk faster based on how much you walk (simple enough)
Catalogue Script v1.2 (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,18932.0.html)
-- Modern Algebra
> creates a catalogue of items that records what you have gotten, and allows you to order more
Zeriab's Anti-Event Lag Script (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,20695.0.html)
-- Zeriab
> Reduces lag in game with a new way to process events
Equipment Requirement System v2.10 (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,21554.msg270327.html#msg270327)
> creates level and attribute prerequisites for equipment (i.e. Diablo II)
Castlevania DS Craft System (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,20445.new.html#new)
-- Leon_Westbrooke
> allows the crafting of items out of other items by certain configured recipies
Party Changer (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,20446.0.html)
-- Leon_Westbrooke
> party changer, simple and efficient
Passive Skills (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,23810.0.html)
-- Leon_Westbrooke
> creates skills that are always on
Break item and gold quantity limits! (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,6291.0.html)
-- Formina_Sage
> allows you to have more gold and/or items than the standard XP built in limits.
Other Addons
Misc. scripts that don't really fit anywhere else (oddballs)
[spoiler]Flesh of a Radio (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,12956.0.html)
-- Tsunokiette
> Basic setup for a radio
User Customizable AI (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,13877.0.html)
-- pidey
> Allows the player to cusotmize actor AI
Swimming Script! (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,13195.0.html)
-- toriverly
> basically makes allowing the character to swim easier.
Dynamic Sound Emmissions (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,20546.0.html)
-- Modern Algebra
> basically creates an object that emits sound at a certain distance (so if you're too far away, you can't hear, etc...)
Useful Scriptlets (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,19978.new/boardseen.html#new)
-- modern algebra
> a few fun little additions to make games more professional
MOG's Scripts (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,19306.0.html)
-- multiple authors
> contains a good amount of scripts, including the XAS Hero ABS and some addons for said system
Warped Movement for Window_Selectable (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,20360.0.html)
-- Zeriab
> creates a fun movement scheme for windows
For the Developers
Addons to help during game development
[spoiler]Advance Debug System 1.1 (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,6655.0.html)
-- Season In The Abyss
>This script allow you change more game settings when you're testing it.
Window&Scene Wizard (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,6977.0.html)
-- Mr.Mo
> Allows you to script windows without haveing to do it 'blindly' and having to test the windows and scenes over and over to see if they look good. Also auto generates the script for you.
Module Addon (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,21582.0.html)
-- Zeriab
> an addon for modules to make things easier
Other Information
I may have missed a few scripts in here/miscategorized some of them.
If you feel a script should be included (that is in the Scripts Database) then post it here, or if I put a script in the wrong category, please point it out.
I hope you find this guide useful :)
You had a lot of time on your hands I see. :o
Good job, now maybe we can sticky it.
Then maybe people will actually look at it.
it only took me about 10 min ;D
glad you find it useful, and mods, tx for the sticky
good job, but:
From the first post
QuoteI realize there is already one in the Database, but it dosen't offer descriptions of the scripts, and is most likely not going to be seen by members who don't even look in the database themselves to see if the script they are looking for is there. It's also out of date and has lots of Blizzard's recently deleted scripts in it
I missed that.
don't worry about it.
of course, that kind of response is why I thought this through before posting it.
at least now, noone else should try to point that out.
Well done.
You have done a great job with NAMKCOR. Many thanks for that. Stuff like this does not go unnoticed
I suggest that you use spoilers to make it easier for people to browse what they want ^_^
You could also work on scripts that didn't get into the database. You know, a Scripts Database section and a Scripts section.
I know there is a lot of work in. It will help a lot of people I am sure.
Thank God we have this in the regular scripts area. XD The newbs (not n00bs) just overlook the whole database and request so quickly. XP Nice job. ;D
Quote from: Zeriab on May 26, 2007, 07:48:04 PM
You have done a great job with NAMKCOR. Many thanks for that. Stuff like this does not go unnoticed
I suggest that you use spoilers to make it easier for people to browse what they want ^_^
You could also work on scripts that didn't get into the database. You know, a Scripts Database section and a Scripts section.
I know there is a lot of work in. It will help a lot of people I am sure.
I'll edit it when I have a bit more time, but thanks for the compliment
updates with modern's Suikoden Dueling System v0.9 under battle-other
update 2 today: modern's skills options under system
update: added Walking Speed based on Steps by Kathis, and Catalogue Script v1.2 by Modern Algebra
edit: and Black Shadow's Status
added Falcon's Bullet Reload System 1.0
Added Zeriab's Anti lag, and modern's sound emission
and I just noticed, ty whoever switched over blizzard's scripts from the database link to the chaosproject link ^_^
added ma's useful scriptlets
Yay! :P
Just posting to say that useful scriptlets was just a renaming of the Change Leader and Common Event Game Over topic that was there before. I looked through and didn't see them so I guess you didn't get fooled by my ninja renaming skills, but I figured I'd mention it just in case. Also, Fog of War script is by Wachunga, not Sir VaIlhoR.
thanks, I'll fix that
bump for 2 of my scripts
Death Watch v1.05
ERS v1.00
bump for Leon's Castlevania DS craft system
bump for MA's skill effects, Zeriab's module addon, and Leon's party changer
btw, if I ever miss a script, someone PM me ok?
without this sticky i would not have a better status screen. thank you ;8
thanks, glad to know someone is looking at it
updated with a bunch of scripts
ALRIGHT here's the deal
I've been gone for a -long- time
if your script isnt in this listing, it's because I don't know it's in the database, and I hvae no way of knowing which ones I missed or not
if you submitted a script and it's not here, or you submit one in the future, please send me a personal message with a link ot the script and I will add it
You could always set to work on the VX database if you're short of work :P
short of work nothing, I don't know what I've missed
and yeah, I planned to make a topic for VX as well
Grawr. RMVX scripts not null >:<
sorry, I haven't updated this in a while, and I made it back when VX scripts weren't submitted to a separate listing yet.
I'll try to update this soon.
updated a little bit, I'll work on more later
Sounds good. I didn't mean to rush you either - I know you're very busy so take your time.
Quote from: modern algebra on September 30, 2008, 02:26:09 PM
Sounds good. I didn't mean to rush you either - I know you're very busy so take your time.
well it hadn't been updated for quite some time >_<
great job!